Getting the Band(shell) Back Together

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the McGee's, Max and Scratch stepping off their car ready to enter Brighton Hills, Brighton's nursing home.

Scratch: Hey, this isn't the National Taco Convention!

throws his Taco Loco hat on the ground.

Max: not even a game store were they sell 50% off games/

Scratch/Max: you lied to me.

Molly: Yeah, well, if I'd told you both we were volunteering, you would have complained the whole way here.

Scratch: Wait, wait, wait, wait. We're volunteering? At a nursing home? On purpose? Over my undead body!

Scratch shapeshifts again into a wall, blocking the way in.

Molly: Hey Scratch, wanna know my favourite thing about ghosts? You can walk right through 'em!

The McGee's walk right through Scratch with ease with max sighed and walk to them. Scratch changes back to his normal form.

Scratch: What you people just did is considered VERY rude in the Ghost World!

Pete: C'mon, Scratch. Volunteering bonds us McGees together.

Scratch: Well, I'm no McGee.

Sharon: Good point. What is your last name?

Scratch: I'm a one-name icon, baby!

Darryl: Uh, are you sure? Cause I thought your last name was... * presses a button on his Obnoxitron, making a blech sound*

Scratch: Ah, man, you get me every time with that thing!

Sharon: We had to buy our son a toy called the Obnoxitron?

Pete smiles nervously as Scratch starts pressing different buttons on the toy.

Max: I can't believe you force me to do this.

Molly: come on bestie this can be fun together.

Max: *sarcastic* yeah cleaning old people dangers and helping people to the toilet can be so much fuuun.

Molly: love the motivation.

Max: . . . you know what, let get some, help molly, with Libby and Andrea likes this.

Then the ghost girls appear.

G.Andrea: hey what the deal now.

The girls look to see nursing home.

G.Molly: you summon us to help elders ! aaww, max you have soft spot!

Max: actually if I have to do all this stuff then you three are gonna do this with me.

G.Andrea: so you drag us here with old people no way I'm out!

G.Andrea then left.

Max: Andrea.

G. Andre then came back again as she glares at Max.

G.Andrea: well play. . ..

Later inside the building, Sharon is giving Senior Aerobic classes.

Sharon: Right arm! Left leg! Jazz hands!

Old Lady: Can we pick up the pace, dear? We don't exactly have all the time in the world.

Sharon: You heard her, double time! Left! Right! Left! Right!

in another room, Pete is taking suggestions to present to the City Council.

Pete: *holding paper and notepad* Well, that's a great suggestion!

Old Man: You work for the city? Because I have a few ideas.

the ghost and molly mcgee: three ghost and boyWhere stories live. Discover now