Chapter 18: Why would you do this?!

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Kehlani's P.O.V

"Adeya!" I got up and ran into her. I am so relieved to see her. Then I realized she was supposed to be in the car " hold on why isn't your little ass in the car, the same place I told amere and trey to take you after they found you" I looked in their direction. They nervously scratched their necks, avoiding eye contact with me. I chuckled and pulled her in. " I'm glad you're safe though" I told destin to carry teyana out. " y'all know what to do" I told gizelle, Tiffany, Renee and trey. They nodded as Tiffany and Renee led Gizelle and trey to the explosives from the back room. Darell followed us out and got on his bike. " thank you rell I appreciate it" " anytime, just know when their father hear about them.." " we will be ready and I'll have you speed dial" I finish " fasho, until then see you around" he cranked his bike up and speed off in the distance. Teyana, destin and adeya was already in the truck, waiting on the rest. When I got inside I noticed amere energy shift, as if he just came into the realization of something. " Amere? Dessie? Amere Desmond Wright!" He jumped out his thoughts " you good?" " Yeah" he simply said. I nodded but inside I didn't trust it, something is definitly off.

Later that night

Teyana's P.O.V.

When we got back to the crib, Amere walks straight to his room. " Lysa, doesn't something about 'Mere seem a bit off to you." " Yeah I noticed it when he walked through the door, you want me to check on him." "You can" She gives princess to me. Shortly after she came down stairs. " I think you might wanna call Amere down here" she said scratching her nose. My heart began beating fast, " Lysa is he okay?" I gave princess back to her. She carries princesses over to her play pen by the entertainment stand and played Gracie's Corner on the big screen . Princess was using all of her little leg muscles to dance. I chuckled at her. I can't wait for my baby to come so I can love on him or her. " YALL NEED TO COME INTO THE LIVING ROOM!" Lysa yelled. Everyone came into the kitchen/ living room. Kehlani looked confused, " Lysa what's wrong? is it princess?" " No" she turns over to Amere. " You Need to tell kehlani and Tey what I just heard when I went upstairs to check on you"

5 minutes earlier

Lysa's P.O.V.

I went upstairs to check on Amere, homeboy really looked down and you know being a friend, I felt like it was right. " Mama I loved him, teyana doesn't even know.... Iman and I were supposed to be different, I wish I didn't hide what was going on, We talked about the future and we accepted each other's paths ma but now he's dead.. Keh shot him right in front of me." I went back downstairs to call a meeting ASAP!

Back to Teyana's P.O.V.

Amere looked like the blood from his face were washed away and he was pure white. " So you're not going to tell em?" He didn't say anything " Okay.." Lysa started " I was in a relationship with iman behind y'all back!" He screams out in one breathe. My stomach started turning. I am betrayed, hurt and disappointed all in one emotion. " Amere.." kehlani started " I know it was wrong, I knew what he was doing to you.." SLAP! " Why did you make me do that!" I screamed in his face. " How long?!" I asked, he covers his hands and cried " Don't do that! You wasn't crying when you were betraying me!" " After your first month at the club" " oh so y'all been creeping for a whole two years !" I walked away from him to throw up in the sink. Lysa came beside me and held my hair and belly up.... This shit is really disgusting me to the core.

Kehlani 's P.O.V.

"So let me ask you this, and I pray to God you're not being truthful when you answer this, did you know he was live when we thought he was dead? and did you tell him shit that was going on in this house hold when we're in both wars?" He shook his head 'yes' twice answering both of my questions. " Lysa get princess and teyana out of here. Take them to her old room. " Keh?! Kehlani?! Kehlani, No! No!" Monte grabs teyana as she cries as she knows what I might have in mind. " What can I say? I've known you for 5 years, we made money together, we had memories together. And you're just easily betrayed me for some dick? You not even concerned about my child's well being." I pulled out my gun and I held Amere close to me. I put my forehead against his. We knew this is our last time together. We kissed each other's forehead. I moved the gun up to his heart. " I love you Kehlani " Tears shed down my face as I kissed his forehead. " I love you too" My finger squeeze the trigger. POW! I felt the life leave his body as he let go of his grip on me. I collapse to the ground of my kitchen floor as I held onto someone who was once my brother but died as my enemy. " Y'all get him cleaned up, the blood shouldn't pour out too bad, ummm giselle call his mom please" my voice cracks. Trey and Giselle carried into the second house to clean him up, before he could've been out the door , teyana caught a glimpse and broke out screaming. " No! Amere!" Lysa held her as she cries into her arms. He knew what he did was unforgivable, that's why he didn't fuss, and that shit made me feel some type of way. And knowing his mama, we are definitely hearing her mouth. If y'all don't know who his mama is you're definitely about to find out.


After amere's funeral

The gang walked away from amere's final resting place after we placed roses on his casket. Everyone was hiding their pains and red eyes behind their shades. There she was the devil herself. Mrs. Sonja Ahee. She runs her own queen pin over at the Caribbean Islands. Jamaica, Kingston, Barbados and that's just to name a few, and also have ties to the black market. So the bitch is dangerous. She was my supplier at one point but Amere felt like if he's working with his mother that would be mixing business and pleasure. No disrespect to the dead, but he should've followed that rule with not just his mother. " Hi Mrs.Sonja" I said plainly " Kehlani, I want you to answer me truthfully. How did my son die? He was on the phone with me one minute then the next I get a call that he killed himself?" Teyana looked down and I did the same. " Take them glasses off" She lifts my head up and takes off my glasses for me. " Yeah, now you can see me and hear my closely. If I find out that you did something to my child, you will be buried right next to him, hear me good now Chile" she walks away with a dozen of men and my heart began racing. " Y'all... We might be going at war with the Jamaicans now" I closed my eyes to catch the beat of my rapid heart.



I was in the office, looking at the lease and deed to both houses. I don't think I can stay here anymore, not with the feeling and presence of Amere all over the house. I got a text my phone from an unknown number. It was a camera surveillance of me killing amere. I knew it has to be his mom. I closed out the video and I read the text. ' Buckle up babyg 😘' my breathe quickens. This is a dangerous war that I put myself in. I grabbed the same gun I killed Amere with and placed it on my temples. For the first time in forever, I didnt want to be on earth anymore. Teyana walks in the gun instantly went off. " No! Kehlani!"


Hey y'all, y'all know I had to leave y'all with a good ole cliffhanger. The last two chapters will be broken down into a part 1 and 2 portion. Then that will be a wrap for stagessss. Comment what was your favorite moments and characters. But on a serious note y'all, if you're ever feeling like the only way is unal!ving yourself, know that you are loved and also deal on your phone 988 to reach the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline (or 988 Lifeline). If no one has told y'all today I love you ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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