Chapter 13 {WinterClaw}

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As WinterClaw was leaving SkyClan with MoonClover, with her tail twined with his, KinkPelt, and TurtleMoss, he heard someone behind them. Who's there?!? WinterClaw snapped. The cat was wiry and narrow-shouldered, with pale, light, sandy-yellow fur, his snout was speckled with a few tiny dark brown freckles and had a small, rakish scar zigzagging across it, he was scruffy, scrawny, and slightly larger than KinkPelt, and he had sharp eyes. QibliCreek? MoonClover muttered. It was QibliCreek, he popped out of a bush. Hey MoonClover, WinterClaw, TurtleMoss, KinkPelt, QibliCreek said. Come on, you coming or not?! WinterClaw huffed. I'm coming, QibliCreek said. Where to now? MoonClover asked. SkyClan, WinterClaw said.

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