Chapter 4 Return Respite and Regrets

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7:00am January 17 2132 AD Isaac City Outskirts

Outside Isaac city an anomaly rips open a gate between two worlds exiting it are Raven Julian Randolph and the MT pilot he had rescued from the other dimension. "Huh, so we're near Isaac city. MT pilot, head to the Crest headquarters in the city. It's safer there than the streets." Julian told the MT pilot as they made it to the city gates. "Alright, thanks for saving me! I'll report what happened to the Crest higher ups good luck out there!" said the MT pilot as he and Julian exchanged goodbyes. After what had just happened, Julian decided to return to HQ to get some well deserved Rest.

6 hours later 

Isaac City Ravens nest HQ 

After his long rest, Julian decided to check to see if any missions were available. After getting dressed and exiting his room, he approaches a large screen on the wall he taps the screen which turns it on. As Julian looks through the missions, one in particular catches his eyes. It was mission from Global Armaments, they were requesting someone to guard a research facility in Nevada. this facility was rumored to be working on portal technology which Julian suspected to be related to the anomaly in Idaho. After accepting the mission he enters his AC and leaves for transportation to the mission location.

3 hours later

GA Nevada research station

In a what seemed to be the middle of nowhere, a small concrete structure stood out of the sandy ground. Next to the small box of a building was one of GAs Lynx's, May greenfield. her N.E.X.T was a mix of parts mostly from Global Armaments with a focus on firepower.

May had been assigned to guard the facility by GA, who wanted to keep whatever they were doing inside a secret

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May had been assigned to guard the facility by GA, who wanted to keep whatever they were doing inside a secret. Julian soon arrived to facility contracted by GA for the same reason May was there. "Ah hello Ms. Greenfield what are you doing here?" Julian asked the GA lynx. "Guard duty, GA hired you for the same reason I assume?" May replied in a cheerful tone.  "Yeah that's why I'm here. I'm also looking into some rumors I heard about this place." Julian responded while he looked at the small concrete block of a facility. "So that's why you took this job?" asked May interested in what Julian had to say. "Yeah I Bumped into this anomaly in Idaho that sent me to another dimension." replied Julian as he thought about what happened that day. "Wait your the guy who went missing in Idaho?" May asked confused by what she just heard.  "yep your looking at him." Julian answered in a sarcastic tone. However as the two continued conversing something began happening right beneath their feet.

Inside the research facility ]

"Warning quantum containment breached, evacuate the facility immediately" a female voice shouted over the intercoms. the labs were in chaos, one of the experiments had destabilized the temporal rift that was being held in the facility which threatened to destroy the entire complex. luckily the security team had managed to evacuate the entire staff into emergency escape tunnels built for whenever such an incident would have occurred. however the inevitable detonation of the facility would go unnoticed to anyone above until it was to late, or so was thought.

outside the facility

May and Julian were still talking when the ground started shaking under them. "What's going on!?" May exclaimed as ground began to crack open. "I don't damn know shi-" Julian replied before a massive explosion cut off his sentence before overtaking both of them.

A Raven in a Brave New world (Armored Core X Muv-Luv Alternative)Where stories live. Discover now