Pg. 7

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Bruce's POV

It's been four days now. I have been blindfolded the whole encounter and sit in a chair with a pair of blindfolds lightly against my eyes. I am in a room of unknown size, there is a single light hanging from the ceiling above me. I have been chained to a chair with my arms, chest, neck, legs, and waist having been rubbed raw from the consistent friction. My weapons were taken, and Cole was nowhere in sight. I have not had any interactions with anyone besides the person who comes to give me food and water every 7 or so hours. My muscles are tight and cramped, just sitting there brings great aching pains to my body. I have only to get my right foot out of the chains. With the others, it's no luck. I need to get a key, until then, I'm stuck.

I have been doing everything I can to keep myself centered on my objective of escaping, with or without Cole. I have found a simple, repetitive, task is best for keeping yourself sane. Although, it is extremely boring. The door to the outside world opens again.

"Who is it, I get fed every 7 hours and it's only been 4 hours 26 minutes, and 42 seconds since the last time that door opened. I've been counting." I said in a hoarse voice to my perpetrator.

"Quite a unique one, you have got some grit. Most would have been begging to be let out or have gone crazy trying to free themselves." A woman's voice says.

"I've been through worse, princess. This is just a nice, relaxing vacation for me." I replied, leaning back into the chair pretending to be relaxed.

"Yes, I've heard of y'all detectives. I didn't think one would be coming this soon." She said, her voice coming from different angles like she was walking around me while speaking.

"So, if you're not going to kill us, what do you want?" I asked.

"What makes you think weren't going to kill you." She replied.

"Well, I'm still alive, and you're still talking. So, you want something from me." I stated.

"Fine, you're no fun. Yes, I want something." The woman said.

I felt something touch my face, the woman had removed my blindfold. The brightness from the room blinded me, making me squint my eyes and turn my head. Blinking profusely, I looked at the girls to see a human girl with jet-black hair and ruby-red lips. I knew who this girl was, I'd seen her on countless news reports and in pictures in the underground market. Her name was Kaily Katheren, and she was the second most dangerous person in America.

"I want your boss. He took something from me, and I want it back." Kaily said, leaning in close to my face.

"Was it a breath mint, because your shit stanks," I said cracking out in a giggle.

"Funny." She said turning around.

"Let's see if you are still laughing after I feed you your partner's fingers." She said walking towards the door.

"Do your worst," I mumbled.

The reason why she was so deadly was because of her ability to manipulate people's minds. There are the common Brutes, Chargers, Slingths, and Joggers. Then you move up to the rarer Controllers, Manipulators, and Imagineers. Then lastly you get to the extremely dangerous Zippers,  Teleporters, Timers, and Modders. Although she is just a Manipulator, she is exceptionally powerful and has high control over her power. Let me give an example, if you had a memory of you and your dad playing baseball, a normal manipulator would be able to change the weather or person in that memory. Kaily, however, can change that memory into anything she wants and can even give people real PTSD from one touch.


A couple of hours later, the door opened again. Cole was dragged in by 4 guys, he was also in a chair and looked just about the same as I assumed I did. His shirt was off, slight bruising and minor cuts. I'd say we're quite lucky.

"Welcome to the party," I said looking at him.

The guy took his blindfold off after setting him down right in front of me. 

"I didn't say shit to that bitch." Cole said giving me a smirk.

I got a better look at the guards, two Brutes, one Charger, and one Jogger. (Brutes rely on their enhanced strength. Chargers rely on their large size. Joggers rely on their enhanced speed and agility.) A tough group to deal with but doable. Even without weapons.

"Master said she'll be here in 40 minutes." I heard one of the guys say to another.

If she gets here, we're toast. Even if we tell her what she wants, we'll be killed. That gives us a 40-minute window to escape. 

I looked over at Cole and I could tell he was thinking the same thing. He looks at me and I give him a wink. An evil grin comes across his face as he leans back in his chair.

"Hey, fuck-heads. Are you all just going to stand there and braid each other's hair? Make yourself useful and give me a massage, pussies." I said, clearly trying to antagonize them.

"I'm sure we can ruff them up a bit before she comes, let's put this asshole in his place." Said the Charger, a big, brown, ugly brown bear. 

He walked out in front of me while puffing out his chest to try and make himself look bigger. Immediately I raised the foot I was able to get out of the chains with and drove it directly into his kneecap with all of my strength.  The knee went to an alarming angle but didn't break. It did, however, cause the bear to lurch forward in pain and fall on top of me. The bears size tipped the chair and we both went to the floor. Before we hit the ground, I was able to grab the keys from his belt, I just have to hope they are the right ones.

We hit the floor hard. The bear was still withering in pain as I struggled to use the key to unlock my chains. Luckily, the key lock was close to my hand with the key. I spent a few seconds struggling but was eventually able to get it. By this point the 3 others were heading in my direction. I quickly undid all the chains, my muscles aching to be moved around. As soon as I finished, the Brute, a 250+ pound coyote wearing brass knuckles, nailed me square in the chest. Sending me to the ground, the coyote rushed me again. I rolled to my left and towards Cole, passing him the key as I moved passed him. I got to my feet and got in a fighting position. It was now or never.

(Sorry for the late delay. Just not feeling the app anymore.)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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