10- Don't blink

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Words: 1155

Y/n is held captive by the Weeping Angels and the Doctor gets her out

Museum. A place where people go to see art, learn about the artist and admire them. But there is still pain in painting isn't it. It all started with an exhibition. No one knew who or what arranged it and Y/n being one of the admirers, saw a template about a certain 'Statue Watching'. She decided to go because it's been a long time since she has visited Earth. And she loves art.

"Doctooorrrr I told you that I was going to the museum", Y/n sighed on the phone. "Oh yes...yes um well I would have joined you but the TARDIS is acting up so... it's not that much but if you need anything just call me ok?", the Doctor spoke through the line and Y/n could physically sense his care. "Yes sir and don't overwork yourself ", she smiled and hung up.

Y/n took the bus to the museum and reached there on time, making her way inside. It was a lovely sight of different kinds of statues and sculptures, big and small. They were beautiful. As she explored around the hall she noticed that there were very few people around. She thought people don't care about art these days.

Y/n read facts about the statues and took some notes while slowly walking ahead. She then came across a silent corridor. 'Staff only' was written on the wall but she could see a figure nearby and thought why not? She went inside anyways and walked towards the statue. When she came at a safe distance, she noticed it became very quiet very quickly.

The statue of a woman covering her eyes. Why? Y/n thought as she looked for the name of the piece but there wasn't any. She circled the statue to look more deeply and when she returned to her place...it had moved. Y/n frowned as she saw the hands of the statue were slightly lower then before. She turned around to find out she was alone in the room and when she turned back, the hands were even lower.

This sent the creeps down her body. "What the hell", she whispered under her breath. Confused about what to do next Y/n decided to leave. She walked a step behind and when she turned, she felt something pull her. Y/n looked back and saw that the statue had grabbed her hand and it had sharp teeth now. It was alive!

Y/n was panicking. She didn't know what was going on, why a statue had anything to do with her. She instantly took out her phone and called the TARDIS. "You missed me!", the Doctor squeaked on the phone. "Doctor! Help me!", Y/n panted. "What's wrong? You alright?", he asked anxiously. "I don't know...this statue, it grabbed my hand and it moved when I wasn't looking. It has teeth now how can a statue even do that!", she blurted out.

The Doctor's eyes widened as he knew exactly what she was talking about and it just made him scared. "Y/n listen to me, don't turn your back. Don't look away and don't blink. Don't even blink. I'm coming right away", he said and hung up. He was panicking too but he didn't show it. He immediately locked Y/n's location and got into action.

She was already scared and on top of it she was told not to blink. How is blinking related to this? The Angels grip on Y/n's hand was so tight that she felt like her blood supply will stop. Suddenly the lights started to flicker making it difficult for her to keep her eyes open and like it couldn't get any worse...another Angel appeared.

It was right behind the first one. Y/n tried very hard not to blink and all the lights went out for a second. She was pinned on the floor when the lights came back. The other Angel had grasped her shoulder in place. Soon Y/n heard the voice of the TARDIS followed by footsteps approaching.

The Doctor ran inside the room and found Y/n in a very bad position. He looked at the whole situation and thought about only one thing...why haven't they killed her yet? "Y/n... I'm going to get you out. Just don't blink", the Doctor whispered to her and slowly walked nearer. "I'm not blinking!", Y/n cussed clearly irritated and in pain.

The Doctor knew exactly what he had to do. He took out his sonic screwdriver, pointed it to the Angels and sent a time pull. The Angels started shaking and this sent a lot of pain to Y/n's arm. Now or never the Doctor has to get Y/n out of their hold. He ran to her and pulled her. Y/n shouted of the pain and tried to get out.

The Doctor finally pulled her away and pushed her behind. "You can blink now. It's ok", he stated and protectively held her back. "I've sent a time pull. They'll starve to death", he explained as the Angels started to disappear. Within a minute, all of their time and energy were pulled inside the sonic and the Angels fully disappeared.

He turned around in an instant after they vanished. He saw that Y/n was clutching her left arm and bruises were clearly visible. "It's alright. I've got you", he said gently hugging her as she melted in his hug. "I'll explain everything", he expressed.

"How are you feeling?", the Doctor asked eyeing Y/n's hand in the sling. "I'm feeling fine now. Good that you explained me everything so if I ever come across the Angels again, I'll be ready", Y/n smiled at him. "No, I won't ever let them near you", he said and embraced her.

"Not to be rude but why didn't they kill me?", Y/n asked as they were walking back to the TARDIS. The Doctor gave her a confused and offended look. "You're lucky they didn't! They were trying to get to me...now shut up and get in the TARDIS", the Doctor frustrated.

"Okay Oncoming Storm... it isn't my fault that I was going to die", Y/n sassed back by pointing her finger at him. She rushes inside the TARDIS and shuts the door. The Doctor just stands there for a while and then he walks near the TARDIS. Stroking her he says, "It would be my fault...".

"See...My hand is in a cast! So I can't fly her. Do you want to come in before the sun sets!", Y/n shouted from behind the door and he simply smiled at this. Now he has to face the oncoming sass he thought. And with that same smile he goes in.

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