Chapter 1 (Edited)

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  Chapter 1

 Caroline's POV

*Let's go girls! C'mon I'm goin' out tonight, I'm feelin' alright

Gonna let it all hang out Wanna make some noise, really raise my voice

Yeah, I wanna scream and shout, uh No inhibitions, make no conditions Get a little outta line I ain't gonna act politically correct

I only wanna have a good time The best thing about bein' a woman

Is the prerogative to have a little fun and Oh, oh, oh, go totally crazy, forget I'm a lady Men's shirts, short skirts Oh, oh, oh, really go wild, yeah, doin' it in style Oh, oh, oh, get in the action, feel the attraction

Color my hair, do what I dare Oh, oh, oh, I wanna be free, yeah, to feel the way I feel

Man, I feel like a woman (hey!)* 

I like to wake up every morning to some happy and upbeat energetic music so I have a good start to my day and Shania Twain is a damn good way to start it. I don't mind the mornings at all. I grew up getting up at 4:30 every morning and I've kept up with my routine throughout adulthood. I brush my teeth and my hair and get dressed for my day. I fill up Minnie's food and water bowl before heading downstairs.

"Good morning Daddy," I say as I come downstairs and kiss his cheek. "Good morning, Princess! Have a seat, your mother and I have to tell you something." Daddy says as I nod and sit down. "Yes sir." Mama comes in with our breakfast plates and we all sit at the table together. "Thank you, Mama. Now what did you have to tell me this morning." I ask, smiling as I bite into a piece of sausage. "I got a call last night from John Dutton, you remember him right?" Mama said, smiling at me. I immediately perk up thinking of my childhood best friend Lee. There was a bit of an age gap between Lee and me but he was always my protector and always stood beside me growing up, I was closer in age to his baby brother Kayce but we have always been like brother and sister, and best friends.  "Of course I do, Mama how is he?" I smile while continuing to eat my breakfast. "He's doing well, he asked me if you'd finished your rotations for vet school yet. He needs a live-in vet for his ranch. asked me if I knew anyone worthy of the job." Mama said, smirking at me. "Really!? That's always been a dream of mine!" I boasted. Mama laughed, elbowing Daddy softly as they smiled at me. "I know baby, that's why your mother suggested you, and she and I agreed to talk to you and I told him we'd have him give you a call this morning about it." Daddy gleamed at his soulmate as I ate. "Yes! I'll call him after my chores this morning. Thank you both so much!" I agreed as I excitedly finished my breakfast and got up to do my morning chores.

