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"Bye now, honey." Minji said as she pecked Hanni's lips and playfully slapped her butt. Hanni watched her hips sway until she was no longer in her field of vision. She slumped against the locker, sighing heavily. Minji was definitely driving her crazy. She is just acting so hot and cold, Hanni huffed in frustration as she picked up the stuff from her locker.

Tightening her coat around herself, she inhaled deeply, trying to prepare herself for the imminent impact of cold air. Hanni hated cold weather, and especially those freezing white things that fell from the sky. Tucking her nose in her scarf she picked up her speed, wanting to get home as soon as possible. Thankfully she didn't have to work today, so she will have the time to do her homework, which by the way she was behind on.

She couldn't allow herself to slip up, her scholarship depended on her grades. Ha, the scholarship awarded to me by Seojun's family foundation, and I am banging his girlfriend, Hanni shook her head at the irony of this whole situation.

She was a bit frustrated because Minji proved to be such a hard nut. Hanni was trying to break through her defenses, but it was more difficult than she initially thought. This past month was.. in a lack of better expression, very bittersweet. Hanni loved that she could kiss Minji and make love to her pretty much whenever she wanted, but she needed more. She wanted Minji to trust her, to open herself up to her, to love her. She just kept reminding herself that all good things are worth waiting for, and Minji was definitely worth waiting for.

On the bright side, she learned some stuff about Minji she didn't know before. She learned little things, things that some people might consider irrelevant, but Hanni cherished every and each one of them. The way Minji would start babbling in Hangul when she was thinking too hard of something, the way she would play with her necklace when she was nervous, the way she hummed in the shower, the way she cooed to her dog, and Hanni's favorite: the way she played the piano. The way her eyes were glazed over, the way her lips stretched in a dazed smile, the way her fingers effortlessly stroke the keys, and the raw emotion that was seeping through every stroke left Hanni completely awestruck.

Those were the times Hanni felt like she was seeing the real Minji, this lonely, beautiful and lost girl. Those were the moments that made her fall profoundly and madly in love with Minji, and the moments that proved her she was right to listen to her instincts and go after what her heart was seeking.

It also proved her that she was right to disregard Jiwon's parting words to her, which she did sadly think about quite often.

But on the other hand, Minji had to come up with those stupid rules. Hanni couldn't believe her when she came over one day and Minji presented her with a list of rules, and not just that but as Minji put it, it was a "contract", and Hanni was supposed to sign it.

Hanni was completely dumbfounded at Minji's business-like behaviour. Gosh she is just such a control freak sometimes, Hanni groaned at the memory. But she is my control freak, she smiled to herself, thinking of the raven-haired.

The contract consisted of a long list of rules, which to be quite honest Hanni didn't even read. She remembered the first few ones which Minji read out loud to her in a strictly businessy voice:

1.Absolutely no one can know.

2.No sleepovers.

3.No jealousy.

4.No feelings but shouldn't worry about that one since I hate you.

And that's pretty much when Hanni shut her up with a kiss. She never finished reading the list but she was pretty sure she broke rule 3 and 4, and she wanted to break the 1 and 2 really bad too. Whenever she saw Minji with Seojun, she wanted to strangle him, but she couldn't. She had to remind herself that Minji wasn't hers.. at least not yet.

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