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-6/22/23——1:00 PM—Thurs——

                You and Sweet Pea decided to ride together on his bike, just so you didn't have to bring both bikes. You didn't bother grabbing your helmet, since there was only about an hour until Reggie wanted to meet you and you still wanted to spend time with Sweet Pea beforehand. He got on his bike, and you got on behind him, wrapping your arms around him right. "Hold on tight prince, I like to go fast." he told you. "Pea I've driven with you before plus I probably drive my bike more than you do, don't act like I'm some damsel in distress who's afraid of motorcycles." you shot back. You heard him chuckle as he revved the engine.

                The ride to Pop's was uneventful, and it was pretty deserted when you got there. You weren't complaining, cause honestly you wanted some more alone time with Sweet Pea. You went inside and asks Pop if he had seen Fangs while Sweet Pea grabbed you guys a booth. You decided to sit next to him instead of across from him, making him scoot over. "Getting a little comfy now, aren't we Y/N?" he said as you squeezed in. "Feel free to ask me to move, but until i hear the words from your mouth I'm going nowhere." you said as you grabbed his arm. You two sat there for a bit, just enjoying each others company. Pop came over to take your order. "I don't really want anything, thanks," was your reply, but Sweet Pea said "I'll have two chocolate milkshakes please." with a wink in your direction. Pop went to make the orders, and you glared at Sweet Pea with suspicion. "Two? Feeling hungry today Sweets?" you inquired. "Hey, maybe I am, or maybe I know that chocolate's your favorite and if I happen to place one of those milkshakes in front of you you won't be able to resist." he said with a sly smile. "And don't worry, my treat, I'll pay" he added. "Cooking me breakfast, ordering me a milkshake AND paying for it, someone's being quite generous. Got some bad news to tell me?" you asked. This cause the slightest red to appear in his cheeks, so subtle you weren't even sure if it happened. Did Sweet Pea, the bad boy gang member himself, just blush? Perfect opportunity to bully the shit out of him. You were about to make a snide comment, but he mumbled something peculiar. "Erm uh, guess you would call it bad news, for you." "What was that Pea?" you asked. He turned his face away from you. "Nothing," he said, then turned back with a shit eating grin on his face. "Nothing at all." He was being a bit weird again, but his joking demeanor at the end delayed your suspicions.

                "So, Sweetie, about the thing you said earlier. Someone not returning your calls? Who was that?" you inquired. He took on a somber look, only lighted by the arrival of the milkshakes. "It's Josie, as I'm sure you already suspected. Honestly, yeah it upsets me, but I think the whole reason I agreed to the temporary relationship with her was to.. get over something." he admitted. This sure piqued your curiosity. "What was it you were trying to get over? You know Pea, I'm a little shocked with how little you seem to have been telling me lately." you asked. "I don't mean to be secretive, it's just this stuff doesn't come up often, y'know? Anyway, I guess it's that there's someone else that I have some feeling for. Deep feelings. And I wanted to hide them, to not feel them anymore. So I agreed to the summer fling with Josie. While I am upset she doesn't want to have a real relationship with me, it's almost sort of a relief too. Sorry if that makes me sound like an ass." he rambled on. "Aw, Sweets, that sucks. I won't ask who it is since this seems pretty serious for you, and you would've told me if you had wanted." He smiled at that. "You're so understanding prince. I mean really, what did I do to deserve you?" he said with a coy smile, leaning in to look at your face and placing his hand on yours. It was actually really nice, but you heard the door jingle and Reggie walked in, causing you to yank your hand away out of instinct. Sweet Pea turned away, so you couldn't see his expression even if you had been looking, but you'd already gotten up to meet Reggie. Reggie glared back at Sweet Pea, then looked at you. "I only agreed to meet you here pretty. Don't need the whole Southside hearing about this." he said. "Come on Reggie, it's just Sweet Pea, not like he's gonna tell anyone if I ask him not to." you replied. Reggie rolled his eyes, and you walked over to sit next to Sweet Pea again, not looking to see if Reggie followed, which he did.

                Reggie took the seat in the both across from you two, looking at you then Sweet Pea and then back at you. He took a final glance around to see no one was near, including Veronica, and began. "Truth is, it wasn't a shipping problem." You rolled your eyes at the obvious. "It was an anonymous caller, seemed like he had a voice changer and stuff. He didn't ask for anything, just said some pretty threatening and ominous stuff, like 'you'd better watch your back', you know, stereotypical weird shit. He then said some numbers. I think they were 6, 26, and 23. Seemed a bit odd, wasn't long enough for a phone number or anything and there just weren't any clues to what else it could be. Anyway, that's about when I handed the phone to Ronnie, but she says he just said some more cryptic bullshit and hung up on her. I lied to you cause one, it was totally freaky, and two, I didn't want anyone worrying about it. Plus I wasn't sure if Veronica would be too happy if I told you, so let's keep this little meeting a secret, m'kay?" he finished. You glanced at Sweet Pea, who looked interested in what Reggie had to say, and then replied. "Well, thanks for telling me anyway. I guess hopefully it's some prank call that was meaningless, but tell me if there's another call?" you asked. Little did you know, you wouldn't have to wait to hear it from Reggie. He agreed to let you know if something came up again, then started to head down to the speakeasy. You turned to Sweet Pea, about to say something, when suddenly Veronica rushed up from the speakeasy.

"Reginald, you are going to want to hear this," she said. "There's been another call, and this one seems worse."

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