Growing Up and Moving out

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(The dress in the picture is what Mellie would be wearing in the photo shoot.)

Oh, Mellie. This is beautiful." Persephone mused after Mellie gave her the welcome home present she had been working on. A handbound photo album of black and white pictures of Persephone and Hades. Mellie always had her camera in her hands, and they were so use to her taking random photos of them that they did not even know she was making this. She captured when Hades danced with Persephone around the kitchen, the evenings out all dresses up. Posed pictures they were patient for so Mellie could get the best angle. The impromptu food fight one day that had them laughing on the floor and the counters a mess.

"You have a talent." Hades kissed Mellie's head. Mellie smiled at her father and continue to show them the pictures. Hades smiled at his girls. Persephone had returned home and the weather would get cooler. He loved this time of year. It was bittersweet this time, for Mellie had found a place and she would be moving out in the next few weeks. He was happy that Mellie was embarking on this new journey, he just did not want to be left at the docks.

"So, you two have fun tonight. I will be out with Danny and the guys. We got access to one of the historical buildings and we are doing a photo shoot." Mellie explained, untucking herself from her mother's arm.

"You should let Pete take pictures of you and Danny, sweetheart." Persephone stood up from the couch. Hades shot her a questionable look. She glanced back at the album and looked back at him. He understood. To have the memories captured of the young love.

"They are wearing suits. I don't' have anything to wear." Mellie head to her room.

"She has plenty to wear." Hades wrapped his arms around his wife. She had a closet full of clothes.

"She means she has nothing that a 'woman' would wear." Persephone exclaimed, looking at her husband. All her formal clothes were youthful. Mellie did not want to look like a girl anymore. She wanted to look like a young woman.

The mother and daughter had this discussion while out shopping with Demeter. Mellie tried on many but chose nothing. Persephone saw how her daughter would go back to the same dress on the rack that was more form fitting, a bit revealing, and black as night. Since Demeter was there, Mellie did not dare try it on. Persephone made sure it did not stay at the shop when they left.

Mellie was cleaning her lens and setting them back in the carrying case when her mother knocked to come in. In her hands was a garment bag. Mellie squealed when she saw the dress. It fit like a glove. A touch of makeup and her hair quickly styled, Mellie was ready.

It wasn't his little girl who came down the stairs, but the beautiful woman that she had become.

"Take the Porsche." Hades told her when he handled her the keys. "It will serve as a good back drop item." Kissing her father on the cheek, she bid them goodbye. Hades started to climb the stairs but stopped. Persephone had pick up something for herself too; lacy, tight and see-through. She beckoned her husband to her. He raced up the stairs to chase after his giggling wife who was heading to their bedroom.


Pete quickly took a picture of Danny's reaction when Mellie stepped out of the Porsche. He was awestruck by her in that dress. She always covered up with large t-shirts, baggy pant and huge boots. Tonight, the dress showed off an hourglass figure he held only felt when he hugged her. The skirt was long, yet the high slits revealed toned legs. The neckline was plunging, showing a bit of cleavage. The straps to the dress were thin, accenting her toned arms. Her hair was down, save for the part that was pulled back in a sparkling hair clip. Mellie wore no other jewelry, other than her silver dangling earrings. Danny rushed to her side and kissed her. Pete took a few pictures, thinking them may want these later.

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