Chapter Three

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"On the way to Delhi, you will stop at Pankot." The shaman finally speaks for the first time. I stop eating and look over towards Indiana. "Pankot is not on the way to Delhi." The shaman continues to speak after Indy finishes his sentence. "You will go to Pankot Palace." Confused, I speak up. "I thought palace had been deserted since uh." Of course, now I can't think of how long it's been. "No, now there is a new Maharaja, and again, the palace has the power of the dark light. It is that place that kills my people." The shaman swipes his hands against each other to emphasize what is happening to the missing residents of his village. "What has happened here?" Doctor Jones questions. "They will start in Pankot, then like monsoon, it moves darkness over all countries." Indiana looks all around. "The evil, what evil?" Shorty quickly whispers to Indy. "See, bad news, you listen to Short Round more you live longer." Indy and I shush Short. The shaman continues. "They came from the palace and took Shiva-Linga from our village." Willie looks entirely lost. "Took what?" Indiana is quick to inform her. "It's a stone, a sacred stone from a shrine that protects the village." Indy places his attention back on the smiling Shaman. "It is why Shiva brought you here." He let's out a laugh to punctuate his sentence, and Indiana stutters before beginning to explain. "We weren't brought here. Our plane crashed." Willie repeats the end of his sentence as if she had to say it herself to believe it. "No, no." The Shaman shakes his head. "We prayed to Shiva to help us find the stone. It was Shiva who made you fall from the sky. So you will go to Pankot Palace to find Shiva-Linga and bring it back to us." Looking over to Indy and Shorty, I let out a small chuckle as Shorty copies Indianas movements.


We quickly follow the shaman out of the hut and to the shrine. Shorty looks up at me and begins to question. "Y/N, did they make the plane crash to get us here?" I raise my eyes to look at Indy, and he slightly shakes his head while making eye contact with me. I place my hand on Short's back and answer his question. "No, Shorty, it's just a ghost story. Don't worry about it."

We make it to the empty shrine, and a man explains that the stone was stolen from there. Indy walks all the way up to hallowed out shelf where the rock once was. "Was the stone very smooth, like a rock from a sacred river?" The man nods, and Indiana continues. "With three lines across it, representing the levels of the universe?" One again, the man nods, concluding that Indiana was right. "I've seen stones like the one you lost, but why would Maharaja take the sacred stone from here?"

The shaman speaks. "They say we must pray to their evil god.God. we say we will not." Willie walks forward to Indy. "Excuse me, I don't understand how one rock could destroy a whole village." Th shaman speaks again, but this time in his native language, we all look to Indiana to translate.

"He's saying when the sacred stone was taken, the village wells dried up, and the river turned to sand. The crops were swallowed by the earth, and the animals laid down and turned to dust. Then, one night, there was a fire in the fields, the men went out to fight the fire, when they came back the women were crying in the darkness. The children, he says the stole their children."


It's now late at night, Indy, and I stand under an open shade hut staring at the fire. I turn around to the sound of shallow breathing and jingling shackles to find a small boy stumbling toward me with an arm stretched out. "Oh my god." I run forward and stop the starved boy from falling over. The boy lays back in my arms, and Indiana rushes to me. The young boy repeats the word "Sankara." opening his palm to reveal a rolled up script.

Looking towards Indiana, he grabs the small cloth like paper and rolls it. We both stand up the boy still in my arms as his distraught mother runs to us. Crying as she watches the boy, I slowly place him in her arms, and she walks away as the boy shallowly breathes.

I look back at Indy as he repeats what the boy had said. "Sankara." Slowly, I make my way to him as he studies the piece in his hands. He tilts it slightly, allowing me to see what was inscripted on the cloth. There were two beings on piece. One who looks like a woman with white hair in a red dress. The other figure was blue. He had orange pants and many white necklaces displayed on his neck, along with a crown adorned on top of his head. The woman like figure, Sankara, and the male, decorated in jewels and a crown, is Shiva.

"The Sankara stones. Is that what they want us to find?" I look up to Indy as I voice my question. He looks at me and carefully places the fragile piece in his pocket. "It looks like it."


Indiana Jones sits on top of a small hill with a view of the small village and the surrounding area. Soon, Shorty joins him, out of breath and worried. "The little boy escaped from the evil palace, many other children still there. What we do, Doctor Jones?" Indiana stands and pats Short on the shoulder. "What do you think?" Shorty asks, looking up at Indy. "I think that somebody believes the good luck rock from this village is one of the lost Sankara stones." Confused and curious, Short questions again. "What is Sankara?" Indiana looks back down at Short. "Fourtune and glory, kid, fortune and glory."


The morning sun shines through the windows of the small hut where we were all asleep. Laying on my right side, I open my eyes and look around. Scanning my surroundings, I slowly remember where we are. Thinking back to the story that we were told by the shaman causes me to frantically search around for Shorty, worried that he was taken from me in my sleep, only to find him right next to me on the barely padded floor.

I lay there for a second more, staring at the back of Short's head, as my heart calms back down to its normal steady rhythm. I let out a soft sigh and slowly tried to sit up. But for some reason, I couldn't. Still groggy from the uncomfortable sleep I try again, not thinking to look at the heavy weight wrapped around my waist that would tighten every time I shifted around.

Once again, I failed at sitting up, so I lay back down, allowing myself to come to my senses and put two and two together. Finally understanding what very well could be happening, I snap my eyes open and look down. Two tan arms wrap around my waist and hold me tight to a firm body. I wrenched my head to look behind me and, in all his sleeping glory, laid Indiana Jones with his arms tightened around my waist like I was some precious, rare artifact.

Realizing the predicament I was in, I swallow, trying to wet my dry throat. Resting my weight on a propped up elbow, I continue to crane my neck and whisper. "Doctor Jones." I use my other arm to shake him. "Indy." Feeling my cheeks beginning to heat up, I raise my voice slightly, shaking him harder. "Indiana!"

Finally, he stirs as I continue to shake him. He blinks his eyes, disorientated. Staring at his hair disheveled from sleep, I began to blush harder, I shook my head to clear my thoughts and look back at his face, but he caught me staring. He looks at me with a sly smile. "Whatcha looking at, Sweetheart?" His voice raspy and deeper from sleeping.

"Uh, sorry for waking you, Doctor Jones." I try to keep eye contact without my blush deepening. "But uh, I need you to let go of me, please." I point toward his arms around my waist. He looks down and releases his hold on me. I immediately sit up, looking back to his face. "Thank you, Doctor Jones." I get up, walk to my bag, slip on my socks and boots, and walk out the door. Letting out a relieved sigh now that his stare was no longer on me.

I soon hear Short speak in the hut. "She already told you there was no time for love, Doctor Jones." I facepalm and Indiana chuckles. "I hardly think that's what was happening there, Shorty." Feeling slightly upset, I walk away from the hut, not wanting to get caught eavesdropping and push the feeling away as being upset with myself for waking up Shorty.

Alright, that was a little longer than normal, but that's ok. ALSO, I LOVED THAT LITTLE PART WITH INDY AT THE END. it was needed, ok? We need it to start the sexual tension between the two.

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