Chapter Ten

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After barely making it out of the booby trapped room, we continued on. Indiana was in the front, I was in the back while  Shorty and Willie were in between the two of us. As we slowly make our way through the many caverns, which range to large and spikey areas to small and tight walkways, chanting starts to reach our ears.

It was quiet at first but became much louder as we walked closer to whatever event was going on. Eventually, we reached a cliff like balcony that overlooked this huge area that had an altar and a statue  of... Kali.

"Y/N, come here." Indiana quietly calls to me. When I'm next to him, he speaks again. "What does this look like to you?"

Is this really the time to quiz me on my history, Doctor Jones.

"Based on the rumors of the village, what we saw and heard in the palace, and what I'm seeing right now, I'm gonna go ahead and say it's a Thuggee ceremony." Short and Willie squeeze up into me to try and get a view of what's happening.

Not expecting the sudden movements from the two, my balance is thrown off, and I begin to tip over. Acting fast, I quickly shoot my arm out and grab whatever I touch first. Which just so happens to unluckily be Indiana's arm. He looks over and sees my hands on his arm and looks to my face with a devious smirk.

Quickly removing my hands, I scoot just a bit closer to him so the others don't push me over again. When I look back to him, he's still smiling at me now with an eyebrow cocked upwards. My heart races for a second as I begin to speak. "They scooted into me, I almost fell. Anyway, I don't think this is necessarily the time to quiz me on my history knowledge."

He completely ignores the end of my sentence, only focusing on the beginning of it. "Well then. I guess I'm your knight in shining armor then, huh?" Not knowing what he just got himself into, I give him a mischievous smirk and wrap my arms around Shorty. "Nope, Mr Short, here is my knight in shining armor. He killed a freaky spider for me."

At first, Shorty is confused but quickly catches on and joins in. "Uh-huh, I saved this beautiful princess from certain death while you were busy checking on the extra load."

Yes! Thank you, Shorty! You always got my back, but there's no need to be so rude to Willie, though I doubt she caught on. I'll have to talk to him later.

"Oh, did you now, Short Stuff? Well, I guess I'll just have to be there before you next time." Indiana looks back to the alter, and I continue to stare at him, lost in thought, before shaking my head and watching the ceremony.

"Have you ever seen anything like this before?" Willie scoots just a bit closer. "Nobody's seen this for a hundred years." The chanting continues, and I try to figure out what the rectangular shaped imprint on the floor is. A drumroll plays, and a man, dressed in red and black with some sort of animal skull with long, sharp tusks on his head, walks out from behind the Kali statue.

The man stands right next to the edge of the altar, and everyone on the other side of the large gap, which seems to be filled with what looks like lava, gets down on their hands and knees and slowly sways left to right. A young man is soon brought out held up by his arms. Clearly frightened, he repeats a saying, possibly a prayer.

A rectangular cage is suspended and lowered from above. The cage is moved to be set upright instead of in a laying position before the man is locked inside of it. He continues to repeat the same sentence as the leader of the ceremony walks up to the young man, now caged and helpless.

The leader brushes the man's cheek, speaking, almost as if he is blessing the caged man before raising his hand up to the statue of Kali, chanting the goddess' name louder and louder to a point where we could hear it up on the small cliff balcony.

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