Chapter 4 (Edited)

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                                                     Caroline's POV

I woke up with my head resting on Colby's chest as the sun had barely begun breaking the horizon, I smiled and got up from the bed quietly in hopes of not waking Colby up and went into the bathroom and I started my shower. I stepped in and let the hot water run down my back soaking my hair and relaxing. I feel really good this morning and I want to get Snow out of her stall and ride her today before I have to get food started tonight, and it feels like the best day to do that. I wash my hair and put in my conditioner before washing my body, preparing myself for my day. I finish my routine and step out wrapping my towel around myself. I dry my hair and brush it, before throwing it up into a messy bun and brushing my teeth. I tiptoe over to the bed and straddle Colby before kissing his lips to wake him up. "Good morning, baby," I say sweetly, trying to urge him awake. "C'mon, baby wake up," I giggle, kissing him again. "Hmm... Gimme another one and I'll be up," Colby said with a deep husky voice. I giggled and gave him a deep kiss. "Good morning, Princess," Colby said, smiling at me and rubbing his eyes. "I'm gonna take Snow out for a ride today," I say to Colby as I move off of him to get dressed, I grab out a pair of socks, panties, a sports bra, some jeans, a tank top, and a hoodie. I smirk at Colby sitting in my bed watching me with amusement. "What are you watching me for, get dressed." I giggled, shaking my head. "Hey the view's great, I didn't wanna ruin it," Colby said smirking as he stood up pulling on his boxers and jeans. I laughed and pulled on my panties and my jeans, before pulling on my sports bra and tank top. "Damn my love, you look good," Colby said, walking up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist, and kissing my cheek. "Thank you, baby," I say leaning into his embrace before pulling on my hoodie. I go to sit on the foot of the bed and pull on my socks and grab my boots from the closet. Colby grabs his shirt from the floor and quickly slips into it before going downstairs. I pull on my boots and leave feed and water for Minnie before going downstairs. "I started you a cup of coffee babe," Colby says, pulling on his boots. "Thank you!" I say happily. "Thank you for staying with me, Colby," I express softly. "It made me happy baby, I'll be here whenever you want me here," Colby says kissing me softly. "I hope you're not against PDA, 'cause y'all are gonna get a lotta random kisses, fair warning," I say making Colby laugh before turning to my cup of coffee, adding some cream and a whole lotta sugar and bringing the cup up to my lips. "PDA Is just showing off what you have and baby I have you, So I welcome it," Colby says smiling "That's amazing. Okay, ready?" I ask heading towards the front door, grabbing my sunglasses, and putting them on top of my head. "I think so, anything I leave would be here later anyways," Colby says, grabbing his hat from the hat rack and placing it on his head. "Nahhh, I'll burn it and sing a campfire song around it," I say sarcastically laughing and rolling my eyes. "You're cute and a comedian," Colby says laughing. "I try," I say winking before walking out the front door and stepping onto the porch sipping my coffee. Colby follows me and closes the door before taking my hand in his. We silently walk out to my truck before getting in and starting the short ride down to the stall. "I need to invest in a golf cart or something," I say driving up to the barn. "We have four-wheelers and a couple of gators. I can have Jimmy or someone leave one for you to use if you want me to." Colby offers as I turn the truck off at the barn. "Sure! I'll be able to leave my truck down at the cabin until I need to go to town or anything," I answer, taking my coffee in my hand while listening to the soft music continuing to play on the radio. "Where do you plan on going for a ride?" Colby asked me before stepping out of the truck, as I followed his lead grabbing my coffee before getting out. "I'm probably just staying close to the ranch. I don't wanna get attacked by a bear or anything so I'll just work her out here." I say gesturing to the pastures closest to the barn. "Okay babe," Colby says, walking over to me and wrapping his arm around my waist as we slowly walk into the stalls as I finish my coffee. "Would you saddle her while I put this back in my truck?" I ask, raising my coffee cup. "Yeah, of course, I will." Colby says smiling. "Thank you," I smiled, turning to walk slowly back to my truck, putting my cup safely in the cup holders in my truck. The sun had finally risen and the sunrise was magnificent. I had been staring longer than I had thought because Colby was walking Snow up behind me fully saddled and ready to go. "Sorry baby, I was stuck staring at that." I say pointing to the gorgeous sunrise. "Imagine how I felt waking up to you," Colby