CHAPTER 7: Now I Understand

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Y/N feels her stomach churn in a way that she couldn't put into words. Her skin goes cold, and her eyes drift past Patrick for a moment. She didn't want to believe it. She didn't want to believe whatever it was that he was about to say.

"What?" The words barely escaped her lips. She takes a few steps backwards from Patrick. He continues to pant, and his voice breaks due to the pain from being pushed to the ground.

"I used to work with the guy." He pulls himself off of the ground with a wincing expression, bringing himself to stand face to face with hee.

Y/N was in pure shock and disbelief. She turns the other way for a moment and covers her face with her hands, smearing them down her cheeks and past her lips. "You fucking what?" Her voice grows louder, and she spins back around to face Mr. Finn.

He stands with his hands on his hips, nodding his head and clicking his tongue. "It was many years ago, and it's not important anymore."

"And you're just telling me this now?!" She yells into his face, shaking her hands beside her head with vexation. Patrick grabs her hands that are frantically waving in the air, grinding his teeth.

"Y/N, please! Calm down!" He whispers loudly. Y/N could not stay still. She had never been so furious in her life. All this time Patrick had known William and chose to not say anything. She roughly shoves him again, but continues to stand in his way. She lifts her pointer finger and pushes it against his chest.

"You motherfucker," She laughs angrily. "You knew this whole time, you son of a bitch. Why did you set me up? Why was it some big secret?!"

"It's not some big secret, Y/N! I was serious about the payment, I was serious about everything that we were doing. But there's a reason I could never go in there myself, but you keep fucking yelling! So please! Let me explain myself!" Patrick shouts back, pushing her hand away from his chest.

Y/N stood silently, crossing her arms with deep breaths that were quick and agitated. "Go on then, let's hear it. The truth this time." She nods her head at him and shuffles her feet against the pavement.

Patrick runs his fingers through his hair before dropping both of his hands in the pockets of his jacket. "William and I..." His voice softens, and he stares off into the darkness only illuminated by the street lights. "We used to own a pizzeria together. It was called 'Easy Cheesy'... I know, it was a dumb fucking name, but people loved it."

Y/N feels her anger begin to subside, and she relaxes her defensive posture as Patrick continues.

"We were friends in college, and we took a lot of business classes together at the time. And me and him just clicked instantly. We seemed to be chasing the same exact dreams. Anyways, after college we were still really good buddies, and we made Easy Cheesy together. He was the founder, I was the Co- founder."

Y/N stays quiet, and the roaring sound of the insects in the distance filled in the moments of silence as Patrick spoke.

"He took robotic classes at some point during college, and he was... brilliant. He designed all of the animatronics at our restaurant. I really had no say in that part of it, it was mostly his thing. But I was the cook, and I was really good at it. The animatronics were the main source of income and attraction, but people loved the pizza. I trained all of our employees."

Patrick scoffs to himself. "But William always said they'd never be as good as me." He says quietly, scuffing his foot against the concrete and kicking a small stone off of the sidewalk.

Y/N watched as the stone disappeared into the darkness, only listening to it roll against the ground. She wrinkles her eyebrows, and takes a step toward Patrick.

-Deceive You- William Afton X Reader Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant