Meeting Danny's Family

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"Halmeoni! I don't know you were coming." Danny embraced his grandmother. His parents had come for a visit, and she was a welcomed last-minute addition. She did not live close to the family, and she was always busy, even at her age.

"When my daughter told me that my grandson is dating a lovely young woman, I had to come up and meet her." She kissed his face. Having to look up at her grandson now, she realized that so much time had passed since the last she saw him. "I like the white hair on you." She mused, ruffling it with her hand.

"Danny, are we going to meet Mellie at the restaurant?" His dad asked as they loaded up in the SUV. It was Persephone's and she was letting Danny borrow it while his family was here. In the next few weeks, she would be back at her mother's house, so she was spending every moment with Hades.

"This is a surprise for her. I didn't let her know you all would be coming. We are going to pick her up now." Danny announced while pulling away and heading to Terpsichore's Dance and Aerial Studio.

Mellie laid back against the silk high above the studio floor. She loved the feeling of weightless. Danny had business to attend to and she needed to brush off her skills. Terpsichore, along with a few of the Muses were there, teaching new students and assisting more advance dancers. Mellie taught too, but when she could just be in the air, she enjoyed it.

Danny entered the studio with his parents and grandmother. The muse at the front desk, Calliope waved happily. Since Danny started dating Mellie, he had become the favorite mortal of the muses at the studio. One, he never tried to get them to inspired him, two, he treated them with respect, and three, he was completely devoted to Mellie.

Calliope pointed up to where Mellie was hanging in the air. They looked up as she began the double angel drop with the silk flowing about.

"That's beautiful." His grandmother whispered to Danny as they watched her readjust to go for another drop, an eagle one this time. She performance a few more poses and drops before coming to the ground.

"Hi beautiful!" Danny called out when she was firmly on the ground. She turned and smiled. As she walked up, she realized he was not alone.

"Danny had told us everything about you." His mother kissed her cheek. She was just as he described. The way that Mellie smiled at Danny filled his mother's heart with joy. He had truly found his other half.

"That was a wonderful performance, sweetheart." His father gave her a hug.

"I bet that is fun to do." His grandmother gushed. Mellie smiled at her. There was something about his grandmother that said she was more than she showed at that moment.

Lunch with his family was informal and enjoyable. Mellie got along with his parents well and really hit it off with his grandmother. He sat down and watched them as they talked about anything that came to mind. More plans were made for the next few days. Mellie was going to have dinner with her parent and Danny was taking his family out to see the town.

Before parting, his grandmother kissed her forehead and spoke. "I would love it if you called me Halmeoni for now on." Looking over to Danny, she took his hand and place it with Mellie's. "You two have my blessing." With tears in her eyes, Mellie hugged and thank her.


"Did I mention how much I hate hiking?" Danny walked behind her on the dirt path.

"Just five times in the last hour. If you walk next to me, you will have a better view." Mellie called back at him. She had convinced him to take a hiking date with her. He needed fresh air and sunlight due to holding up in his room, doing a 24-hour stream event a few days before.

"You are wearing booty shorts. I got a great view." Danny watched her walk. The weather warmed up and Mellie was taking advantage of the sun. Her mother had gone back to Olympus and the world was in bloom again. Mellie hated but loved this time of year.

With bags of snacks and water, they continued to walk through the woods. She was looking about, taking pictures, and finding different things to add to her collection. Danny had one ear bud in, watching her. He was happy that she was enjoying herself.

It was a give and take. During the stream, Mellie was a special guest and she hated to be the center of the attention. Yet, she did not complain, answered questions, and whispered in his ear that she was going to get him back good.

A faint animal groan caught their attention. Just beyond the path, laying next to the old maple tree, was a large stag. Someone must have been hunting out of season and shoot the poor thing in the side. It was not a clean shot. It was in pain and suffering a slow death.

"This is not right." Danny whispered as they approach the animal. It picked up its large head and laid it back down. It had no more strength. Kneeling, Danny stroked the animal's massive neck. The stag drew its last breath.

"The hunters may still come to claim their trophy." Mellie worried as Danny stood up. She asked for Danny to step down a few feet. He did what he was asked of. She knelt down. "I have never done this in front of anyone but my parents." Mellie spoke.

From her hands, fog like vapors poured out. It surrounded the animal's body. Through the fog cloud, Danny could see the animal start to decay rapidly. Fur and flesh fell away from the muscle. The muscle dissolve into the ground after the flesh. The bones remained to the last, only to become a fine dust on the ground. The stag was complete gone.

Mellie stood up and turned to Danny. "This is my main power. I can make things decay to return to the earth. To make a way for new life." In the place where the stag laid, little purple flowers started to pop up and bloom. "I don't have an official title, but I don't care.

Danny cupped her face and kissed her lips. "You are the Goddess of the Beautiful Decay."

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