says, smiling at me as he patted my ass. I laughed and flipped my hair to readjust my messy bun to get my hair out of my face. "This hair is gonna be the death of me one day." I grumble trying to get it out of my face and out of my way. "I think your hair is beautiful." Colby reassured me, handing me Snow's reins. "Thank you, You're so sweet to me," I say, kissing him before mounting Snow. "I don't wanna get you in trouble for being late, so if you gotta go lemme know." I say winking at him. "I gotta get Owen saddled up for the day." Colby said, nodding. "Okay babe I'm gonna go say good morning to the guys real quick then I'm heading out, I should be back at home by lunch," I say to Colby adjusting myself in the saddle. "Are you making dinner again tonight?" Colby asked me with an amusing smile. I laugh and nod. "I am. I'm thinking of a Pot Roast," I say putting on my Ray Bans. "Sounds amazing baby girl, thank you." Colby says, smiling at me. "Go get Owen saddled nobody wants you getting yelled at." I giggle. "Yes ma'am. I love you, I'll see you later, baby girl." Colby says walking over to kiss me deeply. "I love you too, see you later." I said after the kiss and I turned to snow and made kissing noises to get her to walk over to the bunkhouse. I trotted over to the bunkhouse and got off and tied Snow up to the posts before walking in. "Good morning guys!" I said cheerfully as I walked over to Rip. "Good morning, sweetheart. How are you feeling this morning?" Rip greeted me, wrapping me into a bear hug. I laughed and hugged him back tightly. "I'm good baby, how are you?" I giggled. "I'm good, about to head out to work here in a minute." Rip replied putting his hat on his head. "That's why I'm here. I wanted to see yall before yall go out." I smiled up at him. "Seeing your face just made my day even better, trust me," Rip says before gently kissing me, Good morning. "Mmm, Where's Jimmy and Ryan?" I ask looking around the bunkhouse. "They're finishing in the bathroom." Rip points over to the bathroom as I nod and walk over to the door. I walked over to the bathroom door and knocked. "Jimmy? Ryan?" I said sweetly. The door opened and there stood Ryan and Jimmy was pulling on his jeans. "Good morning, beautiful!" Ryan said, scooping me up and hugging me tightly. "Good morning to you too, handsome!" I giggled as he put me back down. "I just came down to see y'all before yall went to work." I say sweetly before kissing Ryan. "Thank you for coming to see us this morning," Jimmy chimed in. I smiled and walked over to Jimmy and hugged him. "Of course! I wanted to make sure yall have a good day," I smiled up at him. "Well, this is a great start that's for sure." Ryan smirked as he winked at me before walking out of the bathroom. "I agree." Jimmy smiled and I leaned up to kiss him sweetly. "Mm good I'm glad, dinner at my house tonight, Colby will tell Rip and Ryan, I'm making pot roast." I say winking. "Sounds great, What are you doing today?" Jimmy asked, noticing my outfit. "I'm taking Snow out for a little while, just riding around not going too far considering I don't know the area well enough to go exploring, and I don't wanna be eaten by a bear." I say with a giggle. "We definitely don't want that." Jimmy chuckles. "Right, well finish getting ready baby, I'll see you later?" I say walking towards the door. "Yes, ma'am." Jimmy winks as I turn to walk back out to the rest of the bunkhouse. "I'm going to take Snow for a ride for a while y'all I'll see you all later." I say winking at the guys. "Be careful, baby. You need something, someone is always around, or call me." Rip says to me. I smile and cock my head sideways. "Baby, I don't have anyone's number." I said giggling. "Gimme your phone." Rip smirks as I pull my iPhone outta my back pocket before unlocking the screen. Rip puts his number in my phone and calls himself, before handing it back to me. "There you have mine and I have yours, I'll call to check up on you in a few hours to make sure you're okay." Rip says, smiling at me. "Yes sir, Thank you," I smiled before turning to the door. "Be careful baby," Ryan said to me. "I will, I promise," I say reassuringly before leaving the bunkhouse. I walk up to Snow and untie her reins from the posts. "Are you ready, pretty girl?" I asked her softly as I mounted the saddle and adjusted myself. "Let's go girl." I say, clicking my tongue and urging her to walk towards the pastures. I ride for hours exploring the ranch before returning to the stalls. I unsaddled Snow before putting her back in her stall and giving her water to cool down. I smiled and walked up to the lodge to see if anyone was home. "Good afternoon sweetheart, how are you?" John greeted me, startling me, and making me jump. "Oh my fucking God! I'm so sorry, you scared me, Mr. Dutton!" I giggled before going up the steps to sit by him on the porch. