chapter eight-

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felix pov:

i woke up from the bright sunlight in my eyes. i flinched at the light hitting my eyes and turned around, only to find a naked sleeping man inside my bed. well actually it wasn't my bed. it was his but still he could have put some clothes on. i did too. it were his but yk better then nothing.

i had to admit that his bare back was really pretty. i could see his muscles very well and his slim waist.
i decided to leave before he wakes up to not make anything weird. i got up and gathered my stuff. then i went into the living room changed my clothes and put the used ones neatly folded on to the couch. i called myself a taxi and left the house.

when i stood outside i remembered that this wasn't a flat but a whole ass park i was standing in. how could someone even afford this?
i walked across the yard and left through the back door.
when my taxi arrived i got in and he drove me home.

jisung pov:

i woke up with a mad headache. it felt like my head was going to explode. i looked over to the armchair and saw a man sleeping in it. i moved not even an inch and he woke up from the noise. weird but ok. he looked at me.
„oh you're awake." he said. i nodded. „do you have a headache?" he asked. „i nodded again. „uh well where are your med's?" he questioned. „over there in the cabinet." i said and pointed over to a shelve standing in the hallway. he walked over and took some pills out.
oh no.
he got me a glas of water and came back to me.

„here take this and you're gonna feel better in a bit." he said and gave me the pill. i looked down at it and back up at him with a sad face. „what's wrong?" he asked. „i- i just can't swallow pill's. we ran out of the other ones tho." i said and looked down at my hands. „oh." he said, „well i could crush it for you and then you could mix it with water. but it's gonna taste nasty." he said. i looked up at him again and nodded giving him the pill back.

he put it between his palms and crushed it with a short move. he put the now crushed pill into the glas and swirled the water around so it would mix with the pill. „here. i'm gonna go grab something sweet for you to drink after so the nasty taste isnt't as bad." he said and stood up. i sat there in silence and really tried to remember what happened last night. like if we had something with each other or how i even got home. i guessed we did not have sex cuz i was still fully dressed.

he came back with some soda and i downed the water in one go. i must've made a funny face because of the taste cuz he started to laugh at me. i took the soda form him and chugged down some of it. then i leaned back and looked at him.

„who are you? how did i get here? did we sleep with each other?" i asked him. he looked at me surprised and then said „i'm minho. lee minho, you gave me your adress and i brought you here and stayed here cuz my friend said that your friend wanted me to stay till he comes home, and no we didn't do anything. you wanted to though but i did not want to take advantage of you plus i'm not gay anyways." he answered all my questions. i looked at him and nodded. „and where is felix now tho?" i asked him. „he never came home. that's why i'm still here." he said.

i looked at him confused and then took out my phone to call felix and ask where he was but right in that moment the door opened and he stood there with messy hair and some knitted clothes. i looked at him and he looked at minho who stood next to me.

he walked in and got out of his shoes and went straight into his bedroom. no hi. no good morning. nothing.

„uhh yeah.. i guess i should go now. bye." minho said. „wait wait." i called out.
he stopped and turned around.
„ thanks for uhm staying with me and not taking advantage of me last night." i said and walked over to him.
„yeah sure no problem. you shouldn't always trust random men in clubs tho." he said and smiled.
i smiled back and said „yeah well maybe i shouldn't go to clubs at all."
he looked at me confused „what? why?" he asked.
„well cuz i do not make good decisions when i'm drunk. i mean who would let a random man come into their house right?" i said.
„mhh true. well i got to go now. see you around i guess." he said and walked out the door.

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