Chapter 2: Devious Behavior

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Teyana's P.O.V

" It's keh from the club" What the hell is she doing here is she trying to get me killed! This nigga is wide awake with his dick out watching tv, while I was facing the aftermath after one of his abusive fits. Hold on rewind a bit.

" what the hell got you so cheesy?" I rolled my eyes in annoyance, I don't have time for this man to get me off the high I was on. Memories of what happened between me and Kehlani flooded back to me, mentally and physically if you get my drift. I was on the couch,she hovered over me while I was doing myself. It was her dominance over powering mine that had a bitch interested. " There, now come here mama" She put an extra $1200.00 on the table, and she held onto me tightly as we were on the way to pound town for a second go round.  she got the strap from the duffle bag. And babyyyyyy! I glad the rooms are sound proof cause I've been howling like wolf on full moon night.
"You like that shit?" She hissed as she was rubbing her swollen wet clit against mine. The room was hot and my body temperature was getting even hotter as she her hands guiding up to my arching back and resting them on my shoulder while she gave me hard pumps from her woman hood. I've never felt like this before, it caused a fire put into the bottom of my stomach" Oh my god, don't stop!" . Thinking back had me a lil sad, I was like the little mermaid, I wanted more from the world that was taking me to when she made me feel....I don't know, maybe I'm just taking crazy, but she did make me feel safe in a sense.. maybe? But it was just work, therefore, it was just a lil warm embrace in my sad cold reality. SLAP! I whined in pain as I receive the back hand of my once a upon a time lover. " Bitch you ain't heard me talking to you" SLAP! "Iman STOP! Please!" I'm getting real tired of being his punching bag, we once were in love. Yeah I knew about him being bisexual and him still wanting to see other people but I didn't care about that all I saw was my man. Now look at me blood drops on my shirt and a shattered heart. Iman broke me out my state of shock by choking me aggressively. " you still ain't listening, lemme see if you listen in a min" He grunted deeply as he ripped my lace panties. It scared me, he just got done doing a line so I know this man was going to be death of me tonight. He began positioning his penis to my vagina and I flinched. I instantly knew I just fucked up by the way he looked at me. " move again and imma beat you the fuck up" he shoved his nature into me causing me to scream in agony. I was pushing him off me and he wouldn't let go. He was like a wild dog and not in a good way. A loud knock came to the door and it caught Imani's attention. He got off of me and kissed me aggressively. " go on and check on the door bitch" he stumbled onto the couch. He got to the tv. " let's see what porn hub got for me tonight" he instantly turn on some male porn and jack off to his entertainment for the moment. I put on some clothes quickly and made my way into the common area to answer the door. On my way walking to the door I see Iman still pleasing his self on the couch. This nigga disgust me. If looks could kill, both of his heads would be on the floor bleeding the fuck out. " you can look at me stank all you want but when you get rid of whoever is at the door, imma break this off in you real nice" I rolled my eyes and turned my attention at the door " who is it?" " It's keh from the club" I swung the door open and the look on her face was not satisfying at all, I know she see these bruises on me. Ugh, FUCK!

Kehlani's P.O.V

" T, what the fuck is going on with your face?" I slid into the doorway, alarmed as hell. " What are you doing her? Did you follow me?" " No, You dropped your ID on your way out and I came to return it" She received the ID from my possession. " Thank you" " Now answer my question, What did he do?" She bite her lip and her eyes began to well up. " Ummm.. Kehlani please don't get involved in this, this is a real dangerous person and you're too kind hearted for me to drag you in it. Please leave it alone.." " Baby who at the damn door!" Oh this must her nigga. He stepped behind her with his dick out, cheesing hard as hell. Oh this bitch is disrespectful. " Nigga why the fuck is your dick out first of all" I said rolling my eyes. " Bitch, I just got done making her take this dick that's why" he smacked her on the butt and a tear shed from her eye. " Is he raping you, T?" She blinked Twice. So I already knew what was up. He looked down at her then at me . " Bitch what the fuck I told you bout your damn mouth!" Iman grabbed her by her throat and dragged her in the house and I followed them right in. I hit the back of hit with the gun and It didn't budge. He grabbed me by my neck and the gun just went off. "FUCK!" " Nigga it's just a flesh wound on your leg, Nigga you Ight" Shit he was , he managed to get his tall string bean ass onto couch. "Hey, I remember you." He said weakly. " Nigga who the fuck is you?" I asked " Come on lucky, I know you remember me." I instantly choked up. Lucky was an old nickname back in my neighborhood. But only one dude I remembered calling me that name in THAT way, and It was old best friend from high school, who actually raped me on prom night and beaten me into a 1 year coma. " Benny?" I choked up " in the flesh, I changed my name to Iman when I came out here to LA. Give myself a new identity and shit leave my past behind me. But I knew as soon as I saw that attitude, it was lil ol Kehlani from Oakland. Teyana reminds me alot of you, I've made both y'all take this 3rd leg of mine. Rather you wanted it or not. Did you miss me?" He chuckled. " you are sick!" Teyana screamed out. I took my gun out and aimed right at his heart and I fired off. Sending 4 fatal shots to the heart. " Oh my god! What did you just do?!" Teyana rushed to his side" Listen, that Nigga don't need to be on earth ,period! That man is the devil himself." " I know you apart of a gang and all that, but you just started a war with his brother. Jonathan. That Nigga is crazier then him, and you just killed his older brother FUCK!" " he won't notice him." I said . Teyana turned her face to me looking dumbfounded. " TF YOU MEAN, they talk every single day around the same time, every time. If he doesn't answer he gone know some shit is up" teyana began to panic and grabbed her chest. " I'm going to die." She wheeze out. I grabbed my phone out my pocket. I dialed the gangs numbers and told them to come help clean the mess I made.

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