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, sweetheart." John apologizes. "It's okay, Mr. Dutton. I thought I was alone so I came to see if anyone was home, obviously, you are." I say crossing my legs and getting comfy in the chair. "On this ranch, you're never alone, sweetheart." John says, placing his hand comfortingly on my knee. "I'll keep that in mind." I say smiling. "Caroline, I'm sorry." John says, lowering his head. "What for, Mr. Dutton? You haven't done anything." I ask him, holding his hand he placed on my knee. "I didn't know he would do that, Lee told me everything that happened last night." John said, shaking his head and looking at the ground. "John, that was not in your control, Fred took his own actions into his own hands, but I am fine. I'm not going anywhere. I promise." I reassured him. "You're one of the strongest people I have ever met, you know that?" John says, looking at me with admiration. "You're too good to me." I say smiling. "I mean it, I'm glad you have the guys to take care of you." John says, smirking up at me. "You know already?" I asked him, surprised. "Baby there's nothing that happens on this ranch that I don't know about. One thing I know for sure when you meet your soulmate, you hold them close. Evelyn was my soulmate, I knew it the moment I laid eyes on her, just like you did, keep them close sweetheart." John said to me. "I thought I would get judged so harshly, honestly. I didn't know having more than one soulmate was possible." I said softly. "I would never let anyone judge you, Caroline, I've loved you since your parents first brought you up here, the sweetest little girl, now grown up into a smart and beautiful woman. You belong here." John says to me. I smile and decide to lean over and hug John. "Thank you, I needed to hear that." I say with a smile. "I'll be here whenever you need to hear it, sweetheart," John says smiling. We sat and chatted more for a while before I decided to ask the burning question I'd had all day. "What happened to him?" I ask softly. "Who?" John questions. "Fred. What happened to him?" I ask again. John sighs and sits up in his chair. "You want the truth?" He asked me and I nodded. "He's dead. Lloyd took him to the train station." He says as I raise my eyebrow in confusion. "The train station?" I asked. "It's a little county in Wyoming with no people living within a hundred miles of it. There's a roadside cliff where people from 3 states come to get rid of their problems." John explains. I nod and take it all in. "Thank you for defending me, I'm sorry you lost one of your ranch hands though," I say looking at my feet. "You've got nothing to be sorry for, sweetheart." John reassures me, patting my knee again. Just then a truck speeding up the road caught my eye. "Who's that?" I ask, then I feel the pulling feeling happening. "Oh, my lord. Another soulmate?" I say out loud staring at the approaching truck. John smiles at me before connecting the dots. "He's a lucky man, come on sweetheart, that's my son, Kayce." John says, taking my hand as we stand to walk off the porch to greet Kayce. The truck seems to have sped up even quicker if that was possible before stopping and getting out. "Everything okay, Kayce?" John asks, shouting out to his son. "I just left from seeing Tate and I couldn't help it I felt something pulling me here." Kayce says to his father. I smile leaning against the porch railing and watching the two converse. "I know." John simply answers. "You know? What is it?" Kayce asked him before looking over at me. "She's the pull son," John replies, looking over his shoulder at me. "She's your soulmate." John says to Kayce. Kayce's eyes were glued to me. "She's my soulmate?" Kayce repeated to John stunned. "She is, she's been through so much in her life that she has multiple soulmates, remember what I used to explain to you and your brothers and your sister? Soulmates are a gift from god, son. She has lived through some traumatic shit and she's got 4 soulmates, well 5 so far including you." John explains gesturing for Kayce to follow him back over to me. "I understand," Kayce nodded and followed his father. "Hey, I'm Caroline," I say introducing myself to Kayce with a smile. "Hey Caroline, I'm Kayce," Kayce says with a smile. "Come inside, let's finish this conversation over a drink," John says, opening the front door with a smile. "Sounds perfect," I say walking inside and heading for the living room. I sat down on the couch as Kayce and John sat down, Kayce sat beside me and John poured 2 glasses of whiskey and then sat on the other couch right beside me, handing me my glass. "So Care, I saved you the trouble of having to explain to Kayce that you are soulmates but that's as far as I got," John explains to me sipping his drink as I nod. "Well, I'll just make it simple I guess. Last night, I was assaulted and almost raped by Fred the low man here, I was out in the stalls checking on my horse, Snow, when he came out of nowhere, I immediately told him to leave me alone and I wasn't interested in him, that I was spoken for and he wouldn't take no for an answer... He pushed me