CHAPTER 10: Beauty Is Never Tarnished (SMUT)

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Y/N tosses and turns in the morning sun that was growing much too warm against her skin, shining brightly through her window on the third story of her apartment complex. With a deep breath and a quiet swallow, she lazily lifts a hand to shield herself from the bright light. Her mattress felt warm and sunken beside her.

There couldn't possibly have been-


Y/N jolts upright in bed, and the tiredness vanishes from her system in seconds. Her eyes dart around her room, but William was nowhere to be seen. The covers on the right side of the bed were peeled back, and everything seemed normal, indicating that William had most likely disappeared before she could awaken.

After which, she becomes blinded by a sun's ray that was reflecting off of a bright object. A bright, gold tinted object that was lying at the end of her bedsheets.

It was William's glasses.

She reaches over the bedsheets, carefully taking the gold-wired glasses into her hands. She examines them carefully, but her attention is grabbed by another unusual force. In fact, a very delicious-smelling force was pulling her nose on a string from the kitchen. She drags her body off of the bed, planting her feet against the floor. Trying her best to be quiet, she stumbles out of the bedroom, Williams glasses still in hand, as she fidgets with it's temples.

She is then greeted by William, who is facing away from her. He stands, hovering over her stove top as he cracks an egg over a frying pan. The smell grew stronger, a smell she hadn't smelt since she lived in her childhood home. The smell, the delightful smell of breakfast cooking in her very own kitchen. A thin smile grows on her face as she begins to feel a wave of relaxation wash over her; a wave of comfort.

"If you keep this up I'll be having you over every single night, William." Y/N walks confidently toward William, swiftly stopping behind him. William turns his head to face her with a smile only for a moment, preoccupied as he scrambles the eggs in the frying pan.

"Are you hungry, darling?" His voice was slightly raised due to the fact that the eggs were frying loudly, and popping as William scraped them around the pan. She gently taps the eyeglasses into the palm of her hand, and stands by William's side.

"Look at me." She asks softly, placing one hand against the back of his shoulder. Without another word, William turns his head to face Y/N, a look of concern on his face as if something were wrong. But the solicitous gaze quickly turns into smiling laughter as Y/N carefully places the glasses over William's face.

"Better?" She asks, reaching for the arm of the cupboard above her head and pulling out two plates. She places them beside William, allowing him to evenly distribute the eggs onto each plate.

William crinkles his eyebrows and stares down at the food in shock. "It is, yes.. much better, in fact." He says, trying to sound surprised, but instead laughs at his own foolish joke. Y/N laughs along with William, brushing her hand across his arm as she takes a seat at her small, two seated "dining room" table.

"Are you nearsighted or farsighted?" Y/N asks with genuine curiosity, watching as William delved through her refrigerator for a bottle of ketchup. "Farsighted." He answers back, lifting his head from the fridge and closing it with his foot, the bottle of ketchup and his plate of eggs utilizing both of his hands.

"Okay, stay right there. Take off your glasses for a second."

William obeys with her request, placing the bottle underneath the arm that held his plate. He lifts his glasses from his face, waiting for Y/N to continue. She lifts her hands from her lap, and holds up the number seven with her fingers. William squints his eyes and curls his lip, almost craning his neck forward as if he were having a hard time viewing what was in front of him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2023 ⏰

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