First Couple Interview Part 2

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"Welcome back to the show we are here with Olivia Rodrigo and Joshua Bassett but this time on a more happier interview about how their story has started." Jimmy smiles.

"Thank you again for having us and agreeing to being the one to do this interview." says Josh smiling.

"Well I'm honored you guys chose me for this interview thank you for trusting me." smiles Jimmy.

"We both love watching you favorite talk show host ever." Says Olivia.

"Awww you guys are the sweetest, so let's start with the beginning when did you both know you had feelings for each other?"

"Well Olivia was in a relationship with someone else but we were getting closer and realized we have so much in common but I didn't wanna overstep." He says

"Then my ex boyfriend and I broke up like 2 weeks after I moved to Salt Lake and was soo hurt and heartbroken and Joshy was there helping me pick up the pieces if my heart and I just realized what I've been looking for all along which was him my best friend." she says

"Honestly you two are very cute and I can just see the love you have for one another." smiles Jimmy.

"To be honest, it's tough to think that we had to go through all that drama and pain to realize just how much we both mean to one another and I know some people out there are going to say I'm crazy for saying this but going through it all made me realize that I don't ever want to be without Joshua in my life ever again, I got to see how my life without him was and I was incomplete he's the one." Olivia says confidently with tears in her eyes.

Josh smiles leans in kissing her cheek and wraps an arm around her. While Jimmy hands her a napkin to wipe her tears.

"This time it's going to be different and I hate what we went through but it helped us grow and mature in the sense of being in love and loving that person now I truly know in my heart that Olivia is all I need she's the one." Josh says confidently kissing her temple.

"And I truly admire how you guys both take your own responsibilities of it breaking apart at first,then coming together in a more better versions of yourselves to be with each other it's very rare for a couple who fall out of love to becoming strangers to having a whole new type of love and coming together with that person again." says Jimmy.

"100 percent but I'm not going to say we're perfect now than before no relationship is perfect but we are in a better place in our relationship and not to take things so seriously and enjoy what you have with the one you love." Josh adds.

"That's definitely true." Jimmy agrees "Now I know how close the cast of the show is how was their reaction to you two being back together?"

"Oh they we're the one's who helped me plan it and Frankie who plays Carlos on the show deems himself the President of Jolivia." giggles Olivia while the crowd laughs and camera pans over to Frankie who is laughing.

"This is a tough question to truly have a right answer bur fans of you guys have requested this to be the last question and I don't want to be attacked by the president of jolivia if I don't ask this question." jokes Jimmy

Frankie jokes making the hand motion of "I'm-watching-you" eyes. While the crowd laughs and Joe nudges Frankie giggling.

"Is it forever this time?" smiles Jimmy.

"In my heart and I can only speak for myself, I know Joshua is the one for me this is it he's the love of my love, he means everything to me, my one and only first and last true love so I know this time it's forever." says Olivia looking directly in Josh's eyes.


"She is my forever." smiles Josh looking in her eyes.

The audience goes "awww" with the answers of the young couple. Olivia rest her head against Josh's shoulder as he pulls her closer.

"Now I know you two also wrote a song together about your story would you please share with us." smiles Jimmy

Joshua and Olivia walk over to the performance stage helping Olivia sit down on the Piano bench and then sitting next to her.

"I love you." he whispers

"I love you more." she says and pecks his lips and they start playing the song.

(Pretend this is Josh and Olivia)

After the song Josh and Olivia slowly lean in and kiss sweetly. Olivia smiles and rest her forehead against his while Josh cups her face caressing her cheek.

"Beautiful just beautiful please stream Josh and Olivia's new song together called True Love...and honestly from what I've seen it really is between these two." Smiles Jimmy

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