Chapter Five

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As we slowly make our way towards Pankot on our elephants, Willie looks up to the sky. "Oh, what big birds!" Confused on what she's saying, I look up to find the source of the loud squeaking. "Those are big birds, Doll. Those are giant vampire bats." I continue to stare at the cloud of bats and try to ignore Indiana's stupid little nicknames towards Willie. "That so cool! Look at how many there are, Shorty!" He looks up to me. "Maybe they want to join the circus with me and my elephant in America!" I chuckle at his cute idea, and the rest of the bats pass by us.


I'm quick to notice the elephant becoming agrivated once more. Realizing that Willie is soaking its skin in perfume again. "Oh pipe down, you big baboon, this doesn't hurt. Do you know what you really need? You really need a bath." I go to speak up but duck as I watch it fill its trunk with water, barely leaving me with a few seconds to dodge the spray of liquid when it flings its trunk towards Willie and I. The stream hits Willie straight on as I duck.

The water hitting her shocks her so much she falls off the elephant into a small pond of water. The loud splash makes both Indiana and Shorty look over. I sit up straight, shaking my head while patting the elephant's head, trying to calm it. "I told you not to put perfume on the elephant." Willie sulks from the pond as Shorty and his elephant get closer, Shorty laughs and teases Willie. "Very funny!" He continues to laugh, and them points at Willie. "All wet." Willie starts to complain from her spot in the pond.

"I was happy in Shanghai. I had a little house and a garden. My friends were rich, we went to parties all the time in limousines. I hate being outside. Im a singer, I could lose my voice." We all sit around as she has her mental breakdown, which seems a bit closer to a tantrum. "I think we'll camp here tonight."

Hearing Indy's final decision for our traveling plans for today, I hop off of the elephant and circle around to Willie, offering my hand. "Alright, sweets, let's get you out of the water. Come on." She grabs my hand as she continues to cry. "Calm down now, you're ok. I know being out here isn't fun for you, but we just gotta get the stone, and you can be right on home." She seems to be feeling better as I look around for something to dry her with. "Just think about tomorrow we'll be at a palace! How cool is that!" Finding a large blanket, I walk back to Willie. "Alright, come stand next to the elephant. I'll hold this large blanket up, and you can take off your wet clothes. Then, if you need me to, I can help wrap you up in the towel if you need it."


I sit around the fire with Willie as I help drying her clothes. Off a little ways to my left Indiana and Short play a game of cards. I watch and quickly figure out that they're playing poker. Shorty exclaims that he wins with three aces, and that's there's only two more games to win. Indy shakes his head, stating that it's poker and anything could happen.

"If you don't start paying attention to what you're doing Y/N, you'll burn the clothes." Caught of guard I look back to Willie and the clothes in my hands. "Huh? Oh, sorry, but they're the funniest free entertainment I've ever had, I can't help but watch." I lightly smile, holding down a laugh, and glance back at the boys as they continue to playfully fight.

"I don't know how you can stand to be by them constantly." I refocus  on my clothes before responding to Willie. "They'll grow on you, trust me. Yeah, they may be crude here and there, but I'm worse than they are." I smile at Willie and wink, ending my sentence. Handing Willie the slightly damp clothes and she walks past the boys to hang up her clothes on a tree branch.

"Where did you find uh your little bodyguard?" Willie questions. "I didn't find him. I caught him." I facepalm, couldn't he phrase that any better? "What?" Willie hangs up more of the clothes, and Indiana begins to explain. "Shorty's family were killed when the Japanese bombed Shanghai. He's been living on the streets since he was 4, I caught him trying to pick my pocket, didn't I short stuff."

Willie looks around and accidently picks up a bat, causing her to scream at the top of her lungs, still holding the bat. "The biggest trouble with her is the noise." I roll my eyes and chuckle at Indy, complaining about Willie and her screaming. Finally, Willie drops the bat and begins to run only to meet one creature after another. Switch my attention to the boy I watch as they start a new game in which Shorty immediately accuses Indy of cheating. They both begin to argue with each other until Indy spots a card up Short's sleeve. Now Indy accuses Shorty, and they begin to argue in Chinese.

I sit by the fire and enjoy the chaos unraveling around me. "Yep, this is where I belong." I lay my head against the log behind me and stare up at the stars.

Eventually Willie calms down and Indiana starts a conversation with her. "Willie Willie, is that Short for something?" Indy looks over to her  and she scoffs. "Willie is my professional name, Indiana." Shorty quickly jumps in to correct her. "Hey lady, you call him Doctor Jones." Short points at her and Indy flicks him a coin. "My professional name."

Willie scoots closer to Indiana. "Why are you dragging us off to this deserted palace? Fortune and glory?" Shorty repeats her second sentence and Indy pulls the cloth from the young boy out of his pocket. "We'll this is a piece of an old manuscript." I sit up and come closer to Doctor Jones as he continues to speak. "This pictograph represents Sankara, a priest."

The elephant begins to push around Willie before she eventually tells it to scram. Then Indiana hands her the manuscript. "Gentle gentle this is hundreds of years old." The elephant continues to mess with her and Indy carefully takes the cloth back. "Is that some kind of writing?" She smacks away the elephant again.

"Yeah, sanskrit. It's part of the legend of Sankara. He climbs mount kalisa, where he meets Shiva, the Hindu god." Willie points to the blue figure. "That's Shiva, and what's he handing the priest?" Indiana breathes for a moment. "Rocks. He told him to go forth and combat evil, and to help him, he gave him five sacred stones with magical properties."

In disbelief Willie speaks "magic rocks? My grandpa was a magician, he spent his entire life with a rabbit in his pocket and pigeons up his sleeves. He made a lot of children happy and died a very poor man." She scoffs. "Magic rocks, fortune and glory. Sweet dreams, Doctor Jones." She stands up and walks past him. "Where you going? I'd sleep closer if I were you, for safety sake." I look to Short and fake a silent gag before looking back to Willie.

"Doctor Jones I'd be safer sleeping with a snake." Indiana's eyes widen as he backs up and points at her neck. Confused I look at her neck, while he tries to back away more and stutters, when I realize there's some sort of snake beginning to slither around her throat but before I could react she grabs the snake and tosses it into the jungle yelling for the elephant to quit it out.

If my jaw could hit the ground it would. "I hate that elephant." She walks of to find somewhere to sleep and I let out a relieved laugh and Indiana tries to calm his heart. "Well that could have gone a hell of a lot worse. Though her throwing that was completely unintentional it was still one of the most badass things I've ever seen."


I sit next to the now dying fire with Indiana to my right, where Willie was sitting an hour or two ago. I glance to my left, looking at the two sleeping figures of Willie and Shorty. Looking back to the fire, enjoying the quiet company of Indy, and yawn before stretching my arms. "You should probably head to bed Y/N, we have a busy day tomorrow." I nod in agreement and stand up.

Turning to go sleep near the other two, I walk towards them before stopping in my tracks and turning my head back to Indy with a teasing smile. "No snuggling with me tonight, Doctor Jones, I'm not your personal teddy bear, you know." I wink at him as he gives me a sly smile and turn back to lay down near Shorty.

《Alright that's the end of this chapter. I hope you enjoyed. My pop a second one out too. You never know.》

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