against the wall and pinned my hands over my head and he was kissing my neck and tried to undress me with his hand over my mouth. That's when Ryan and Jimmy came to save me." I said uncomfortably recalling the evening before. "Jimmy, Ryan, Rip, and Colby are also my soulmates." I say before hanging my head. "That motherfucker put his hands on you?! Dad, where is he?!" Kayce said, fuming mad. "He's dead." I answer for John. "Oh my god, are you okay?" Kayce asked, taking my hand in his softly stroking the top of it. I nod and look at him, "Yeah, thankfully I'm fine," I reassure him. "I don't think I've ever been more protected than I am, right here." I say trying to make him calm down. "She's a fighter, she kicked his ass, that's what Lee told me last night," John says, patting my leg. "I'll give you two some time," John says, standing and leaving to go back outside. I sighed and laid my head back unsure of what to say next. "How are you, Kayce?" I asked as I peeked over at him. "I'm okay, I'm trying to wrap my head around finding my soulmate at my house." Kayce says playfully, causing me to giggle. "See, anything can happen when you come home, huh?" I laugh. "I see that," Kayce says smiling. "I don't think I've seen you since I was like 5," I say looking around the room. "I remember your blonde curly hair bouncing as you were running around playing with the dogs we had," Kayce recalls laughing. "I remember that!" I say laughing. "It was so much simpler back then," Kayce says smiling. "Hey wait, Who is Tate? I heard you mention them earlier." I asked, turning to face him. "Oh, he's my 6-year-old son." Kayce said, smiling with pride. "Awe!" I giggle. "That's awesome, Kayce," I say, smiling at him. "He's the best thing that I've ever done," Kayce said with pride. "I can't wait to meet him, no pressure," I say sweetly. "What about you, how did you wind up here?" Kayce asks, giving me his attention. "I grew up working on my grandpa's farm where I grew up tending to the horses, riding, roping, bronc riding, and barrel racing. I finished my clinical for veterinary medicine. Now I'm the ranch's vet plus I've volunteered to cook for the boys in the bunkhouse since Gator's out til Monday. I live in the cabin and I have a miniature Yorkie named Minnie and a white American quarter horse named Snow." I answer with a smile. "Hold on now, you can cook, you're a vet, and can rope, ride, Bronc ride, and barrel race?!" Kayce asked, shocked. "Yes sir," I say proudly. "Holy shit," Kayce says with a laugh. "Oh yeah, I've gotta start dinner soon, it takes a lot to feed all these hungry men in the bunkhouse." I laugh. "They can eat, that's for sure," Kayce says with a laugh. "Are you staying here?" I ask Kayce. "Yeah, I'm home. I was just getting the rest of my stuff from Monica's house and spending some time with Tate." Kayce explains to me. "You don't have to explain anything to me," I reassured him. Kayce sighed and smiled at me. "I'm not used to that at all," Kayce says to me. "What do you mean?" I ask giving him my undivided attention. "I'm used to having to explain my every move, if I leave to go to work or anything, Monica would be like where are you going, who are you with, blah blah blah." Kayce sighed. "Sounds like someone had a heavy conscience." I blurt out. "Oh shit, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that." I apologize quickly. "No, you're right. I found out shortly after she started asking about my every move, that she was leading a double life with another teacher on the reservation." Kayce admits to me. "She dares to question your every move but yet she does that to you?" I say with a scoff. "I tried to be a good man, but it wasn't enough for her." Kayce shrugs. "Listen to me, you could have hung the moon and it still wouldn't have been enough for her. She took it upon herself to lead a double life, not you. You're not the one to blame here." I say trying to offer Kayce some comfort. "Thank you, Caroline. I appreciate that." Kayce says sincerely. "I'm always here for you," I say with a smile. I finish my glass of whiskey and sit the glass on the coffee table. "Wanna give me a hand?" I ask Kayce. Kayce raises his eyebrow in confusion. "Making dinner, remember?" I ask him. "Oh yeah!" Kayce answered quickly. "Good, does John have any big crockpots?" I ask him before standing up. "I think so, I'll go check," Kayce says before getting up and going to the kitchen. I walk over and stand in the doorway of the kitchen, "Any luck?" I ask Kayce as he searches through the cabinets. "Think this is big enough?" Kayce asked, holding up a large crockpot. "That should do it," I say with a smile. "Good, let's go," Kayce says as he gestures for me to go first. "My truck is right outside, we can drive it back," I say walking out of the kitchen to the front door. "Sounds good," Kayce says following me. I hustle over to my truck before hopping in the driver's seat. "Hop in!" I say putting on my RayBans. "Yes, ma'am," Kayce says, running over to the