CHAPTER 2: Clock, Crikets, Heartbeat

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"Patrick, you can't be fucking serious."

A thousand dollars was a lot of money, and Y/N could really use it. I could get out of Utah if I wanted to, I could start over again. Although his idea seemed blatantly insane, another part of her was willing to comply with his request.

Mr. Finn could sense that she was considering his scheme now since there was a matter of payment. He grins with satisfaction, and after a long pause, Y/N finally speaks up.

"Okay... I'll do this for you.. but I need some guarantee that you're going to pay me when this is all over." She was skeptical.

"I'll pay you weekly." It seemed promising enough. Afterall, if this plan had truly worked and Mr. Finn's enterprise had taken off after stealing Freddy Fazbear's ideas, he'd be making much more than a thousand dollars. "Tell you what, I'll give you the phone number to the restaurant. When you get home tonight, schedule an interview with the owner. His name is William Afton."

William Afton.

She had never even heard of the owner's name, even after all these years of competition with him and his business. Y/N was certainly not going to forget it now.

Mr. Finn hands her a slip of paper with a phone number written on it. He clicks the pen and sets it back on his desk before walking closer to her.

"You will speak of this to no one, do you understand? Not your friends, not your family, and especially not your co-workers." He whispers through gritted teeth. She looks down at the paper, and then back up at him before slowly nodding her head.

I needed the money.


11:45 PM

Y/N stares at the clock above her stove, sitting at her small dining room table with the slip of paper in hand. The only light present was shedding down above her, illuminating the paper in her hand. She then reads the number over and over, her stomach churning with worry. Am I doing the right thing?

Irresolutely, she reaches for the corded phone next to her on the wall. She cautiously types the number into the phone, starting to wonder if someone will really pick up at this hour. Lifting the phone next to her ear, the sound of the call begins to go through. It seemed as if the clock on the wall was growing louder, the crickets outside were screaming, her heartbeat was in her ears.

It felt as if an eternity went by, and her panic was beginning to settle in deeply. She slams the phone back into the box and runs her fingers through her hair with regret.

Suddenly, the phone begins to ring.

The sounds of the clock, the crickets, and her heartbeat were deafened by the sound of the phone. Swallowing hard, she slowly reaches for the phone once again, and places the speaker to her ear.

"Hello?" Y/N says quietly, glancing around the dark room nervously as she awaits the stranger's response.

"Hello, this is William Afton speaking, I have just received a call from this number?" A man with a rich, British accent speaks from the other end. She was still bewildered that he had answered at this hour. Caught off guard, she loses her train of thought and begins to stammer.

"Hi! Yes I, uh... my name is Y/N L/N. I was just calling to ask if this restaurant was hiring by any chance?"

She twists the phone cord in between her fingers, pursing her lips to avoid breathing deeply into the microphone. William takes a moment to respond, and when he does, she feels like vomiting.

"How did you get this number?"

"Well, I..." Y/N was ready to slam the phone back into the receiver and forget about this whole thing, but she manages to make up a lie using the knowledge she has of working in a pizzeria, praying to God that the same rules applied to Freddy Fazbear's as well.

"I uh, I called the main number earlier this morning. An employee answered and said that you weren't around, but they gave me the number that I am calling right now. Has there been a mistake?" She attempts to sound innocent to cover up any suspicions that William may have of her. She was almost confident that her plan had worked.

"I see. Well, to answer your question dear, we are in fact looking for new employees. Would you like to schedule an interview?" The man on the other end did not miss a beat with his words, not even so much as a stutter escaped his lips.

Y/N sits up in her chair and smiles with accomplishment. "Y-Yes, I would like to."

"Alright then..." The phone on the other end crackles, and the sounds of paper shifting can be perceptible.

"How about 1:30 tomorrow?"

She places the phone in the crook of her neck and desperately grabs for a pen and the piece of paper with William's number on it. "Yes, that works for me!" She says, writing down the date and time on the paper.

"I look forward to seeing you, Y/N."

Before Y/N can respond, the phone on the other end hangs up and the dial tone beeps into the speaker against her ear. She sets down her pen and rests the phone back into the receiver. She wasn't sure what to think of William just yet, and she knew her interaction with him over the phone was just the beginning.

That night, Y/N could hardly sleep. So many thoughts and questions were running through her head. What was with the accent? Was he suspicious of my calling? She blamed herself for not knowing he didn't give out his office number. But why would he? He owns the biggest pizzeria in the state of Utah, and probably one of the biggest in America. Everyone would be calling if they knew his number.

She places her hand over her forehead and closes her eyes. All she could hope for was that she didn't fuck up tomorrow's interview.

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