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-6/22/23——7:30 PM—Thurs—

TW: blood, violence

                Almost exactly at 7:30 on the dot, you hear the door to the hotel room open. A tall man masked in shadow walks in. "Greetings," he presents himself. "I presume you are the one I'm here to meet with?" Sweet Pea spins the chair around to face him, revealing both of you. All Sweet Pea does is smile. "Two of you. That was not agreed upon. Perhaps this pretty one is here for a little offering?" he commented. Sweet Pea then frowned. "Let's get to business." Sweet Pea said. "Hold on, you still haven't answered my question. Where is the man I've been speaking with?" he asked. "That was an associate of ours. A henchman. We're the real deal, don't worry." you added. The man glared at you with deep set eyes. "You should learn to keep your mouth shut. I can tell this conversation will be between us two, so you can keep quiet until you're useful." he spat. "What exactly do you think you'll be doing with them Sir?" Sweet Pea asked. "Clearly they're some scum from the brothel. So they'll be doing their job." he said nastily. "No, you have the wrong idea. This isn't what we're here for anyway. Let's talk business." Sweet Pea said. "The man sat down at an opposing chair. "Yes, let's." he said, meeting Sweet Pea in the eye after eyeing you hungrily. "So let's start off with portions of the Southside, shall we?"

                This strange, creepy drug lord and Sweet Pea did 'business negotiations' for the better part of an hour. Since you were supposed to be the one negotiating, Sweet Pea wasn't sure exactly what he was looking for, but he did have a general idea. Finally, the guy got a little too impatient. He suddenly got up, glancing from Sweet Pea to you. He then walked over to you, still sitting on the bed, and he pushed you down. Sweet Lea shouted at him, pressing the button on the chair numerous times. The guy grabbed your wrist a pulled a knife, cutting your arm twice. Sweet Pea shot up from the chair and lunged at him. By now the guy had grabbed your arm so hard it probably was bruising, and he swung at your face, hitting you hard. Sweet Pea reached him, grabbing him by the shoulders. Sweet Pea spun him around and punched him hard in the face. J.P and Fangs rushed in from the other room, along with a few other Serpents. The guy was locked with Sweet Pea, but J.P quickly dragged him off. The other Serpents dealt with him. J.P looked at you two, slightly panicked. "Go, go home, somewhere not here. We got a call saying backup is coming. I shouldn't have dragged either of you into this, but you got what we needed." he explained. Sweet pea grabbed your uninjured and started running for the fire exit. You didn't run into anyone who looked like 'backup' on the way out of the building. "Sweet Pea shouldn't we stay, help them?" you asked. Sweet Pea just kept running, towing you along. You knew better than to try to stop him. You two got on his bike quickly, and he sped the whole way home. You cradled your arm, trying to ignore how much it was bleeding.

                It wasn't until you two were inside his house that his trance seemed to break. He pulled you into a tight hug, not caring that it got blood all over his jacket and shirt. He held you there like that for what felt like forever, before going to find first aid supplies. Most of the Serpents kept a pretty heavy stock of first aid since their lives were so dangerous. He came back with alcohol wipes and bandages. You sat down at his dining room table, and he joined you. "Y/N this looks like shit, are you ok?" he asked with concern. "I won't lie, hurts like a bitch." you said as you looked down at the two long cuts on your arm. "It's about to hurt a lot worse, but you know we gotta clean it. Go to the sink, wash it off first." he instructed. "I know you're worried Pea, but I can take care of a cut on my own." you complained. Still, you did as he said, walking over to his sink and washing the cuts. You watched as the blood slowly flowed into the drain, wincing in pain as the water stung your arm. You sat back down at the table, letting him wipe the cuts down and bandage them. You weren't in horrible shape once you were bandaged up, but there were definitely some bruises.

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