😞"hyung just say fuck,I'm not a kid"😞

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His head hanged low not ready to face the vexed eyes that was intensively glaring at him.he was seated on a chair with his brother pacing around him.he knew he was in trouble.

After the uncomfortable scene that he witness he dragged his little brother out of the room,taking him into his and joon room,thankfully he wasn't there at the moment so it was only 2seok.

Hoseok sigh,obviously exasperated by the situation, in his opinion jin was making a big deal out of this.they were just going to kiss..or maybe something more but they didn't do anything wrong.

"What were you thinking huh?what is wrong with you?do you have any idea what you were about to do huh?" Jin taunted.armed crossed,with a skeptical glare adoring his handsome face.

"Hyung it was nothing-it was nothing?nothing look at your shoulder and neck" jin pointed out hoseok obvious hickey that was litterly covering his shoulder."that man was like what?a few second away from fucki-"jin stopped not wanting hoseok to hear that sinful word"I mean screwing you!,I can't understand you really what were you thinking?".

"Hyung its not that big of a deal-

"what the fu-did you see what position you were in huh?I'm the one who caught you not the opposite you didn't see that he was basically ready to fuc-screw you!"

"Hyung just say fuck I'm not a kid-o my god hoseok were did you learn that!!?" Jin asked in disbelief since when did hoseok grow up to the point were he's talking back at him?.hoseok might be 19 but for jin he was that little baby that he held 19 years ago,to him hoseok was that kid that loved playing all day in the sun,to him hoseok was still that 6 year old boy that came crying to him because a kid had killed a fly arguing that every living being should be treat equally. For jin hoseok was still a kid,his baby.

"You are not soppose to be talking like that young man,right now isn't the time for you to be kissi-messing around with a stranger,you should focus on your studies instead,when the time come I'll chose your husband myself!"hoseok rolled his eyes scoffing.

"And weren't you like in love with jimin a month ago-oh so I was allowed to confess to jimin but I can't even kiss someone else are you understanding what you're saying?"

"It's because I know jimin,he's a good guy but a stranger?,you were ready to kiss a stranger-that wasn't going to be the first time we already did it many times!!" Jhope confessed adding fuel to his brother raging fire.the room became very quiet.just like the like to say the water is still before the storm.

Hobi startled when jin screamed"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!!?,DO EVEN KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING?YOU DON'T JUST MAKE OUT MANY TIMES WITH A STRANGER BEFORE KNOWING THEM!!"jin was in denial hoseok his hoseok was doing stuff behind his back well this time he wouldn't act all lovey dovey with him.maybe he gave him to much freedom to be acting like this.

"We're leaving get your bags,I'll make sure mom and dad know this,you are not allowed to do those stuff you're still too young-what the fuck hyung leave me alone!!" Jin turned to the shortest in the room with wide eyes not believing his ears.did hoseok just cuss in his presence?well he would be regretting that soon.

"Did you just cuss-yess I did what you gonna do beat me?!!,I'm tired of you always TELLING ME WHAT TO FUCKING DO,DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT I'M GOING TROUGH,HUH ALWAYS ACTING LIKE THE PERFECT ONE,ALWAYS BOSSING ME AROUND,I'M SICK OF THIS SHIT I FUCKING HATE YOU,I WISH I DIDN'T HAVE A BROTHER!!" hobi panted,not realised how much he just hurted his hyung.

"Y-you don't mean that..d-do you?" Jin wished he could get a I'm sorry I was just joking and a big hug from his little brother.however what he got was just silence."o-okey I'm s-sorry for being your b-brother"he chocked out feeling hot tears streaming down his eyes,he walked out the room before he could break down in front of hobi.hoseok eyes widen when he realised what he did he imeadiatly started to apologized but jin hearing sistem stopped after the word I wish I didn't have a brother.he couldn't believe hoseok didn't want him as a brother.but what did he do wrong?he was always their for hoseok when he needed him,he always gave him freedom,always buying gifts for him,he made sure hoseok got all the love he needed from his parents more that him he never wanted him to feel left out,he always thought he did what responsible big brother would do for their little brother but hoseok words changed that completely.

"HYUNG!!,wait I'm sorry,i didn't mean it-"he stopped mid sentence when someone prevent him from going after jin.he turned with irritated eyes,glaring at the person" give him some space"yoongi who had heard everything stated.he was behind the door listening 2seok argument not wanting the two brothers fighting because of him but it happened anyway.hoseok broke down in yoongis arm,sobbing.yoongi hugged hoseok preventing him from falling on the ground."I didn't mean it,I really didn't,he's not even close to a bad brother believe me I didn't mean it"he choked out hugging yoongi for dear life.yoongi sigh stroking hoseok back to calm him down"I know hoba,I know"Gobi sobbed harder not knowing what to do"it's gonna be okey I promise"yoongi promised pulling hoseok out of the hug,wiping his tears with his tumb that was a useless attempt cause hoseok tears didn't stop flowing.with a sigh he picked hoseok up bridel style carrying him to his room.

Namjoon looked up from his book when he heard footsteps approaching, his eyes widen when a sight of jin puffy eyes came into his view,he stood up walking towards him,before he could say something jin hugged him,finally broking down in RM arms"it wasn't a joke,he really h-hate m-me"namjoon worried gaze turned into one of confusion."baby talk to me what happened?"jin sobbed harder at the question.namjoon panicked not knowing what to do"h-he said I'm controlling h-him....s-since when did I ever!!?"jin asked in disbelieve not recalling any of those things hoseok said happening.

Namjoon sigh thinking that it was a pretty sensitive thing for jin share whit him,he didn't question him any further,he just picked his baby up by his thight,jin wrapped his legs around namjoon waist,placing his head on namjoon chest still sniveling but it comforted him in some way knowing that he had some to hold him.

Namjoon paced around his room with jin in his arms humming a tune that made his baby fall asleep.he slowly but surely tucked jin in,laying by his side he backed hugged his baby,silently praying that whatever reason made jin cry would bring his baby happiness in return.he kisses his forehead,closing his eyes he fell asleep a moment after.

"Stop crying it's gonna be okey little prince" yoongi reassured tucking hoseok in.hobi wasn't sobbing anymore but tears were still flowing out his eyes.yoongi carresed hoseok cheeks hating to see hobi crying.he stood up when hoseok tears stopped flowing,giving him a kiss on his forehead he got ready to leave but hoseok grip on his arm stopped him"can you..can you stay with me...please"hobi begged with such a lovely voice that yoongi couldn't resist even if he wanted.he smiled joining hoseok,he backhugged hobi but he turned around snuggeling into yoongi like a koala,yoongi smile widen loving the feeling of hoseok in his arms he could feel himself blushing he got used to it now every time he saw or thought of the younger his cheeks would always heet up.he didn't know everything but what he did know was that hoseok coming into his life was a blessing.

He played quietly with hoseok hair which he usumed the boy liked since he kept winning every time he stopped.he did it until hoseok eventually fell asleep.His gaze stopped on hoseok face,admiring the boy soft features he don't know when he pecked hoseok but he did it anyway.with a content sight he drifted of to sleep with hoseok in his arms.

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