CHAPTER 1: Bribery

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"Hey, I'm not paying you to sit around. Come on, let's go Y/N." Her boss, Patrick Finn claps his hands loudly and points her off to the direction of our pizza oven. She hurries over to the oven, and pulls out the platter. The pizza was nearly burnt. Y/N wipes away the sweat from her forehead as she lifts the platter away from the oven and onto the table top.

Surely there was nothing wrong with working here, but she always found herself fantasizing about the day she could live a life of excitement. She wasn't sure when that day would be, but someday, she had hoped.

Y/N slides the pizza onto a serving tray and exits the kitchen, making her way to a table seated by a family. They smile and stare at the pizza as it makes its way onto their table. "Here you go, guys! Let me know if there is anything else you need." Her voice squeaks cheerfully before walking away. Again, her smile vanishes as she makes her way back to the kitchen. She often wonders what movie her life would be if it ever were to turn into one.

A romance? A comedy? Horror? There was nothing exciting or interesting about her life. She knew that even when she clocked out within an hour there would be nothing better outside those restaurant doors than there would be inside the fire hot kitchen she had spent the whole day marinating in. Living in Utah, between the all-fun state of California and city of Las Vegas and the large state of Texas made her presence seem unknown to the world. The small town she spent her life in had been holding its breath for as long as she can remember.

"Y/N." Mr. Finn calls, poking his head out of his office door. She turns around, and before she can answer him, he flintly asks to see her in his office.

This was it, she probably had been caught slacking off one too many times and now she was fired, done for. "I can't keep job-hopping like this" she thinks to herself as she paces to Mr. Finn's office, closing the door behind her.

"Take a seat." He says, nervously folding his hands in front of him on the other side of the desk. Reluctantly, she sat down and placed her hands on my knees. "Can I help you..?" She asks timidly.

Mr. Finn has always had a chip on his shoulder. She can't help but be on her toes every time he's around her. Sometimes she brings up his behavior to her coworkers, to which they reply saying that they have never experienced anything unpleasant with him. She's been working here for 2 years, and Mr. Finn hasn't changed one bit. Even with her time being there, he still remains very reserved. She hardly knows anything about him, and she doesn't think he trusts her enough to tell her.

He looks up from his hands and tilts his head at her, squinting his eyes and pursing his lips. "I just received last month's reports, and we are not doing very well Y/N. Not well at all." He shakes his head, looking down at the scattered papers on his desk. He picks one from the pile and hands it to Y/N.

Her hands remain in my lap, but Y/N's eyes scan the paper. His pointer finger reaches over across the desk and points to a number bolded in red ink.


"That's how much we are making a month." He says, sliding his hand away from the paper and placing it on his chin, rubbing the shaved stubble against his skin. "The animatronics were a huge investment, it almost cleaned me out. And now I have to pay you guys every week."

She looks up at Mr. Finn with confusion. Y/N wasn't exactly sure what point he was trying to obtain. What the hell was I supposed to do with this information?

"I don't understand...?" She finally says, sitting closer to the desk and shaking her head with uncertainty. He takes a deep breath and begins to sigh loudly.

"Freddy Fazbears is our biggest competitor. They are without a doubt the biggest pizzeria in the state of Utah." He quietly claps his hands together, staring into the abyss as he thinks before finally shifting his gaze back to me, and angst begins to shake me. Nothing could have prepared her for what he was about to say.

"I need to know their secrets."

Her eyes widen with disbelief. She knew exactly what Mr. Finn was asking for. Out of all the failing family businesses, the second pizzeria down the road had every child begging their parents to stop for lunch, and competing with them was nearly impossible. She shook her head.

"Mr. Finn..." Y/N protests sternly. The situation spoke for itself, she didn't even have to say the words. He waves his hands in the air to silence her.

Mr. Finn stands up from his chair and begins pacing the room, deep in thought. It sounded like he had planned this out only minutes ago. "Why don't you stop by tonight... tell me how the place is doing, what the service is like. Anything that could give us the upper hand. We need this place to be better."

She scoffs. "Really? A 26 year old girl just waltzing into a kids pizzarrea?" She states, clearly embarrassed by his idea. He whips around, sticking his pointer finger at her. "Ask if there are any openings." She immediately stood up from the chair below her. "Mr. Finn, this could get us into serious trouble. Being cut-throat with them will not make this place any better. I'm not doing this." She raises her hands in dismissal to his scheme.

Just as Y/N turns around, Mr. Finn shouts out a price.

"A thousand dollars." He says, tapping his fingers against the desk. "A thousand dollars for you to do this for me."

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