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-6/22/23——??:?? AM—Thurs——

                Ding! There it was, your text from Sweet Pea. You rarely even checked what the message said anymore, it was always for the same reason. You were exhausted, but you'd never say no to him. You'd just walk over, comfort him for a bit, and then sleep on his pullout couch or the floor in his room.

                You grabbed your jacket and a bottle of water, and locked the door on your way out. You used the flashlight on your phone to guide yourself through the night. Your phone read 3:24 AM. His trailer was right next to yours, not far at all. That was part of what made you so willing to come over in the middle of the night. But being honest, even if it was a 20 minute drive you'd still probably be making the trip almost every night. Lately his night terrors had been getting worse. He texted you almost every night now. You really didn't mind though. You were more than eager to help, cause you knew what it felt like to go through that traumatic experience. Why he suffered the consequences so much more than you, you weren't sure. It could be the abuse he previously had to endure, or hell, maybe it's just how he was. Plus, secretly, it felt good to be wanted. To be needed. You craved the idea that someone needed you to comfort and take care of them, and to know that they'd never abandon you because of that.

                You didn't bother knocking, knowing the door would be unlocked. You entered his living room, calling out. "Pea, you good?" you called out. "Hey, in here," came from the bedroom. His voice sounded weary and a bit shaky. That was pretty typical after this happened. It never failed to shake him to his very core, whatever it was he dreamt about. You hadn't ever asked what exactly that was, not wanting to upset him. Maybe it was time to ask him though.

                You entered his bedroom, slipping off your jacket and leaving it on the chair he kept his on. Sitting down on the bed next to him, you put your hand on his shoulder, his face glowing slightly orange in the dim nightlight he had. The shadows cast on his face, along with the fearful expression he had, made him almost seem like the little kid you met the day you joined the Serpents. It made you feel protective, and you grabbed him and hugged him close. "Same old thing again?" you asked as you playfully punched his arm after pulling away. "Oh, that old thing. Barely even bothers me anymore. Actually, gentleman I am, I texted you to come over to see if YOU were okay." he replied. He rolled his eyes, clearly joking. You crawled into the bed next to him, feeling like a little kid getting into bed at a sleep over. "You wanna talk about it? You know I've realized, you never actually told me what these nightmares are about." you said to him, facing him while he held you close in bed. Role of a teddy bear, that's what you played. You felt his muscular arms tense up when you asked what he dreamt about, what horrified him so. "I'm sorry Y/N, it's just really something I'd rather not talk about. You know I'd tell you anything, just maybe not that. It's too fresh." he explained. "That's fine, take your time. Tell me one day if you're ready, or never if you don't want to." you replied. This made him smile, which of course made you smile. All his emotions were infectious to you. When he was sad you wept with him, when he was angry you felt his rage, and when he was happy you just couldn't help but smile. "Your smile is just a little ray of sunshine, you know that?" you told him. That causes him to just smile more. "Shut up you sappy bitch. Go to sleep." he said with all the care in the world, letting go of you so you could slip out of the bed. His words were harsh, but you knew he meant well. Tonight was a night you wanted to sleep on the floor of his room. You grabbed the pillow and blankets he kept in the closet for you, then crawled over to his side of the bed and made a little nest on the floor next to him. The blankets were always soft and fuzzy. They also smelled like him. Extremely comforting, sometimes they made it easier to sleep here than in your own home. After all, it was nice not being alone.

"Night Sweets," you said. "Night prince." he replied.

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