Birthday Night

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"Happy Birthday Danny Boy!" Brandon shouted while taking the blindfold off his eyes. It was Danny's twenty first birthday and Brandon and Arny flew in. He had just spent the day with Mellie and got treated to lunch with Hades. Now, he was dressed up and out with the boys.

"Why are we at a strip club?" Danny asked when Brandon took off the blindfold. The pink neon sign read 'Cabaret of Love' with a beating heart next to it. The three-story building wasn't too far from Dionysus's club.

"Because you can drink now, and we can enjoy the entertainment." Brandon replied, slinging his arm around Danny's shoulders. "Besides, your girlfriend suggested this place. Said it was fit for the Gods."

"Why would Mellie...oh. This must be Aphrodite's place." Danny mused, as the guys leaded him to the door. The bouncer asked for their names, letting them in. It was not just a strip club. That was located on the second floor. The first floor was a burlesque club with fan dancers and dance routines with singing.

The guys went to the bar and order drinks. Danny went to pay the bartender. They would not take the money.

"Boss lady says you three drink free tonight." They explained, walking to serve the other patrons. Danny slipped the money in the tip jar.

"Ladies, and Gentlemen, Kings and Queens and everything between." The announcer said from his booth. "We have a special performance tonight in honor of Danny Phantom Exe's twenty first birthday. The Birth of Venus!" A huge clam shell was rolled out of the stage. Sensual music started to play. The clam opened to reveal an extraordinary beautiful blond woman with her long flow hair covering her nude breasts. Tied low on her waist was a soft pink sarong with silver bells sewn on. She began to seductively dance with the bells tinkling as she moves. She came out of the clam shell and danced around. Soon, other people dressed similar to her join in the dancing. The crowd erupted into cheer.

At the end of the dance, Aphrodite slipped on a pink robe and joined the guys at the bar.

"Thank you, Aphrodite. That was a beautiful performance." Danny kissed her cheek.

"Oh, Demeter said you were a charmer." She purred as the bartender handed her a water bottle. "When my cousin told me that you all would be here tonight, I had to brush off the old clam shell." She cooed, taking the sight of him in. "Melantha got lucky with you." She giggled.

"I am the lucky one." Danny told her. She cupped his cheeks and kissed his forehead. She took her leave. The guys enjoy a few more shows.

"Hey." Brandon called, getting Arny and Danny's attention. "Time to go upstairs."

The strip club was bathed in amber lights and there were three pole areas where women and men were dancing. At some of the tables, there were poles set in for personal viewings. The dancers were in different outfits, showing off their bodies.

"Damn, something for everyone here." Arny ordered a drink. Danny got his third drink of the night. He was planning to have it his last. He was feeling right. Looking around, he could image Mellie in a few of the costumes. The other day, Danny watched her practiced on her dance pole at home in shorts and a tank top. She wasn't going for sexual, but it made Danny want to renegotiate their talk about not rushing.

"Brandon, call me a uber. I want my goddess." Danny finished his drink. The next thing he knew the blindfold was back over his eyes and he was being leaded somewhere. He was forced to sit. His hands were restrained behind the chair. "What the fuck, guys?! I have a girlfriend!"

"Who do you think organized all this?" Arny told him, taking off the blindfold. They were in a dimly lit, small private room with a pole with a tiny rise stage. There was only the chair, it was bolted to the ground. Arny and Brandon locked the outer door as they left Danny by himself. A small door from the back of the stage opened up. Mellie came walking out with tall heels and flimsy, black sheer dress. Underneath was a dark purple lacy underwear set that Danny playfully picked out one day, shopping. He did not know she went back later and bought it.

Daring To Love The Daughter of HadesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora