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Hanni's heart was thumping so hard against her rib cage that she thought she might have a heart attack. The sight before her was.. well it was something majestic. It was a sort of a raw ravishing beauty that deserved to be written about in poems. Hanni forgot how to breathe for a couple of seconds. She gripped the door frame in order to steady herself.

Breathe Hanni! Breathe! she reminded herself as she let the trapped air out. She blinked a couple of times trying to compose herself, but her insides were burning as the desire for the raven-haired in front of her rose like a whirlwind. She couldn't keep her gaze steady, her chocolate eyes darkened by lust as they roamed all over Minji's body.

Her face completely free from any makeup revealed her classical beauty in all its simplicity, her small nose, and her full pink lips that begged to be kissed again. Her eyes sharp as always but this time free from the cold gaze, and her wet raven-haired locks cascading down her porcelain white shoulders made her the most beautiful sight Hanni laid her eyes on.

Droplets of water fell down from her hair onto her shoulders and chest, Hanni's gaze following them as they disappeared in a small gap between her breasts and the towel that was wrapped firmly around Minji's body. She gulped hard, realizing how dry her mouth was.

God, she is so beautiful, Hanni was on the verge of saying it but she stopped herself realizing who was she talking to. Actually now that she thought of it, neither of them uttered a word yet, they must have been staring at each other for like a minute now. Hanni felt very uneasy all of the sudden, realizing she's staring at Minji like a creep. The tension between them was palpable, and Hanni breathed hard preparing herself mentally to speak.

"Umm hi." she croaked, finally deciding to break the stupor they both were obviously in.

My God I need a glass of water, my mouth is so dry, Hanni thought to herself as she gulped helplessly.

"What do you need Hanni?" Minji asked her, her eyebrows arched in confusion. Her eyes were still a bit wide in surprise, her arms crossed defensively. She also seemed a bit nervous, which was definitely something of a rare gem in the array of Kim Minji's facial expressions.

Hanni noticed that for once the spite and coldness were vacant from her voice. The way those brown eyes pierced her right now made her even more flustered. Before saying something stupid and ravishing her on the spot, she blurted the only thing that was on her mind.

"Can I have a glass of water?"

Minji obviously didn't expect that so she just motioned with her hand for her to come in. She quickly entered before Minji changed her mind and slammed the door in her face. Moving past Minji she inhaled the scent of her fresh skin and hair, sending shivers down her spine. Minji wordlessly walked towards the kitchen.

Hanni stood in the middle of her hallway taking in the luxury of Minji's home. She peered at what she assumed was the living room. The room was spacious and decorated with tasteful vintage furniture. The huge windows overlooked the city that glowed with millions of lights in the night. The whole place emanated the aura of tranquility and even a bit of melancholy. You couldn't hear anything, not even the traffic noise from the outside world. It was definitely too quiet for Hanni's taste. She smiled at the thought of her own home. It was way smaller but it seemed much more homely and it was never this quiet, whether due to the noise of her neighbours or traffic noise outside.

Minji finally returned with a glass of water, still only wrapped in a towel. Hanni's heart started beating hard again at the sight, and she practically snatched the glass from Minji's hands as she downed the water in big gulps.

"Thanks." She handed the empty glass to Minji, who only sighed and nodded her head in return.

"Well since I already let you in, I guess I could allow you to sit down." Minji said as she motioned for Hanni to come in and sit on a sturdy, vintage love seat.

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