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Bruce's pov

I walked up to the human in the doorway. He looked like he'd seen a ghost. I mean, I know I look threatening but that was just overboard. 

I stuck out my hand to shake his. 

I took this time to size up my new partner. The scar on his face was made by a charger, (a charger is a beast that relies on their overall mass) I could tell because I have a few of my own. His stance was awkward but still well-balanced. If I were to try and attack him right now, he would be able to avoid my attacks. His weapons were hidden but at the ready, I could see them bulging from his sleeves. It made me wonder what weapon he chose. He may not look like it to most, but I know he knows how to fight.

"Hello, I'm Bruce," I said to him.

The human collected himself and straightened his back.

"Cole Hughes, it's a pleasure." He said taking my hand with a surprisingly strong grip.

Michal stepped between us interrupting our introductions.

"I'm here for another reason other than to introduce yall two. I've got another job for you." He said giving me a slip of paper he pulled from his pocket.

I opened the paper and looked at the address written. I flipped the paper over thinking there was more to it only to find it empty.

"Where's all the information?" I ask Michal.

"There is none, this happened about an hour ago. Get there as fast as yall can, we don't want the police to get there first." He said laughing.

I watched as Michal walked out the door. I hate that prick. 

I grabbed my coat, hat, and mask off the rack near the door and looked toward the new guy.

"Put your shit on. We're heading out." I said walking out the door.

The human scrambled to put his gear on and was soon beside me walking up the stairs. Walking through the main lobby was annoying, we got plenty of stares and comments. I mainly heard bets on how long the human would survive with me. The highest one I heard was 2 weeks.

We took the underground exit to reach the beast city's entrance for detectives. I turned to my new partner.

"You'll want to put your mask on from this point forward," I said putting on my own.

"You'll want to put your mask on from this point forward," I said putting on my own

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We both stood there for a few seconds admiring each other's masks. I have to say, his was pretty threatening. I could tell he felt the same about mine. We walked up to a gate guarded by a single beast.

"Cards please," The beast said.

We both held up our IDs and continued forward. We made our way to a metal ladder leading up to the surface. 

I put the lid back over the hole we came out of and dusted myself off.

"You're going to get a lot of stares, humans rarely come to this area. The place we're going is only a few blocks away, so suck it up until then." I said in a low voice.

He said nothing back and we continued. 

I was excited to have a partner again. I had hoped for someone skilled so that they can stick around for a bit. I can't wait to see him fight.

We made our way through the streets getting stares and comments along the way. Most of them weren't for me but it still pissed me off. We arrived at the address seeing it was an apartment building. I didn't see any police cars which was a good sign; it's always a bitch dealing with those guys.

We made our way up the stairs and to the correct house number. the door was wide open when we got there, and the stench of blood hung heavy in the air. I walked while putting on a pair of gloves to examine the area. 

In the center of the room, there were two bodies. One of a young beast woman and in her arms was what looked to be her toddler. Both of them were in a puddle of blood and had severe bruising.

I looked back at my partner to see his reaction to this. It was hard to tell because of his mask but he was just standing there. I was about to try to comfort him, but he walked past me and squatted down next to the bodies.

"Her nails are missing, so it wasn't all one-sided. They both have severe bruising so the culprit must be a Brute. (a brute is a type of beast that relies on its strength) There's no trail of blood, so the attack started and ended in this one spot." He said calmly.

I was shocked by his calmness; it took me years to develop a tolerance for death, but he wasn't even fazed! Just who is this kid?

"You seem to know your stuff. You've done this before?" I asked trying to hide my curiosity.

"I've been around." He said standing to his feet.

"Look at this..." He said going to the kitchen.

I followed to the kitchen and looked around. There was blood in the sink and small droplets on the floor. The blood had a different scent to it the mother or the child's; I don't know how I didn't notice it before.

"It's probably the culprits. He got scratched by the mother and used the sink to clean up before making his getaway." He said taking a tissue from the nearby counter and wiping up the blood.

"Let's bring this to the nerdy DNA guys so we know who to get." He said holding the tissue.

"That's going to be a problem. They won't let us waste their equipment on beast-related problems." I replied, anger tinging my voice.

"You serious? That fucking bullshit!" He yelled.

I looked around the room again. I walked down a small hallway that lead to 2 doors. In the hall was knocked over furniture and a bit of fluff. I reached down and picked it up. I walked back to my partner who was still investigating the kitchen.

"Look at this. It smells different from the victims and the blood in the sink. I think there were 2 culprits." I said fixing my hat. 

"Seems like they dragged them into the living room. But what's the reason?" He said scratching his chin to think.

"Wait!! I think I got it!!" He said 

He walked to the side of the living room and picked up a broken belt. He then lifted the mother's shirt just enough to reveal scratches on her left hip.

"She was raped, and he wanted the child to watch." He said confidently.


We walked out of the apartment leaving it exactly how it was. we walked down the steps; I had caught a stench of blood from the sink leading down the stairs.

"Case solved, What's next?" Cole said filled with pride.

"It's not that simple. Police won't catch this guy, and no prison takes in beast. We have to get our hands dirty." I spoke.

"What do you mean by that?" He said confused.

"We get to decide the punishment. Broken bones, few teeth, quick death, or torture. It's all up to our judgment. After that we take a picture of the crime and culprit, submit it into a file, then send it to Michal and he deals with the rest." I said informing him as I followed the small drops of blood on the floor.

I looked over at my partner to see him shaking with joy.

"So, what do you think these guys deserve?" He said full of excitement.

I think we're going to get along great.

I know this is disturbing, so continue with caution. I wasn't lying with the warning.

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