Chapter 7 The Brave New World

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12:00PM January 20 2032 Kyoto/Tokyo Japan Haneda Airport Hangar

12:00PM January 20 2032 Kyoto/Tokyo Japan Haneda Airport Hangar

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"Oh what the hell?" Julian groaned as he awoke. "what the heck is going on?" he continued. As Julian attempted to understand what had happened  he overheard a conversation outside. "No sir their appears to be no control unit anywhere." a person outside spoke. "No control unit but how is able to operate?!" another asked. "from our X-ray scans their is a cockpit with someone inside but we cant find any way to access it." the first person continued. suddenly the ACs back opened and its pilot stepped out. "hey stupid over here!" he insultingly called out to one of them. the two people rapidly turned their gaze upon him in shock of what they saw. Julian was a young man 5'11 in height with an average build, he wore a pilot suit and helmet which obscured any visible features of his body. "Who the heck are you!" one of them questioned. "Names Julian Randolph independent mercenary." Julian replied casually with a hidden smirk under his visor. However before the two men men could ask any more questions a team of soldiers would burst through the door. before anyone could speak or act the men tackled Julian to the ground causing a brief scuffle before they knocked him unconscious with a syringe of tranquillizer.

43 minutes later

Julian woke up sitting in the back of a Van his hands tied and surrounded by guards. "Hey what's going on!?" he exclaimed after he realized the situation he was in. "we're taking you in for questioning kid" the guard next to him spoke out. "Oh lovely I'm gonna be tortured for intel aren't I." Julian remarked as he thought about what they would do to him. "That's only true if you refuse to talk." the same man spoke again seemingly trying to reassure him. "Oh thanks for the reassurance. could I ask for your name?" Julian asked surprised by the mans helpful words. "The name's Fukuo Itsuki. could I ask for your name as well?" the man responded. "I'm Julian Randolph its nice to see someone as kind as you." Replied Julian who appreciated the mans open demeanor. "So where are we headed?" Julian then asked wondering where he was being taken. "We're heading to Yokohama base you can see it up ahead." answered Itsuki who pointed towards the front of the vehicle. in the distance Julian spotted the base as TSFs flew around in eye-catching formations.

 in the distance Julian spotted the base as TSFs flew around in eye-catching formations

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But in the distance a powerful foe watched the base from a a hidden position.

But in the distance a powerful foe watched the base from a a hidden position

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"Hmph nice base they got here. too bad its gonna be nothing but a burnt ruin when I'm done with it." the pilot remarked as he watched his target from afar. "All I have to do is wait for Malzel to give me the go ahead." he continued as he patiently awaited his orders.

A Raven in a Brave New world (Armored Core X Muv-Luv Alternative)Where stories live. Discover now