Chapter ten-

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Felix pov:

~5 minutes before hyunjin arrives~

i walked back out of the bathroom and walked into the kitchen to get some water. Then i went into the living room and sat down on the couch. I debated if i should watch my k-drama or if i should sleep a little.

In the end i decided to watch my k-drama because i had only a few episodes left anyway. I was sitting in my blanket on the couch when it suddenly knocked on the door.

I stood up and walked over and opened the door.

i was shocked when i saw that hyunjin was standing there, holding something in his hands. I looked at him confused and didn't even really listen to what he said.

he stopped talking and must've noticed how shocked i was to see him. 

„What the heck are you doing here??" i asked him confused. „As i just said, i came to give you some of your clothes you left at my place." he replied like it was the most normal thing ever.

I snatched the clothes from him  „Did you tell jisung?" i asked panicking. „Tell him that we fucked? No. I just told him you left clothes at my place." he said and looked at me with a face that screamed clueless. i knew that jisung wasn't dumb so he probably knew that i slept with him. Why the fuck else should he have my clothes??

I looked at hyunjin and rolled my eyes. „You are really not that clever are you? He probably knows by know that we slept with eachother. Why else would you have my clothes?? You just fucked me. He probably also knows that i'm not really sick, but that i went home because i didn't wanna see you-" i stopped and looked at him embarrassed. He looked at me confused and asked: „why didn't you wanna see me again? Did i do something wrong?".  i sighed and said „no it's just weird to meet your one night stand again you know?". He now looked even more confused. „Why can't i meet you again? It was after a party, we were both drunk and it just happened."

I just stood there and looked at him. Did he really just ask that? I rolled my eyes at him.

„Anyway i need you to leave now. Thanks for bringing my clothes but please don't come back." i smiled at him and closed the door before he could answer.

After i heard him leave i walked into the bathroom and threw my clothes into the laundry basket.

The time flew by and i knew that jisung would be coming any minute now. I was really anxious about how he would react. I didn't know if he'd be angry at me or if he could understand me not telling him. I had no idea and it drove me crazy.
I sat on the couch and just stared at the door, waiting for him to come home. Finally the door opend. My heart rate went up quickly and i stared at the door. I watched him as he took off his shoes and jacket. Then he turned around and looked at me for a few seconds. Then he grabbed his bag and just walked into his room. Just like that. Without saying anything.

I was very confused and let out a quiet: „huh?"
I stood up and walked to his room. I knocked on his door. Nothing. I knocked again, this time a little louder. Silence. I knocked a third time and said:
„Hello? Jisung? Are you there?". I stood outside of the door and looked really dumb.

he opened the door and looked at me. His face was expressionless and i didn't know what to say.
„Hey- uhm..i-i'm sorry. I know that i should've-"
He interrupted me. „No. it's fine." he face didn't look like it was fine at all. I raised my eyebrows. „What? No it's not okay. I should've told you. And i shouldn't have lied to you earlier. I'm sorry. I just paniced when i saw him." i tried to explain. He listend and nodded   He didn't sees mad at me. He said: „ it's alright. I'm not mad at you. I understand why you left but you could've told me at least." i nodded and said: „i know. I'm sorry jisung. You're my best friend and i know i can trust you"
He smiled and nodded.

the next day-

Hyunjin pov:

I sat in my dad's office and waited for him to tell me what the fuck i was doing here at 8am. He spoke up and said: „i need you to come to a meeting with me. It's important so i don't want to hear any discussions." i looked at him and just nodded. „You could have texted me that. Why do i have to be here so early?"

He raised his eyebrows and sighed. „Because i need you to do something for me." he handed me a picture and a adresse. „I need you to go there and collect our money. If you wan't you can take Minho and Chan with you. Or i'll tell my bodyguards to go with you."

I looked at him a little confused and just nodded slowly. „I'll text minho and chan" i took out my phone and send them a text. „Tell me where you're finished there or if you have trouble." my dad said. „I stood up and walked out of the office.

Felix pov:

i went out to the grocery store to buy some food for me and jisung. I walked past a small alley and heard some voices. I stopped and looked down the alley. It was very dark so i couldn't really see much. There was one person laying on the ground and twi or three people standing in front of him. He said some muffled words and the others nodded. Then they turned around and walked towards me. I quickly walked into the next store, hoping that they didn't see me.

I stood by the window and looked outside. I saw the three people walking away towards a black car. They all got inside and drove away. I quickly went outside again and looked into that small alley to see if the man that was laying on the ground was alright but he wasn't there anymore. I shrugged and then walked back into the store to buy food for me and jisung.

Hyunjin pov:

„God i hate doing the dirty work for my father. That lazy ass. Now i have blood all over my clothes." i groaned and tried to get the blood off of my hands. Minho and Chan were standing behind me and laughed at me. I glared at them in the mirror and said: „it's not funny. This damn suit was expensive and my dad won't buy a new one for sure." i washed my hands so the rest of the blood got off of my hands.

I hope you have a great day/ night. Ily<3

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