Chapter Eleven

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Indiana and I are dragged to a cell that overlooks the room where quite a few children are working. Once I can see into the cell, I notice three boys inside, instantly recognizing Shorty with his dirty baseball hat. He turns around as the guards force Indy and I inside. The guards lock Indiana's wrists into suspended chains but left me alone.

As soon as the guards leave, Short runs to and hugs both of us. "Y/N, Doctor Jones!" Indy wraps one arm around Shorty and I.  I freeze for a second, a little shocked that Indiana hugged me as well before wrapping both my arms around Short. "I keep telling you guys. You listen to me more, You live longer." Shorty pulls away from the both of us and stares at our faces, but soon a boy speaks up.

"Please let me die." Short walks away from us and sits next to the boy. "I pray to Shiva 'let me die,' but I do not. Now, now, the evil of Kali takes me." The boy looks to Shorty. "How?" I look to Indiana staring at his chained wrist before moving to free him. "They will make me drink the blood of Kali. Then I'll fall into the black sleep of the Kalima."

I look back to Indiana after the kid stops speaking, catching him staring at me. I smirk at him and wiggle my eyebrows. He raises an eyebrow before smirking and looking to the boy. "What is that." The boy looks out to the other children, working tirelessly as we speak.

"We become like them. We'll be alive, but like a nightmare. You drink blood, and you won't wake up from nightmare." Shorty and Indiana share a look as I finally get his arms free. "Thanks, Y/N."


Indiana, Shorty, and I are being held against tall rocks and statues of skulls. The leader of the Thuggee cult is speaking to Indy and I, though I believe he's only looking at Indiana. "You were caught trying to steal the Sankara stones." I look around trying to find an escape.

Indiana has a guard who holds the chains that are wrapped around him, keeping him close to a skull statue right next to me. There is one guard holding me against the rocks next to Indiana and one holding Shorty in place, watching the both of us. I can't find a way out at the moment, but I'll keep watching.

"There were five stones in the beginning. Over the centuries, they were dispersed by wars, sold off by thieves like you." Indiana scoffs, and I watch silently, constantly checking to see if Shorty is doing alright. "Thieves like us?" Indy scoffs again. "You're still missing two." The leader scoffs this time before starting his story again.

"A century ago, when the British raided this temple and butchered my people, a loyal priest hid the last two stones down here in the catacombs." I look at the leader when Indy speaks. "So that's why you've got these slaves digging for, huh?" I look over to Shorty. "They're innocent children."

The leader speaks up. "They dig for the gems to support our cause." The cult leader walks over and puts his hand on Short's head, I glare at the back of the leader's head. "They also search for the last two stones." The cult leader thankfully walks away from Shorty. "Soon we will have all the five Sankara stones, and the Thuggees will be all powerful."

Indiana decided to be the smartass before I could. "What a vivid imagination." The leader laughs and walks towards Indy and I as Shorty tries but fails to get out of the guard's grip. "You don't believe me? You will Doctor Jones. You will become a true believer." The leader looks at me. "Both of you will be." He starts to laugh, and Indy joins in mocking the leader.

The large guard that Indiana threw a rock at walks out and towers over the both of us, staring straight into Indiana's eyes. "Hi." A small, most likely hypnotized boy picks up a skull chalice and gives it to the cult leader. The large guard grabs Indiana's face, squeezing until his mouth opens.

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