passenger side door and hopping in with the crockpot in hand. I start the truck and drive back to my house as I glance over at him smiling at me. "What?" I ask continuing to drive to my house. "Nothing," Kayce smirks at me. "Mhmm." I giggle, shaking my head. I pull up to the cabin a few moments later and turn off the truck. "Come on," I giggle, before jumping out of my truck and going inside the cabin as Kayce follows me. "Welcome to my humble abode," I joke as I walk into my kitchen. "Care, it seems to me that you forgot I grew up on this ranch my whole life," Kayce says poking fun at me. "Maybe so," I laugh. "Just put that crockpot down on the table for now, I gotta prep the veggies," I say to Kayce. "Yes ma'am." Kayce chuckles. "Hey Siri, play my music," I say as my phone connects to my speaker and country music starts playing. "Good music tastes too?" Kayce chuckles. "I'm a triple threat I guess," I say playfully as I wash my hands and then wash the potatoes, carrots, and celery. "Can you cut up an onion?" I ask Kayce with a raised eyebrow. "I can, how big do you want them?" Kayce asked me with a smirk. "You can just slice them," I answer smiling as I start to chop up potatoes and carrots. "Yes ma'am," Kayce says after taking his hat off and hanging it on the hook. I moved over to give him access to the sink as Kayce walked over to wash his hands. I smile at him and decide to grab us something to drink. "Are you thirsty?" I ask him as I walk over to grab two glasses. "Sure, whatcha got?" Kayce replied while slicing onions. "Uh, beer, wine, whiskey, and Sweet Tea," I answer walking over to the fridge. "Sweet tea would be great thank you," Kayce answers and I nod, pouring 2 glasses of sweet tea. "Here you go," I say, handing him his glass. "Thank you," Kayce says, taking a sip. "That's great." He says, sighing. "Thank you," I say smiling. "Onions are ready." Kayce says sniffling. I nod and walk over to get the crock pot from my kitchen table and set it on the counter off to the side. I place the seasoned meat into the crockpot and add the potatoes I had already cut into the pot. "Just drop 'em in for me please," I say smiling as I finish cutting up the carrots and celery. "Alright, darlin'," Kayce says as he places the onions in the crockpot. "Did the onions get you?" I giggle looking at Kayce's watery eyes. "Little bit, Don't laugh at me," Kayce said playfully, laughing. "I'm sorry," I say laughing. "I can tell," Kayce says, laughing with me. After all the ingredients were added to the crockpot, I set the timer for 6 hours on high and left it alone. "Alright, it should be ready by like 6:30," I say walking over to my couch, kicking off my boots. "Come sit with me," I say softly, taking a sip of my tea. "Okay," Kayce says, coming to sit by me on the couch. "I have to ask you outright, How do you feel about everything?" I ask Kayce looking up into his eyes. "I don't know how I'll feel about sharing you, but as long as I have you in my corner, I think I'll be able to handle it well." Kayce admits. "I don't want you to feel like you're obligated just because we're soulmates," I say sheepishly looking down at my lap. "I'm not obligated to do anything, Caroline, I'm here because I wanna be for the first time in 6 years. Because of you." Kayce reassures me. "Really?" I say looking up at Kayce. Kayce nods and smiles as he brushes a stray strand of hair out of my face. "I wouldn't lie to you," Kayce said softly. "This soulmate bond is strong isn't it?" I whispered looking up at Kayce. "It is," Kayce smiles, scooting closer to me. I smile and blush softly. "You're beautiful," Kayce says softly. "Thank you," I smile and bite my lip. Just then my phone rings from the kitchen. I jump up and run over to grab my phone, "Hello?" I answer before going back to the couch. "Hey darlin' you okay?" Rip says from the other line. "I'm fine, We just finished putting dinner in the crockpot. It'll be ready by 6:30ish." I say sitting back on the couch. "Sounds good, Kayce with you?" Rip chuckles. "What are you psychic or some shit?" I say laughing. "Nah, darlin'. Mr. Dutton gave us the heads up. You wish I was psychic." Rip laughs at his own comment. "I kinda do actually," I say giggling. "Alright, then sweetheart we'll see you and Kayce at your house at dinner, see you later." Rip says sweetly. "Bye, Babe see y'all later." I say before hanging up. "Sorry Rip was checking on me, I went out riding at sunrise this morning and he wanted to make sure I didn't die, and your father saved me from the conversation with the guys, they were told already that you're my soulmate." I say to Kayce. "Thanks, Dad." Kayce scoffs, causing me to laugh. "Seriously, I've been here 2 days and I've met 5 of my soulmates. Like who else can say that?" I ask, shaking my head. "Just means we each have our own piece of your heart. We're here to protect it, forever." Kayce says to me with a smile, his deep chocolate brown eyes melting into my hazel ones. I sighed and laid my head on his