Chapter Fourteen

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Indy and I barely land into the cart without crushing Willie and Shorty yet somehow, we did.  Relief floods my system as the pressure on my ribs is removed... for only a moment, pain quickly surges back through my chest as Indiana leans forward and smacks the lever that changes the direction of the rails with a shovel. Shorty quickly yells about how we have to take the left tunnel but its too late to change it and we have to duck as to not get decapitated by the incoming boards and low rock ceiling as we enter the tunnel to the right that's strangely lit in a red glow.

Its not long before there are a few carts filled with guards trailing behind us as Indiana makes his way to the front of the cart to the breaks so we don't fly of the edge of the track. The guards shoot at us and still miss every shot and we fly around a sharp turn and nearly fall into the lava that is exposed from the ground. Indy calls Shorty up to the front of the cart to take the break as he comes to the back next to me. He softly grips my waist to scoot me over and my heart pounds even harder in my chest as a small blush grows on my face. 

"Y/N. Y/N!" His voice echos quietly in the back of my mind. "Sweetheart! Help me with this plank!" I quickly snap back to reality (Oop there goes gravity... I'm not sorry) and apologize before helping him lift the plank up and drop it on the tracks behind us. The first guard-filled mine-cart starts to try to knock the wood plank out from in front of the wheels of the cart as I look forward seeing bins above the tracks filled with something... hopefully. its a risk nonetheless, still I go for it. I grab the shovel from Indiana and hit near the wooden legs. Luckily enough, sand starts pouring from the containers onto the guards right behind us and as they're blinded for a moment as we rush through a narrow cavern.

Quickly the guards can see again and they scream in terror at the swiftly approaching the compacted part of the tunnel and try knock the plank out of the way on last time however they fail, causing them to flip the mine-cart and lay in the middle of the tracks. Willie and Short cheer for a moment but the second and last remaining mine-cart rushes by and knocks the cart further away. We ride away too quickly to see what happens to the first mine-cart and turn our focus to the last cart as it continues to racing after us. Indiana takes the shovel back from me and Short questions what he is doing Indy replies with something about a shortcut and hits another lever swapping the tracks again and we rush through a tunnel with planks labeled "DANGER".

A loud gunshot rings through the tunnel and the tracks switch back to where they were before. The guard-filled cart flies into the other cavern before crossing paths with us again. Soon our trails align and they begin to shoot as us but Indiana leans on the side of the cart and takes the guard's gun. "Watch out!" Indy shouts before quickly swings yet misses the guards and the gun slips out of his hands. The carts begin to move closer together and soon Indiana punches a guard which seems to knock him out yet another guard in the cart grabbed a hold of Shorty, trying to pull him into their cart. 

"INDY, Y/N HELP!" Short shouts trying to pull himself out of the guards grip. Indiana, Willie and I all grab Shorty as the guard fights to keep a clutch on the young boy, in spite of that, the rails start to move away from each other as the earth starts to separate. The guard leans further out of his cart to keep his hold on Shorty as lava boils in the breach of earth. The poor boy screams as hes pulled from both sides. I tighten my grip on him as I look down the tunnel and see the tracks splitting in two different directions with a large rock wall in between them. 

Short notices the rock wall ahead and starts shouting louder but the guard still doesn't let go. Until finally we tug once more and the guard's slips and he reaches out for a moment before falling back into his own cart. Shorty still sticks out of the side of the cart therefore I grab his waist and pull him back just as the tracks go off in their separate ways. He lands into my lap and he holds onto my arms for a moment as I grimace silently at the pain shooting through my body. Eventually he calms down and releases my arms and I let him go. However our troubles don't stop there and it's not long before the guards are next to us again and this time they have the high ground. Shortly after they align with us, one of the guards jumps onto our cart.

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