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Oh God, I am so sore, Minji groaned as she woke up. She wanted to stretch on her big cozy bed, but something was obstructing her.

"What is this?" she mumbled sleepily as she tried to free herself. She fluttered her eyes open, her sleepy gaze falling on the naked form half entangled with her. Oh, Hanni, Minji widened her eyes, as she remembered everything. Her room was dim, thanks to the heavy blue curtains.

Minji peered at the bedside clock, it read 10:35 A.M. She returned her attention to the person beside her. When did we even fall asleep? Minji wondered, a bit surprised because she didn't really plan for Hanni to stay over.

Hanni was obviously still sleeping, her head buried in the crook of Minji's neck. Her left leg was entangled between Minji's legs, and her left arm was slouched over Minji's hip. She was covered only partially, her smooth back exposed up till the lovely curve of her firm bottom.

Minji observed her for a couple of minutes absentmindedly, driving the sleep away. Not even realizing what she's doing she started tracing her fingertips along Hanni's spine. Her skin is so silky and warm, the raven-haired thought as the touch evoked warm tingles on her fingertips.

Minji thought of last night. Her new-found sexual appetite was insatiable. But the particular thing is that she felt it only for Hanni. She wanted to have sex only with her. Minji didn't like thinking of these things. She discarded them all quickly, locking them away in the dark chambers of her mind. The only evidence they left were the love marks scattered throughout Hanni's neck, stomach, and chest.

My plan is progressing well. She accepted my proposal, but I didn't expect her to say she didn't hate me.. hmmm, Minji couldn't fight off the excitement as she remembered Hanni's words last night.

I like playing this game with her.. But this.. us.. cuddling with each other, sleeping in each other's embrace, this is not supposed to happen. This definitely wasn't part of my plan.. l don't think that cuddling goes under the clause of "hate-sex thing".. hmm. Even though it feels so right.. so.. perfect, I can't allow myself to let my guard down around her.. around anyone..

Her ponderings were interrupted as Hanni mumbled and sleepily nuzzled her head on her neck. She fluttered her eyes open, tickling Minji's neck with her long eyelashes. Minji's heart raced at the touch. Hanni moved her head up looking sleepily at Minji. The raven-haired brushed Hanni's hair from her warm chocolate eyes. This is getting out of hand. Why is my heart doing these weird things and making me so flustered just at the sight of her? Minji swallowed hard.

Hanni smiled at her drowsily.

"Hey." She said her voice was hoarse from sleep. Minji wanted to kiss her so bad, but she wouldn't. Her racing heart and the weird fluttering freaked her out. She didn't have to think of it anymore since Hanni decided for her. She leaned in, pressing her pink lips on Minji's.

So soft.. Minji thought as she instinctively responded to the kiss. It was stronger than her, this magnetic pull she had towards the brunette.

They started making out, the situation getting heated again when suddenly Hanni broke the kiss. "What time is it?"

Minji glanced at the clock "Eleven."

"Oh crap, I have to be at Peanut's at 1 P.M." Hanni shot straight on the bed, sheets falling off of her, revealing her bare chest. Minji licked her lips looking at her breasts, decorated with a couple of hickeys. Minji bit her lip at the sight, it made her strangely proud to have marked Hanni's chest.

Remembering Hanni's words, she returned her attention back to Hanni's face "What's Peanut's?" she asked her with a wondering frown on her face.

"Oh, it's a coffee place that my parents own. I work there part time." Hanni said.

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