shoulder, "I've never thought about it like that," I whispered, thinking about the past couple of days. "I don't know how I got this blessed but whatever it is, thank you, God," I say softly, wiping my tears. "Hey, why are you crying, Care?" Kayce asks me softly, rubbing my back. "I'm just grateful for you guys, I've had to deal with a lot of guys just wanting to hit it and quit it but none of them have ever made me feel like this," I say shaking my head softly. "Shh... I'm here now, and as long as we're breathing you'll never have to worry about that again." Kayce says, wrapping me in a protective hug. "I don't ever want to feel rejected again," I say into Kayce's chest. "You won't have to, I know I can say for sure that as long as Rip and I are breathing you'll forever be safe from that," Kayce says, placing a tender kiss on the top of my head. "Thank you," I say, peeking up at his face. Kayce just smiled and kissed my forehead. "Was this how you envisioned meeting your soulmate?" I joke playfully. "Not really, with my luck, I figured she'd be dancing on a pole or something," Kayce jokes back, causing me to burst into laughter. "Well lucky you, I can't pole dance for shit," I laugh harder holding my stomach. "That's a plus," Kayce says laughing. "Oh, my lord." I say taking a deep breath, "You're a trip, I haven't laughed like that in years," Kayce says, leaning his head back. I looked up at him and smiled. "I'm glad to be the one to make you laugh," I say, patting his knee. "Are you gonna be living at the lodge?" I asked, changing the subject. "I dunno honestly, Grown men don't live with their fathers," Kayce says, shrugging. "I'm sure the bunkhouse has an empty bunk?" I ask him. "Yeah, that's a possibility but I'm not too sure that would work." Kayce says chuckling. "Yeah, true." I giggle. "Hmm. Well, I mean I usually have one of the guys sleeping with me every night but if you're down for that you can stay here with me?" I say biting my lip. Kayce looks at me with an amused expression, "Really?" Kayce asked. "We'll talk about it with the guys over dinner but I'm down. At least you won't be living with your father." I say with a shrug. "Hell, it's not like I don't have the room for it." I say smirking. "I'd love that, but I might have Tate hanging around some, would that be okay?" Kayce asked me, cautiously. "Of course! I'd never keep you from your son! He's welcome any time." I say quickly, causing Kayce to smile. My phone started to ring again at that moment. "Hello?" I say answering the call. "Hey, Sweetheart! Wanna come down to the arena, we're having a job fair," Ryan says excitedly through the phone. "Sure, baby. We'll be down shortly!" I reply looking at Kayce excitedly. "Okay, sweetheart see you soon, Bye!" Ryan says before hanging up. "Come on!" I said excitedly to Kayce. "What's going on?" Kayce asks, chuckling. "I didn't know we were having a job fair, apparently there are a lotta kick-ass applicants!" I say, putting my boots back on. "Well let's go check 'em out!" Kayce says chuckling. I fix my hair and grab my sunglasses before walking to the door. "Want me to lock up?" Kayce asks me following me. "Nah, I feel pretty safe leaving it unlocked, almost all of the guys go in anyways," I say confidently. "Hmm, well baby please tell me you lock the door at night." Kayce says worry seeping through his voice. "I lock the door at night, don't worry baby I'm safe." I reassure Kayce with a smile. "I'll make sure of it." Kayce says, taking my hand in his as we walk outside to my truck. "Good." I smile and get into the truck. "Come on get in, Cowboy." I say giggling. "Yes, ma'am," Kayce says, laughing and jumping into the passenger seat. I smiled and started the truck and started driving toward the arena. "Kayce... I'm feeling that feeling again." I say softly glancing over to him. "I do too, this is weird." Kayce says to me, a confused expression on his face. "Really?! That must mean..." I say trailing off. "Wait, I have another soulmate too?" Kayce says finishing my sentence. "Seems that way," I say, chuckling. "This is gonna be an eventful day," Kayce says with a laugh. I agree and pull up beside the bunkhouse and jump out of the truck after shutting off the truck. Ryan, Rip, Colby, and Jimmy were all hanging around the arena gate watching this pink-haired girl on a horse roping a calf. "Hiya cowboys," I greet them walking over towards them. They all turned around as Kayce and I walked up to them. "What's everyone looking at?" I ask, stepping onto the fence to climb up and sit on it. "Careful, baby." Kayce says standing behind me protectively. "It's just starting, this pink-haired girl is about to go," Lloyd explains walking over from the other side of the arena. "Atta girl," I say, clapping my hands, eyes never leaving the pink-haired girl. "That's her." Kayce said to me, patting my ass as he climbed up beside me. "Have you all felt that pulling feeling since this started?" I asked the guys beside me. Colby, Rip, Jimmy, and Ryan