A Perfect Reunion ????

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It's time for the High School Musical The Series third season premiere and the whole cast is excited. Yet there is one reason why a million eyes are invested in this premiere the Joshlivia reunion everyone wants to see the outcome. At The Cast Tent backstage getting ready to walk down the carpet. Josh is pacing back and forth the tent a little anxious and nervous.

Sofia walks over to him worried grabs onto his arm, "You alright?"

"I-I think I'll be alright I mean it's going to be fine it's not like we'll be the talk of hollywood right."


"Sofia really I appreciate you looking out for me and I love you for it really I'll be fine I promise."

Sofia grabs Josh and hugs him tightly sighs "I'm right here by your side."

He half smiles and plops down on the bench covering his face.

(ELITE Group Chat)

Matty: We got your back joshy no worries

Joe: It's nice she's going to come but you know we're here for you guys

Frankie:If she does, let's just have a good time we got eyes josh no worries

Julia:We love you you are so strong joshy

Larry:We're here man

Sofia:You guys we are in the same area yet you decide to give him strength through text

Frankie:Shush Sofia silent support is just as strong love you joshy

Josh:Lol you guys are one of a kind

The directors of the premiere start calling them out to head to the red carpet.

Sofia and Saylor are holding hands with Josh on either side comforting him as they see the crowd go crazy once Olivia makes her appearance on the carpet.

Saylor rest her cheek on his arm, "It's going to be okay"

He half smiles takes a deep breathe letting go of Sofia and Saylors hand he slowly walks over to Olivia. While Olivia notices Josh with the girls comforting him yet her heart drops seeing him make his way towards her.

"Hey.." he fakes a smile as he gently pats her arm. Her heart drops noticing his forced him he has put up for her remembering his smile use to be so genuine to her before. She smiles and greets him as well while media goes crazy over the former lovers reunion after all the drama.

While they are talking photos Olivia looks up at Joshua just in a daze. She still has that small unexplainable feeling around him no other man has given her. "Joshy..." she mumbles under her breathe.

He hears the nickname like a silent whisper from the girl he gave his everything for. Just hearing one specific word he was taken back to a whirl wind of  lost and pulls away from her fidgety. No one seems to notice but only the two.

"Joshy.." she gets worried.

"I'll see you in the theater." he fakes a smile and turns walking away from her fast.

"Josh wai-" she's about to follow after him until she runs into the rest of the cast greeting her close friends hugging them tightly. Losing Josh from her sight. Yet overhears Matt asking Saylor and Sofia if Josh is okay.

"He'll be fine we told him once he has that feeling to walk away." says Saylor with a vicious tone like she meant for her to hear.

"After the carpet we're going to check on him, luckily ciara, chris and the others are here too." Explains Sofia.

"Yea true one hell of a reunion for og right." jokes Matt.

Olivia gets worried and speed walks over to the venue area holding the screening of the first two episodes. She looks around for Josh getting a little worried asking around.


She hears those faint noises from a voice she holds so dear to her heart. She follows the noise and her heart drops at the sight. Joshua in the arms of his best friend Ciara sobbing his heart out. What makes it worse is the conversation she hears between them.

"Why did she have to come, why now I'm doing so much better."

"Ssshhh ssshh joshy don't let her ruin your night this is yours and the cast to shine not hers, don't let her see the pain she put you through." Ciara says running her fingers through his hair.

"This isn't right I'm suppose to hold all the anger and pain and...hatred in a way towards her that I bite my tongue those past 2 years."

Her heart drops hearing the pain in his voice.

"Why can't I hate her, why can't I just forget her and let go it's not like she scared about me,what she did to me. So why can't I stop caring for her."

Ciara sighs and just hugs him tightly.

"I just want to forget what I felt for her."

Tears roll down her cheeks hearing Joshua's statement she pushes herself away from the area waling off.

"Livvvy.." squeals Frankie hugging her tightly

She sniffs wiping her tears, "I've missed you guys."

"Frankie, you're brutally honestly I need you to do me a favor."

"Of course anything." he says confused.

"Tell me everything that happened to Joshy,I mean everything."

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