°~• why me?

603 16 22

Every day, something interesting happens. That's why the quote "you learn something new every day" has become such a common saying in history.

Y/n stood in front of the church, waiting for her mom to drive in the parking lot. She felt empty like someone put her in a box. However, It didn't help that she didn't want to get out of the box. Everything seemed quiet. This cold Sunday morning made her feel lonely like how it used to be. "Maybe everything was going back to how it used to be." She said to herself.

The doors of the church opened, and several people started to walk out to their cars. Some were crying, some were smiling, and some were just neutral. Y/n never understood Church, not that it's a bad thing, she always felt like people were being robbed out of their money. But then she also thought that maybe people went to church so they could have a moment of happiness. Surrounded by the people you know, enjoying the preacher talk about things you wish could happen or things that were happening. Maybe it was all a sense of comfort to them.

Some of the people walking to their cars would look at Y/n confused, on why she was just standing there, that was until her mother pulled up into the parking lot and Y/n walked to her mother's car. She waited for her mom to unlock the doors, and then once the doors were unlocked, she opened the door slowly and sat in the car, closing the car door behind her. Her mother smiled and put her hand on Y/n's thigh while pulling out of the parking lot and driving home.

Y/n's mother wasn't going to question anything. She knew if her daughter wanted to talk to, she would. However, it didn't help that her mother was curious. When she had gotten the call, she was quite surprised. It didn't help with the information she had gotten from Jack moments before the call.

Before y/n called her mother.

Before y/n called her mother

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Chloe drove her car into the driveway of her home. She saw there were unfamiliar cars parked there as well. She rolled her eyes and cursed jacks name under her breath. "First thing in the morning?" She thought to herself. Then she saw that their was mail on the doorstep. She got out of the car and made her way up the stairs, picking up the newspaper. Then she opened the door, getting hit with a huge stink of marijuana.

"JACK!" Chloe yelled loud enough to make the front door shake in fear.

She let her eyes get used to the dark and saw something she never expected. What she saw was all four of her boys in one room together. Kaden, her second oldest, held onto his daughter as she slept peacefully in her dad arms. Brayden, the oldest, had just walked into the living room holding out some food for his on cloud nine twin brothers.

Jack jumped when his mother yelled his name. He studied her face to understand what she was thinking. Everyone was a bit shocked. If you had a heart rate on everyone in the room, they all would be beating at 110 mph. Well, expect baby Amelia.

Chloe closed the door and turned the lights in the living room on. "Why are you all here?"

"Aww ma' don't be that way, don't you miss us?" Brayden said, finally handing the plate to his brothers.

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