all looked at Kayce and me curiously. "We felt it driving over," Kayce says, answering their questioning looks. "I thought it was because you were coming," Jimmy says, scratching his forehead in confusion causing me to giggle. "No baby, I'm not the cause of it this time. It's her." I said pointing over to the girl on the horse hollering at the other cowboys in the arena, "That Spanish?" Lloyd asks Rip. "I don't know, I'll tell you one thing though, she's a hand." Rip says to Lloyd watching her. "Ride the hair off a horse, that's for damn sure. But we need somebody who can speak English." Lloyd says to Rip. "Hey. You!" Rip calls out to her. She turned her head and looked over our way, as Rip motioned for her to come over and she instantly obeyed. "Where'd you learn to cowboy?" Rip asked her. "Man, I've been fuckin' ballin' and draggin' since I could bounce piss off a rock," She answers. "That ain't Spanish. She's Texan." Rip explains to Lloyd. "That ain't Texan, that's gibberish." Lloyd says confused. "No, I'm tellin' you it's Texan. I can smell it a mile away." Rip says to Lloyd. "What's your name?" I ask sweetly. "Teeter." She says with a thick Texan accent. "What's that?" Rip asks. "Tee-ter." She enunciates "Did you hear what she said?" Rip asked Lloyd. "I think she said, Peter. Is your name Peter?" Lloyd says. "Do I look like my fucking name is Peter you skunk-haired motherfucker?" Teeter says, gesturing her hands up and down her torso. "She called me a motherfucker," Lloyd says laughing. "You understood that didn't you, you bow-legged bastard." Teeter said to Lloyd. Causing us all to burst out laughing, "Come on don't give her a hard time I understood everything she said!" I said through my laughter. "This is the type of girl that got drove to high school wearing a damn hockey helmet. She's gonna go through the bunkhouse like wildfire." Lloyd says to Rip. "She's perfect, trust me, hire her." Rip instructs Lloyd. "You're hired!" I yell over to her with a wink. Kayce looks at me and I whisper, "Whatcha think?" I say with a smirk. "Mmm mm. Not answering that." Kayce says chuckling. "Hey Daddy, tell her to come tonight," I say to Rip. "Who the fuck is Daddy?" Kayce whispers to me. "You if you want," I whisper back with a wink, "You got it darlin'," Rip replies with a smirk. Kayce smiles and bites his lip. "I'm fucking daddy remember that," Kayce whispered in my ear and placed his hand on my thigh. "I'm Daddy too." Colby says to Kacey and I, winking at me, making us laugh. "Jimmy baby can you grab me a saddled horse? I wanna show off." I say smiling. "You got it, Angel." Jimmy says hopping off the fence and running to the stalls. "You made him get a pep in his step, we could use you out in the fields." Lloyd says chuckling. "Shit let me know, I'll help whenever I can!" I say cheerfully. "Would someone hand me a beer?" I ask waiting for Jimmy to bring a horse. "Thanks!" I say to Lloyd as he hands me a beer. "No problem, Come on Jimmy we ain't got all day!" Lloyd says, chuckling at Jimmy walking into the arena with a brown horse. "Whose horse is this?" I ask, handing the beer to Rip. "He's mine, his name is Dude." Rip says as I climb off the fence. "Hey, Dude." I say softly petting the horse's nose. I take the reins from Jimmy and gently climb on the horse. "Set me up, please," I say to Lloyd trotting over to the chutes. "Heading or Heeling'?" Jake asks me. "Hell, I can do either one. Fuck it, Headin'." I say back to Jake. "Ready?" Jake asks me. "Ready," I reply with a nod. Jake releases the calf and I get my rope ready to throw the loop to catch the calf, I swiftly head the calf causing erupts of cheers coming from the fence behind me. "That's my girl," Colby yells from the fence as I come trotting back over to them. "That's how it's done, boys," I say, smirking. "Can I have my beer back, baby?" I say to Rip holding my hand out as Rip hands me my bottle back. "Thank you," I say, taking a big swig of my beer. "Where'd Teeter go?" I ask looking around the arena. "She went to get her stuff settled." Rip answered, pointing over to the bunkhouse. "Does she know?" I ask, looking at the 5 guys beside me. "I think she does. She has been staring at us since she arrived. Even when Rip was over there talking to Lloyd, she was staring between us and him," Ryan explained to me. "Hmm, y'all give us a couple of minutes?" I ask while unmounting Dude. "Yeah sure," Rip answered with a nod, taking the reins from me. "Thanks," I say running out of the arena. I walk into the bunkhouse after knocking, "Yeah?" I hear Teeter's voice call out. "Hey, I'm Caroline," I say, peeking around the door. "Hey, I'm Teeter," She said with a smile. Our eyes met and the feeling peaked, "What is that?" Teeter mumbled, with a confused expression. "You mean that pulling feeling when you got here and when I walked in?" I asked Teeter, leaning against the couch. "Yeah, I've never felt that before." Teeter says watching me with a confused expression. "I know, it's a lot but I