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Alright, hey there, thanks for checking this out. I'm just going to give a small short introduction on Y/N for this chapter and then get into the actual story in the next.

Y/N is a dirty minded, foul-mouthed woman who has indeed found herself as one of Indiana's more permanent partners. She's very stubborn and almost always speaks her mind no matter whose hands she's in, which definitely gets her in trouble here and there, but that doesn't stop her and her very fiery personality, and although she doesn't quite like kids at all, she, without a doubt, has a soft spot for Shorty. During this story, she is 34 years old, only 2 years younger than Indy himself. She also shares a similar story to Short Round, in which her soft spot for him most likely originates from as Y/N was orphaned at a young age, coping with books of all sorts but mainly historical and fictional. She distanced herself from others, quickly deeming her as an outcast. Dealing with the harsh words, stares, and acts of the people around her, Y/N quickly builds a thick skin, tough fists, and witty remarks and comebacks.

It's not long before Y/N, infatuated with history and archeology, and now 18, begins to work at the local museum and library both connected to "some University" as Y/N puts it, which pays enough to afford a small one bedroom apartment and the few necessities she truly needs. After working for the university for ten years, content yet bored, she meets one of the professors, though she's seen around, has never truly spoken to.

"Shouldn't you be in class, miss?" Looking up with quite the shock after being abruptly brought back into reality from her book, how did she not hear anyone enter into the quiet library? The man clears his throat, and once again, she is brought back to reality and realizes she is staring at the man. "Oh, sorry, I was lost in thought. To answer your question, no, I don't go to school here. I work here and in the museum." She quickly shoves the question of why she added her second job out of her mind as the man quickly nodded and spoke, "Ah, I see, my apologies. If you don't mind me asking how come you're working instead, you seem to be young enough to be fresh out of high school and smart enough to be in college?" She let's out a small short laugh and narrows her eyes at the man. "I would like to let you know," she stops to make sure she's correct. "Doctor Jones, right?" He quickly nods again. "I do believe I am just a few years younger than you and I'm definitely not 'fresh out of highschool' though I do thank you for the compliments, and I could not afford college if you must know and I also believe it's just not the place for me. I've got everything I could ever want to learn here and also in the museum, all without the assignments and nagging professors, no offense truly, Doctor." He gives her a small smirk and chuckles. "None taken, uh." he looks towards her, and she quickly realizes what he needs.  "Oh, Y/N, Y/N L/N." she smiles at him and holds out her hand to shake his. "Thank you, Miss Y/N, have a good day." Still smiling, he winks and walks out of the library.

Y/N sits back down, 'Now I understand what all those college girls are talking about when they quietly gossip about him.' she stops herself and rolls her eyes once again, pushing her thoughts about Doctor Jones to the back of her mind. Quickly reading the cover of her book again before opening to where she left off. The title is still ringing in her mind,'Egyptian History and Artifacts', as her interaction with Indiana Jones left her mind as she got sucked back into the world of her book.

Y/N giggles in the passenger seat of the car as she remembers the first time she met Indy. Shorty looks over to the young woman and asks what's she laughing at. She looks and smiles at the small boy ruffling his hair. "Nothing kid, just reminiscing." He gives her a slightly annoyed look for messing with his hair, smoothing it down and placing his hat onto his head and looks away, listening to the quiet rumble of the car when the silence is broken with the fabric of the ceiling ripping and the crash of to people landing in the back seat--

Ok, well, this was my "short" intro. It got away from me, whoops. Anyway, hopefully that wasn't too bad, I really liked it. I tried not to make her back story to depressing, I think I did well with that. So I'm pretty happy with the outcome. The first chapter should be out soon, and I'll have her main adventure outfit. See ya next time people.

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