Pg. 6

22 1 0

Coles POV

"Damnit, what did I do..." I thought to myself, walking into the living room.

Bruce was sleeping on the couch as I sneaked passed him into the restroom. Looking at myself in the mirror and messing with my hair. I brushed my teeth, put on deodorant, and splashed my face with water.

I got ahead of myself, inviting a beast to live with me. I can barely afford to feed my fat ass, let alone a 400+ pound animal. Oh well, too late now.

I heard a noise and looked over to see Bruce awake at the bathroom door.

"Morning princess." I teased.

"Fuck off." He said walking passed me.

"Get out I need to take a shit." He said.

"Fine, fine. I'll make breakfast." I said walking out.

I walked into the "kitchen". Which is more of a small stove, mini fridge, and a microwave. I pulled out some eggs and milk, mixed them into a pan, and turned on the burner. Mixing in cheese and cut-up sausages every so often. 

Bruce stumbled into the main room, sitting on the couch.

"Smells good." He said.

"Just eggs and sausage." I replied.

I pilled the eggs onto 2 plates and gave 1 to him while sitting on the couch myself. 

"What time is it?" Bruce asked.

"4:32am" I replied looking down at my watch.

We sat in silence eating. It has probably been years since either one of us had company or shared a meal; it was awkward. It didn't last long, after breakfast we packed our shit and put on our mask.

Back to work.


We walked up the front steps, Bruce leading as we entered the building. We ignored the stares as we made our way through, he is building, heading to the basement entrance. We entered the large, empty, room, closing the door behind us. I plopped down into a chair, lifting my feet up on the desk. Bruce sat across from me, picking up a file.

"Hate to be that guy, but we got another job." He said tossing me the file.

I opened it up seeing a picture of a human arm laying on a bloodied floor. Flipping the page, I saw more pictures of limbs or varying size and creatures.

"What are human limbs doing in beast territory?" I asked.

"I don't know. But it's important enough that even the Humane Society didn't want to investigate." He replied.

(The humane society is a type of police force that deals with human deaths in beast territory, and other acts of termism)

"Well... Let's go check it out I guess." I said, standing up.

I through on my coat as we made our way to the underground pass. Putting on my mask and showing our ID to the guards. Climbing up the ladder, we were once again in beast territory. The bright sun rising over the distant factories and smog covering the streets with a smell of cancer and disease.

"Home, sweet home." Said Bruce as we walked.

Once again, the stares and comments thrown at us were consistent. It's funny our sole purpose is to protect both sides, but we consistently are being criticized by both sides. It pissed me off.

After a little walk we made it to a sewer entrance covered with a steel gate. It was big enough for us to fit, but we would have to crouch. Bruce pulled off his bag and pulled out two flashlights. Handing one to me and walking over to the entrance.

"What are you doing? It's locked." I said looking for another entrance.

Bruce looked back at me and smirked. Wrapping his hands around the metal he began to pull, the metal creaking and the concreate surrounding it giving way. His arms bulged as the gate's hinges snapped from the force. he looked back at me with even more of a smirk.

"Fine, lead the way mut." I said annoyed by his cockiness.

Giong into the tunnel, we made our way to a clearing where we could fully stand up. Shinning our lights around, I could tell this was the place. Different limbs scattered the floor as the smell of rot infested the air blocking our airway.

"For once, I'm glad to be wearing the mask." I said.

"Diddo." Replied Bruce squatting down to take a look at one of the body parts.

"What do you think genius?" Asked Bruce pointing at the lacerations on a nearby humanoid arm.

I walked over, squatting next to him. The arm was definitely a little older and was showing signs of rot. It was covered in black and purple bruising except in one area around the writs where the bruising was blue. The severed area was grotesque with pultruding muscle fibers and tendons, while the fingernails were missing.

"This is interesting, the arm seems to have been pulled off by force. And judging from the color, most of the bruising was done after the limb had been torn off. The wrist is a different story, it looks like a rope was tied to it. Not only that, but the fingernails are missing. I think this guy was tortured." I said.

Bruce looked at me with shock.

"Holy shit, your right. I didn't even notice." He said.

I stood up.

"If most of the bruising was done afterwards, then that means that this is not the original location of the attack. These are dumped here from somewhere else." I said looking at all the limbs.

"I think I might be able to track the smell." Bruce said, also standing up.

"Ok, but have your weapons out. Some of these seem pretty fresh, so they were here not too long ago." I said, putting on my brass knuckles.

I followed Bruce farther into the sewer system, through the maze of pipes, and into another gate.

"Thin you can get that one too?" I asked.

"Who do you think I am, of course I can." He replied.

He, once again, wrapped his hands around the metal and pulled it out from its hinges. We walked through, continuing our way farther until we made it to a door.

"What is a door doing down here?" I asked.

"Why would I know." Bruce replied.

I grabbed the handle, slowly pulling it open. The inside looked like a regular hallway with well-light ceilings and wooden flooring. I opened it fully, not seeing anyone in sight. I walked in, noticing the ancient Christian music playing in the background.

"AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" A noise came from the distance.

Then another. And more, but different voices. It was clear now.

"This is an information exchange business." I whispered to Bruce behind me.

(a type of business that gets paid to torture others for information)

"We should get out of here then. We will be outnumbered." He said turning around.

We started making our way back when Bruce felt a presence. He looked around for a moment before sniffing the air. 

"Were fucked." He said.

"What do you mea-" 

Before I could get the words out, a dart the size of a toothpick was shot into the side of my neck. I looked around, noticing tiny slits in the walls that the darts were coming out of. My vision blurred as I heard voices. Dancing colors and funny smells.


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