Christmas Special!! (NSFW WARNING)

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(This takes place in the future; this has not happened in the actual story. Enjoy!)

Coles POV

Well... It was the first time in a long time that we had an actual proper day off of work. The other times we were either recovering from life-threatening injuries or having been kidnapped by underground criminal organizations. This was a nice change of pace.

I looked over to the other side of the bed to see Bruce still sleeping.  His jaw hung slightly open while a light snore escaped through his mouth, making him look extremely peaceful. Even if I had seen him literally rip off other being's limbs.

I slowly lifted myself out of bed not wanting to disturb his beauty sleep. I made it to the bathroom, leaving the door open. I leaned against the sink while looking at myself in the mirror. It almost seems like every day a new scare is added to the collection.

I sigh out loud as I brush my teeth. I heard a noise towards the door and didn't bother to look over. I already knew who it was.

"Morning sunshine," Bruce said in a raspy morning voice, the top half of his bare body coming into view in the mirror.

He walked behind me, wrapping his right arm over my shoulder and across my chest. His soft fur and solid build pressed against my back.

"Morning, you looked comfy this morning," I said, deciding not to argue with him calling me sunshine.

"Usually am when I'm with you." He replied sending a sly smirk at me through the mirror.

I continued brushing my teeth and fixing my hair but was detoured when I felt something graze my lower back as Bruce left to go to the kitchen.

"Did you sleep naked again?!?" I asked as he walked out of the room.

"Hey, I pay my share in bills!! I deserve a bit of freedom!!" He yelled back at me.

"What fucking bills? I pay for almost everything." I stated, anger tinging my voice.

There was silence, then I heard heavy footsteps coming back towards the bathroom doorway. Bruce poked his head out from the side.

"I pay with pleasure, sunshine." He said, giving a soft wink before disappearing out of view.

"Can't argue with that," I said to myself.

After getting ready for the day, I made my way into the kitchen where Bruce, which was still naked except a 'Kiss the Cook' apron, was making breakfast. luckily, the apron covered most of his junk, saving my abietite. What it didn't cover was his ass, which stuck out of the back while he walked from one side of the kitchen to the other.

I took a seat on the couch and waited for Bruce to finish the meal. He was surprisingly a good cook and often made meals for me. Bruce plopped down beside me with a plate of pancakes stacked on top of one another. I grabbed the one on top, eating it like a slice of bread rather than covering it with syrup. Me and Bruce both ate our pancakes this way, one of the few things we could both agree on. 

"After breakfast put some clothes on. we got to do something on our day off." I said with pancake still in my mouth.

"I was thinking of doing something too, but it doesn't involve clothes." Bruce said nudging me with his broad shoulder.

"Save that for later. I'm serious, when was the last time we went on a date?" I asked, still trying to hold back from his last comment.

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