CHAPTER 3: The Interview

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"Holy shit, you actually booked an interview with him?!"

Mr. Finn was almost in disbelief that his plan would actually come this far. She was also in disbelief, but at the same time, Y/N was starting to realize the gravity of the situation. If William actually were to hire her, there would be no backing out then.

"1:30 today. You're going to have to find someone to cover for me today... and, you know, for the rest of my shifts if he ends up taking me in." She laughs to herself as she puts on her jacket. Mr. Finn drums his fingers against his desk. "What was he like over the phone?"

She starts to button her jacket, looking up at the ceiling tile as she thinks. "He was... straight-forward. I have this strange feeling that he is very particular about who he hires. He asked me how I got his office phone number." She then stares at Patrick with an annoyed face.

Mr. Finn's face looked as if he had seen a ghost. "Oh, shit... right, I forgot about that. What did you say? I mean, it must have worked if he agreed to an interview."

"Well, I just said I called earlier that day and an employee answered, saying he wasn't around. So they "gave me his office number." Mr. Finn... I just can't help but feel like he knows what I'm doing." Her hands fidget in front of her, growing more and more nervous as the time to leave rapidly approaches.

"He has no proof, Y/N. And besides, I'm sure he could use all the help he can get."

Y/N starts to suppose that Mr. Finn is most likely right. She had to make sure this interview went perfectly, or else she had no chance at meeting her bosses requirements, or getting her payment.

"I have to get going now." She opens the door to his office, turning to look at Mr. Finn one last time before she leaves. She wanted to say something to ensure that he was truly a man of his word, that she was actually going to get something out of this cruel act. But instead, she leaves his office quietly.


Freddy Fazbear's was roughly a 25 minute drive from Kings Row. It was such a stupid name for a pizzeria the more she thought about it, it sounded like a bar or some cheap tavern. You would never expect it to be full of screaming children, pizza, and creepy animatronics. Y/N had never actually been to Freddy Fazbears before, she had only seen it in the newspaper once in a great while when they first started becoming more and more popular. Mr. Finn has all of their headlines locked away in a filing cabinet. She never fully understood why he never just went there for himself, but then again, it does seem a bit strange for an adult to go to such an environment all by themselves.

As she pulls into the parking lot of the restaurant, she is greeted by dozens of cars, jammed into each parking space. Kings Row has never looked like this in all of their years of being open, the customer flow was always spotty, never consistent.

Y/N turns off her vehicle and steps out. Her knees felt weak, and the guilt of her actions began to wash over her even harder. The cool November air wisps her hair into her face as she examines the front of the building.

A yellow chicken, a purple bunny, and a brown bear with a top hat gathered on the front of the sign stare down at her in the parking lot as she approaches the entrance. A soft bell rings above her as she opens the door, but she could hardly hear it over the roaring laughter and screaming of children, the faint conversations at each table, and the sounds of pots and pans rustling in the kitchen.

But the animatronics caught her eye the most. They were so animated in the way they moved, the way they talked, and their designs were all so unique and true to themselves. She ambles to the stage, staring up at the animals, and she can't help but smile.

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