Chapter 8 {MoonClover}

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As MoonClover was waking up from her sleep, she saw a cat she hasn't seen in weeks, she had white fur and ginger-brown polka-dots all over her body, she had a long neck, gigantic dark green eyes, tiny claws, and a diamond-shaped snout, she was small and was the same size as CoralStar's second daughter AnemonePaw despite being slightly older than her. KinkPelt! MoonClover yelled. MoonClover! I'm so glad you're alright! KinkPelt said. Yes, but, how did you get me out? MoonClover asked. Well... I had some help... KinkPelt said. Then a cat came out he was shiny, silvery, and immaculate, with smooth, untouched, glittering,[4] pure white fur the color of snow, his fur also appeared silver, and snow-white, like overlapping shards of snow that became darker along his spine and the edges of his paws, he had dark or paleneyes that were as blue as arctic oceans, silver-blue patterns on his tail, and razor-sharp silver claws he wore a small wolfskin pouch tied to one of his ankles that contained a small skyfire stone, he had shiny ridged icy-blue patterns on his ears. and was fast, he was handsome and dashing, with a soulfully tragic face and a gruff voice, he had a moon-pale shape, pointed elbows, and flashing silver fur, he was frighteningly beautiful, with a tail like deadly icicles and sharp spikes at the end of his whip thin tail. WinterClaw? Is that you? MoonClover said. Hey, MoonClover, WinterClaw said. A she wrapped her tail around his. What's this feeling?? Do I- do I like WinterClaw??? MoonClover thought to herself.

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