Pg. 5

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Bruce's Pov

I opened the door and stepped inside. Cole followed close behind me as we made our way back to the basement where we first met. I walked up to my desk and sat down in my chair.

"So, what now?" Cole asked leaning against my desk.

"We write a report on what happened and turn in the pictures to Michal," I replied.

"This is a lot simpler than I thought it would be. I was taught in class about having to collect evidence and get permission to proceed with any investigation, let alone an attack." He stated.

"That is only for humans, beast people are less of a priority, so we are allowed to do as we please," I said informing him.

He didn't reply after that. I sat there writing my report and printing out the pictures. After a little while, Cole broke the silence.

"Are we the good guys or the bad guys?" Cole asked looking into space.

"Depends on how you look at it. We got revenge on a mother and her daughter; the police don't do jack shit for anyone so we were the only ones who would do it. But the attackers get no form of humanity or dignity in their death and it's long and drawn out. What do you think?" I asked.

"Honestly, I couldn't care less." Cole said laying his mask down on my desk.

"So why did you join?" I asked confused by his response.

"Would you believe me if I said it was for the money?" Cole said with a chuckle.

"If it was for the money, you wouldn't have chosen me as a partner. I think you're just like me." I responded getting out of my chair and putting my coat on a hanger.

"And what is your reason?" Cole asked.

"To kick some ass, duh," I said with a slight scoff.

I picked up the folder that held all the info and walked to the edge of the room. There was a small box with a slit in it that is used to send physical folders back and forth between rooms. I input the rooms address into the machine and inserted the folder sending it to Michal.

I grabbed my mask and walked towards the door while signaling Cole to follow.

"Where are we going?" Cole asked.

"We are finished for the day, so we are going to a local coffee shop as a celebration," I replied.

"A celebration of what?" Cole asked.

"Our partnership. " I replied.

"So why do we need our mask?" Cole asked looking confused.

"Did Michal not tell you?" I asked him.

"Tell me what?" Cole said looking even more confused.

"Once you join you are no longer a citizen from the 2 districts. You are a weapon of the government, only needed to deal with the worst of the crimes. We have to keep our identity secret from everyone, even when we are off the job." I said trying to explain it to him.

"Well, that sucks, it's kinda hard to breathe in this thing." Cole said picking up his mask and following me.


We entered the small shop and immediately the store went silent. I could cut the tension with my finger as I made my way towards the register. I don't go to the human side often, so I still have yet to get used to people staring at me. It probably doesn't help that Cole's mask is a little more disturbing than the usual ones.

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