Dining Out

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Hades promised his daughter that he would not wear black at dinner tonight. He sat at the bar in a dark blue suit jacket and tan pants paired with a white dress shirt. He sipped on a bourbon and waited. He was a bit early; he never like to let his love wait on him. He watched some youths come in for dinner, wearing animal ears and suits. He smiled, how things have change with the passing of time.

One of the youths came up to the bar to order a drink. Apparently one at the table was still too young and the server refuse to allow any to buy. Hades raised his glass to the young man, and he did the same.

"Daddy." The sweet voice of his daughter rang out. Hades turned and smiled as her little girl made her way to him.

"My little dark flower, I have miss you so." Hades greeted, hugging Mellie. She was dressed in sunlight, no doubt to appease her grandmother. Mellie was like him, preferred the dark shades of things. Hades turned to the bar and ordered a second bourbon, not for him. It was his wife's favorite.

Hades followed Mellie to a table with his mother-in-law and wife sat. His beautiful wife, Persephone dressed in blue with a plumeria flower in her long dark hair. She stood up and kissed her husband, she had missed him greatly. He handed her the glass and helped her back in her seat. He placed a kiss on the top of her head, lingering for a moment to smell her perfume.

Arny, the youth at the bar watched Mellie and her family. Her parents were good looking, nearly other worldly good looking. They must have been young when they had Mellie. Maybe that was why for the arrangement Mellie talked about. Arny picked up his drink and returned to the table with Danny and Pete. He told Danny that she was there and nearly had to sit on him when Danny tried to jump up.

"Tomorrow is girlfriend time. Tonight is family time." Pete had to convinced Danny to stay. Danny agreed, but it did not stop him from taking glances over. She looked cute in yellow with the sunflower in her hair.

At the table, Demeter and Hades spoke civil to each other. Mostly about what the rest of family was doing and new things happening. Persephone spoke about the city gardens that had been a success and how more areas have been allotted to create new ones with the program she was leading. Mellie stayed silent. She listened and waited. She had something to tell her parents. They were not going to like it, but it was really time.

"Do you remember asking me what I wanted for my birthday?" Mellie asked her parents.

"Yes, sweetheart. What is it?" Persephone asked. Mellie never asked for much. Being the baby of the family after the rest of her siblings had moved out and getting all the attention made her feel overwhelmed at times. Hade and Persephone thought they were done having children until she came along. She was their treasure.

"I would like to move out on my own." Mellie placed her hands on her lap. "I am about to be twenty-two and I know I can do this. I want this." The silence from the three adults worried her.

"You are still so young." Her mother whined.

"Absolutely not." Her father commanded.

"Is it about that boy from the convention?" Her grandmother asked.

"You were younger than me when you left your mother's home. Why not? I just met Danny today." Mellie asked in rapid fire.

"Wait, what boy?" Hades bellowed, drawing attention from the tables around them. Danny popped his head up to listen.

"A nice young man walked Mellie to the car today." Demeter sipped on her wine. "Handsome too." She added to get more of a rise out of Hades. Hades cut his eyes over to his mother-in-law. She smiled at him.

"I don't think you are ready to be on your own." Persephone expressed to Mellie. She did not want her daughter to leave the nest just yet or ever really.

"I need to step out of your shadows and have my own life." Mellie pleaded with her family. "I'm ready. I want to be my own person, not just your daughter anymore." It was hard having powerful parents. She was always getting compared to them by family members.

"You are not moving out. End of discussion." Hades ordered. Finishing his wine, he added. "You are not to see that boy again. Understood."

Mellie took in a sharp breath. That last part from her father stung her bad. She turned her face from him. A tear rolled down her cheek.

"Pete, bail me out if I get arrested." Danny handed Pete his debt card. Even at the distance, Danny could see a tear fall from her eye. He tossed his cat ears on the table and stalked over to Mellie's table. His jaw was clenched, his hands were balled up into fists.

"What is wrong with you, three?!" Danny shouted at them, watching them get startled at his sudden presence. Mellie looked up, surprise to see him there. Danny looked down at her tenderly, her mascara had started to run a bit. He caressed her cheek, wiping the tears with his thumb.

"Who do you think you are, young man?" Hades warned, looking at the youth. How dare this boy touch his daughter.

"I'm her's!" Danny hissed at Hades. He held his hand out to Mellie. Without hesitate, Mellie took his hand and walked out of the restaurant with him much to the shock of her family.

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