When Mellie Met Danny

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Mellie had hope to meet Danny Phantom Exe at the convention. Get a picture, maybe a side hug if possible. Must respect boundaries. As she wandered the convention floor, she was taken in by the costumes and styles people wore. She found herself talking and interacting with more people than she ever had before. Mellie never thought she would have this much fun. She was in love with the whole cosplay world.

With her bundle of wheat and ornate wooden staff, she found herself smiled as she walked around. Her sandals slapped against the convention hall floor. The authentic gown she wore flowed with her steps. Mellie had even done her dark hair in traditional Greek style and place flowers in the crown of her braids. The only thing not Greek about her costume was her Hello Kittie skeletal backpack.

Mellie was taking in the sights when she felt eyes on her. She turned to the feeling and saw him. Wearing his Bakugo cosplay, Danny Phantom Exe was looking at her. Mellie looked away for there was no way he was really looking at her. She glanced back and stared. Not only was he looking straight at her, but he was also heading in her direction. Her flight response wanted to kick in, but her feet would not allow her. Soon, he was right in front of her.

"Hi. I'm Danny." He expressed when he reached her. His smile made the room brighter. He was taller than she realized. She had only seen him on You Tube and Tik Tok.

She blushed, a tale for when she was nervous. "Mellie." She spoke.

"Pretty." He spoke. She blushed deeper. "Is that short for something?" Danny asked.

"Something Greek." Mellie smiled at him. She found herself getting lost in the darkest of his eyes. Danny looked into hers, seeming lost in her green eyes.

He chuckled, looking away. "I don't know what it is, but I can't stop looking at you. You are a beautiful Greek goddess." He said, hoping it did not sound like a line. He then realized who she was cosplaying as. "Demeter, right?"

"Yes. I relate to her in a way." Mellie replied as her cheeks were near scarlet. The only male who called her beautiful was her father. This is different, she felt something shift and move in her. Somehow, dozens of butterflies were in her stomach.

"Do you want to meet my friends? They are right there." He pointed at Arny and Pete.

"I would love to." Mellie exclaimed. They started to walk together.

Vibe check good and energy matched in a crazy way, Mellie and Danny found out they had a lot of common interest, same likes and crazy obsessions. She was a gamer too and had her own YouTube channel about her game play and aerial acrobatics.

She mentioned that she was a fan. Watching his videos was a way to escape from the reality of her life. She told him how her father loved the Nutella French toast and refuse to eat French toast in any other way now. Mellie said that her mother adored his antics and used his idea to getting rid of the gingerbread house last year. She used brandy to set it on fire though.

Danny did not want the conversations to end. They talked about everything, from pets to school to hobbies. Even favorite colors. Her dog was named Spot and he was a huge black Greek Molossian dog. She was homeschooled until high school. Making friends was a challenge because people thought she was odd for knowing a lot about Greek mythology and culture. Well, she was Greek. Her hobbies were aerial performance, gaming, and photography. She adored the royal color of purple.

"Danny, do you realize you have been holding her pinkie?" Army whispered to his friend. Danny looked down. While walking close together, their pinkies had hooked around one another. Mellie looked down when she felt Danny stop walking. She blushed, peering up at him. Danny smiled as adjusted his hand to hold her hand fully. Mellie blushed even more. Danny really loved to see the pink in her cheeks.

Danny found himself drawn more and more to her. Eventually, he tested the waters and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. She curled in closer, lacing her fingers through his. He smiled when he felt her body close to his. It felt right. Her body spray filled his nose, 'Butterfly' by Bath & Body Works.

The entire day, they were at each other's side. Arny and Pete did not mind because she was a cool person to hang out with. Funny and smart, and she could keep up with their hyperactive selves. At one point, she was laughing so hard that she snorted which got them laughing again.

The convention was coming to an end. Danny and Mellie exchange phone numbers and took a few more pictures together. The boys had made plans for the night. Mellie was dining with her parents and grandmother. Danny and Mellie made plans to see each other the following day.

"Where do you live?" Danny asked, pulling her in for a hug. His hands found the curve of her waist. Her hands moved to stroke his back. He closed his eyes. This was heaven for him.

"I am bouncing between my grandmother's and parent's houses right now. It is a crazy arrangement that my mother has with her mother. Six months with my father and six months with her mother. It has worked for years. Just a pain at times." Mellie sighed, leaning her forehead on his chest. She breathed him in. Damn, he did smell like a vanilla cream covered cinnamon bun.

As they exited from the hall, a sleek, white Tesla pulled up. A beautiful older woman stepped out. She was in a cream linen business suit with a brooch of wheat at her throat. Her blond hair pulled up in an elegant twist. Her eyes scanned the plaza. There, she saw what she came for.

"Melantha (means dark flower in Greek)!" The woman called to Mellie. Her grandmother never used her nickname. Danny walked with Mellie to the woman, holding hands.

"Grandmother, this is Danny. Danny, this is my grandmother, Demeter." Mellie made the introductions.

"You are actually related to Demeter. Awesome wordplay, darling." Danny expressed. "Lovely to meet you. I see where she received her beauty from." Danny kissed Demeter's knuckles when she presented her hand to him.

"A charmer. Your father is going to have fun." Demeter turned her eyes to Mellie. Mellie rolled her eyes and moved to get in the car. Danny opened the door for her. Turning back to him, Mellie smiled. She wanted to tell him that she had an extraordinary day, beyond her wildest imaginations. She got tongued tie when Danny kissed her forehead and told her that he would be counting down the hours to when he got to see her next.

Danny closed the door gently after she was settled in. He stood there, watching the car disappear. His chest was heavy. He walked slowly to his friends.

"What is the verdict, Danny?" Arny asked, throwing his arm around Danny's shoulders. Danny pulled out his phone. She was already on his lock screen.

"I am going to marry her." He meant it.

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