I walk into the barn and smile as I see Snow in her stall. "Good morning sweet girl," I say gently stroking her nose. "Such a sweet girl. Alright, let's get you some breakfast," I say scooping some oats into her feed bowl and throwing in some hay. I went to muck her stall out, fill her water up, and finish up my morning routine. with one final stroke of Snow's mane, I decide to make the phone call of my life. I take out my phone and dial his number. "Hello?" A gruff voice answers the line. "Good morning Mr. Dutton, It's Caroline Breeland. How are you this morning?" I politely greet him. "Caroline! I'm well! How are you?" John greets me on the phone. "I'm fantastic. My Mama and Daddy said you were asking about me." I giggle through the phone. "I was! I know you've always been the best hand a person could have and your Mama told me you finished your rotation and I'm in dire need of a live-in vet. Are you interested?" John concludes. I squeal with excitement. "Mr. Dutton, that's only been my dream since I could remember! What are the terms exactly?" I ask walking back up to the house. "Well, I need a live-in vet for the animals and I know that's not necessarily full time but you will be paid a full-time salary and you'll have your own cabin, which you can do with it as you please and you'll forever have a home here. What do you say?" John explains. "Hm... I feel like this is too good to be true is there anything else you'd need help with?" I giggle. "I'm sure you can find something else to occupy your time with right?" John chuckles. "I'm sure I could." I laugh. "But I have a question." I continue. "What's that honey?" John answers. "I have a horse and a Yorkie. Are they welcomed too?" I question. "Of course, this is a ranch by all means. What are their names?" John replies curiously. "Well, I have an American quarter horse named Snow, and a teacup yorkie named Minnie. they're great." I explain to him. "They're more than welcome." John agrees. "Then it's settled, when would you like me there?" I answer. "You'll do it?" John asked surprised. "Of course! I can't wait to do it. I just need to pack up my stuff and the animals on my trailer and tell Mama and Daddy, but I'm sure they knew what my answer would be already!" I laugh. "I cannot tell you how happy Lee will be to see you. He talks about you all the time." John chuckles. "Lee is such an amazing friend," I agree. "Okay well as soon as you can get here will be great. I'll have a couple of my guys go spruce up the cabin for you and make sure everything is ready for you to arrive." John concludes. "Thank you, Mr. Dutton. Thank you for thinking of me and choosing me. It means a lot to me." I thank him. "You're more than welcome, Caroline. I'll go ahead and let the boys know to get your cabin squared away." John states. "Yes, sir. I'll load up my stuff and head that way this afternoon. if that's okay, with you of course." I confirm. "Sounds great I'll make the Cowboys get to it then," John concludes with a chuckle. "Alright, Mr. Dutton. I'll be there tonight. Thank you again." I beam. "It's John, Caroline. No need for Mr. Dutton anymore. I've known you your whole life," John chuckles. "Alright, John. I'll load up and head that way soon." I laugh. "Alright be careful on your drive and we'll have supper ready for you," John finishes. "Awesome, can't wait. Bye, John!" I concluded. "Bye, Caroline," John says before hanging up. I smile and go into the house. "Mama! Mama!" I yell through the house. "In the kitchen Care!" My mother called back to me. "Mama! I'm going to Montana!" I squeal excitedly running over to her. My mother beamed at me with pride in her eyes. "I'm so happy for you baby! Maybe, just maybe you'll find your soulmate while you're there!" My mother smirked at me. "I hope so that'd be the best thing ever. to work for my dream ranch and have my soulmate right there with me," I giggle. "I know baby that sounds like paradise. don't you need to pack?" My mother says, smirking at me. "Yes ma'am." I nod. "Mama... how will I be sure if I meet my soulmate?" I ask before ascending the stairs. My Mama smiles from her position in the kitchen, before lifting her head for her kind eyes to meet mine.  "Sweetheart, the best way for me to describe it is like a magnetic pull in your belly, urging you closer and closer to your soulmate. It's a feeling you can't and won't want to ignore, believe me, baby, you'll know." Mama answered me proudly. "What happens If I have more than one soulmate?" I continue asking. "That just means god loved you that much more to give you more than one soulmate for you to spend your life with, darlin," Mama says hanging her drying towel on the rack. I smiled taking her words in and nodded. "I'll have your daddy hitch your trailer and load up Snow and her stuff for you." My mother smiles. "Thank you, Mama. Thank you and Daddy for supporting me and my dreams." I say hugging my mother tightly. "We will always support your dreams, sweetheart. Now go start packing." Mama smiles at me and pats my cheek softly. "Yes, ma'am," I say going upstairs. I pack all of my clothes, hats, toiletries, shoes, and my laptop. I can buy whatever else I need when I get up there. I pack Minnie's hair bows, food bowls, food, and travel purse and put them by my stuff by my bedroom door. I look around the room and smile. I grab the family picture of my parents and me and smile as I place it inside Minnie's carrier. "Minnie, Come here girl," I call out for her. I see Minnie running her little legs down the hallway and I laugh. That dog is too cute for her good. I grab my pillow and blanket and pack them away before grabbing my bags and taking them down to my truck. After three trips I finally have all of my stuff into the truck. I see Daddy in the stalls loading up my trailer with all of Snow's gear and saddles. "Thank you, Daddy," I say as I walk over to him. "No need Princess. That's what I'm here for." My Daddy says as he wraps me up in an engulfing hug. "You got everything you need?" My father asked me. "I just have to put Snow in the trailer and grab Minnie and then I'm set," I replied. My father nods. "Well, how about you let me hitch your trailer and load up snow for you while you get some lunch." My dad says loading up snow's stuff. "Thank you, Daddy," I say as I kiss his cheek before going back inside. I do one final sweep to make sure I haven't forgotten anything I need in my room, close the door, and go meet my Mama in the kitchen. "All finished baby?" My mother asks me as she's finishing up lunch. "Yes ma'am. I got everything loaded up except Minnie. Daddy's hitching my trailer and loading Snow up for me now." I say sitting down at the table. "Great baby, eat some lunch and get some fuel in you for that drive." My mom says placing my country-fried steak and macaroni and cheese in front of me. "Thank you, Mama." I thank her and eat my lunch. I finish my lunch and take my plate to the sink to wash it before putting it into the dish strainer. "I think I have everything I need," I say picking up Minnie and smiling at my mother. "Well come on let's go see if your daddy is done loading up snow and her things so you can get on the road." My Mama says as we walk outside. "I think you're all set, Princess. Snow's all set up in there all the gear is ready and I filled your truck up with fuel. You should be all set to hit the road." Daddy says handing me my truck keys. "Thank you both so much," I say gratefully. "I never could have done any of this without y'all." I continued as I put Minnie in her spot in my truck. "You did all of this yourself. you busted your ass to get to this point and you deserve it!" My daddy boasted to me as he gave me a tight hug. "Now get your pretty little self on the road, and see if you can find your soulmate." My mama says as she hugs me quickly before urging me forward. "Yes, Ma'am. I love yall. So much!" I smile at them before getting into my truck. "We love you! Be careful!" They both yell at me as I wave and pull away driving to my new future home.

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