Chapter 7 {WinterClaw}

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As TundraFang left the prisoner den she had that wicked smirk on her face, as she glanced at WinterClaw she didn't care if MoonClover was his "friend" she just wanted her dead. Hey, TurtleMoss, do you know what she did in there? WinterClaw asked TurtleMoss. No, I don't have any information, but, I could ask Mother, but she doesn't even listen to me or any of her other male children... TurtleMoss said. Yeah, you know my parents are the same, they only love IcicleJaw, they only liked HailPelt because he had a genius brain and amazing fighting techniques, WinterClaw explained. Well, I'm gonna go hunting, if GlacierStar or my "family" is looking for me, tell them that I went hunting, WinterClaw said. As WinterClaw was hunting for fish in the river, he heard someone in the bushes, so, he secretly snuck away, he pounced on the cat in the bush, and, it was one of the other cats, she had white fur and ginger-brown polka-dots all over her body, she had a long neck, gigantic dark green eyes, tiny claws, and a diamond-shaped snout, she was small and is the same size as CoralStar's second daughter AnemoneMist despite being slightly older than her. Hmh, and why are you here? WinterClaw asked the small cat. I'm here to get MoonClover out of this place, she said. I hope you do, WinterClaw said. Then, her eye's widened. Y-you want to get her our of here...? The cat said surprised. Yes, I've... development.. feelings for her... WinterClaw said. (A few weeks have passed so, as MoonClover and WinterClaw get to know eachother, WinterClaw starts to develop feelings for her) Later... So, what's you're name? The cat asked WinterClaw. It's... WinterClaw, what's you're name? WinterClaw asked. It's KinkPelt... she answered.

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