Scp 4715.

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OPENING FILE SCP-4715 The "Demon Born From War".

"Scp 4715? Isn't that one of the Scp's that 035 was interested in meet? Oh man, I can already tell this is not going to be good..." deku thought.

**Item #: SCP-4715

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-4715 has been contained in the containment complex within Area 4715-23. Area 4715-23 is an underground compound located 315 metres below sea level at an undisclosed location within Canada's Stikine region, chosen for both its distance from the nearest city and proximity to LoI1-517-Sigma. Stocks of materials required for Procedure 4715-Waning Moon are to be maintained on-site.**

Everyone was Shocked at how this Scp is handled. "Geez, If this thing really is anything like 682, then I do not want to know what it's capable of, If they have to do these kinds of procedures." Said Aizawa.

**The containment complex consists of two 20x30x20m cells, environmentally regulated in order to simulate a mid-Pleistocene climate, seasonally between -10 and 5 degrees centigrade. A central observation and security laboratory oversees both chambers; observation panels constructed from laminated ballistics glass 25cm thick with plate steel shutters oversee both cells from a vantage point across the top wall of both chambers.

In addition to visual observation, video, motion-sensing, and thermal security cameras have been installed throughout each cell for remote observation of the subject. Automated chemical deterrent systems are installed throughout every corridor in Area-4715-23, and will release concentrated resiniferatoxin2 aerosol spray should SCP-4715 breach containment. Aerosol will continue to be sprayed until it has been driven back to an acceptable proximity to the containment chambers, or until manually shut off by site command. Should personnel prove incapable of preventing SCP-4715 from exiting Area 4715-23, detonation of the onsite thermobaric weapon is authorised. Following this, re-containment of SCP-4715 must be carried out before it is able to fully recover.

Procedure 4715-Waning Moon:**

"Waning moon..." Izuku thought as he wrote that down.

**Procedure 4715-Waning Moon is a ritual that must be performed on the full moon of each month, and requires the use of one D class Personnel3, 60 kilograms of red meat4, a hand woven wicker basket, and human blood. The Shaman must be anointed with human blood5 and will then place the meat within the wicker basket. No other personnel may carry out this task. The Shaman will proceed to enter the containment chamber holding SCP-4715 and place the meat on the ground before SCP-4715, arranging it so that it matches the designs depicted in document 4715-Waning Moon-04. They will then prostrate themselves before the basket and recite the phrase "This we offer for your continued torpor. Flesh of your time. Blood of my blood." The Shaman must remain prostrate and continue reciting the phrase until SCP-4715 has consumed the entirety of the meat. After consuming the meat, SCP-4715 may or may not kill and consume the Shaman, but doing so does not indicate a failure of the procedure. Should the Shaman survive, they are to retrieve the basket and exit the containment chamber. Failure to perform Procedure 4715-Waning Moon results in an exponential increase in aggression from SCP-4715, characterised by a marked increase in attempts to breach containment.**

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