Prologue The Day Before

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January 13 2132AD 

Isaac City Garage near former Chrome Corporation headquarters

"Hey Julian!" A familiar voice came on the radio "Danton is that you?" Julian asked. "Yep the one and only!" Replied Danton. "so your my operator this mission?" Julian then asked. "Yeah Anastasia your previous operator is on vacation right now so I had to sub in." Danton replied Again. "Alright then time to get moving!" Julian eccentrically said as he readied his AC. The name of his Mech was Leadwall a quad legged Midweight AC with heavy firepower 

"Ok, your mission objective is to work with Crest Industries forces and fellow Raven Lysander Stark to take down a terrorist group in the former Chrome headquarters

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"Ok, your mission objective is to work with Crest Industries forces and fellow Raven Lysander Stark to take down a terrorist group in the former Chrome headquarters." Danton Stated.

Lysander's AC, Starchaser was a reverse jointed lightweight machine with supreme high speed aerial combat capabilities

Lysander's AC, Starchaser was a reverse jointed lightweight machine with supreme high speed aerial combat capabilities

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"So Lysander also wants in?" Julian states as he begins moving out. "well, at least it'll make my job easier." he states before exiting the garages doors into the bleak streets of Isaac city.

30 minutes later 

As Julian's AC makes it to the target location he sees that the place is already in pandemonium as both corporate and terrorist forces battle it out in the abandoned headquarters. "AC Spotted move to engage!" A terrorist shouted over the radio channels Quickly several tanks moved into firing position against the incoming AC

"AC in sight open fire!!" ordered a terrorist tank commander immediately the vehicles open fire at Julian's AC but just as quickly he is able to use his boosters to evade their fire

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"AC in sight open fire!!" ordered a terrorist tank commander immediately the vehicles open fire at Julian's AC but just as quickly he is able to use his boosters to evade their fire. "Eat lead, MotherFuckers!" Julian Screamed as he opened fire with his Machine gun tearing through the enemy tanks in a matter of seconds. Suddenly however, a MT appeared from behind.

 Suddenly however, a MT appeared from behind

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"I have you now!" The MT pilot exclaimed. But before he could finish talking, a rain of bullets from above came crashing down on MT ripping it to scrap metal as its pilot screamed for dear life. Julian looked at the sight in shock as the MT exploded from the barrage of molten lead. Just then another AC landed next to him

"AC Starchaser, Reporting for action" Announced the pilot on radio. "Thanks for the assistance, Lysander." said Julian. "No need to thank me, now lets finish these terrorist scumbags!!" Replied Lysander who soon launched himself into the air using his ACs shoulder boosters to hover across the battlefield raining down molten fury upon the terrorist forces with his Machine guns. Julian quickly followed suit and began opening fire with his ACs back-mounted Chain guns decimating the terrorist forces with an unending stream of bullets. The two ACs quickly mopped up the terrorists in only a matter of minutes destroying all manner of tanks and ACs the could find. "Mission accomplished, I'll see you back at Ravens nest." said Lysander before he flew off in his AC. "See you then, Lysander." replied as he followed his fellow comrade back to base. 

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