can explain it to you if you need me to." I say sitting down on the couch and patting the spot beside me. Teeter nods and sits down beside me. "What did that feeling mean?" Teeter asked me. "Have you ever heard of soulmates?" I ask softly. "Yeah, my Grandma told me about it when I was growing up, but I haven't experienced it before now," Teeter says to me looking at her hands. "I haven't either until two days ago." I admit to her. "Really what was that like?" Teeter asks. "Yeah, John - Mr. Dutton invited me here to live up in the cabin, to be the ranch's full-time vet. I got here a little over three days ago and when I got here I was greeted by Rip, Colby, and Ryan and we instantly had that connection from the soulmate bond. I met Jimmy the day after that and I just met Kayce a few hours ago." I explain to Teeter. "Shit, a whole lotta shit is going down, right now," She says, taking a deep breath. "Yeah, I understand that. Who have you felt the connection with?" I ask her biting my lip with a smile. "Honestly, all of y'all. I felt it especially when I saw you and the blonde one, I don't know their name, I haven't officially met them yet." Teeter says sheepishly. "I felt it while Kacey and I were driving up. As soon as I made the curve we both felt it." I say to Teeter, smiling. "I've never felt like that before I hurried back in here before I got laughed at," Teeter said softly. "Hey, nobody's gonna laugh at you, I can promise you that. I was worried about being rejected, honestly." I say quickly. "Why you're fuckin' gorgeous." Teeter blurts out, making me giggle. "Thank you! I don't know, have you seen those 5 sexy-ass cowboys out front, I dunno maybe you missed 'em?" I say playfully. Teeter laughs and shakes her head. "Nah, I saw 'em for sure! I'm just wonderin' why anyone would reject you?" Teeter says with a shrug. "I was single for the last 4 years. Believe me, I was rejected a lot." I say with a smirk. "Not by no one who mattered." Teeter replied. "You're right, fuck 'em!" I giggle. "No, but seriously, I was scared they would reject me but they never did. They each have been nothing but welcoming, and they'll be the same for you." I say to Teeter comfortingly as she nods softly. "Have you fucked any of 'em yet?" Teeter says, biting her lip with a smile. "I actually have." I said laughing out loud. "Colby and I slept together last night, girl you're in for a hell of a lay with that one. God damn!" I snicker as the front door of the bunkhouse opens softly. "Can I come in?" Colby asked, poking his head around the corner. "Speak of the daddy and he shall appear," I say with a laugh, elbowing Teeter softly. "Yeah, baby you can come in," I giggle. "We were having a girl talk," I say to Colby, smirking. "I can see, is that where the daddy comment came from?" Colby asks, chuckling as he walks over to sit between us. "Maybe," Teeter says playfully, making me laugh. "Teeter this is Colby, Colby this is Teeter, Our soulmate." I say formally introducing the two, "Hey, Teeter," Colby says with a smile as he greets Teeter with a sweet smile. "Hiya," Teeter says with a smile as she and Colby lock eyes. "Wow. It's super strong right now," Colby says to us both. I nod and smile. "It's because she and I both are here with you, It'll be stronger when we're all together." I say, out loud. "How do you feel about this?" I asked Teeter softly. "I feel wanted, the first time I can say that in forever, Not, for work of course. I haven't met everyone yet, but I don't feel like anyone's gonna laugh at me now." Teeter answers honestly. "You don't have anything to worry about, our soulmates are here to protect our heart and soul. Not to break it." I say looking at Teeter, with a genuine smile. "Have you two always been interested in both males and females?" Colby asked us. "I have," I nodded in agreement. "What about you Teeter?" Colby asks. "It's been a dog-eat-dog world lately to me, comfort didn't come often, but ya I've always been into both girls and guys." Teeter says, biting her lip. "Good to know, no more dog-eat-dog world here beautiful, just protectors all around, right baby?" I say sweetly wrapping my arm around Colby to pat Teeter on the back. "She's right, we're all gonna take care of each other." Colby agrees with me, smiling at us both. "Thank you." Teeter says gratefully. I smile and stand to offer her a hand, "Hug?" I ask opening my arms and she stands up immediately, hugging me back tightly. "I didn't realize how badly I needed that hug." Teeter admits. "She does give great hugs." Colby says to Teeter with a smile. "Anytime you want one just come get one." I say with a wink and smile to Teeter before I glance at the clock. "I've gotta go get cleaned up for dinner here soon, ya'll gonna be alright until then?" I say smiling at the two on the couch. "Yeah, we'll be fine, baby. When did you want us there?" Colby answered me. "Uh, dinner should be ready by 6:30 so a little after then should be fine." I say with a smile. "That gives us all plenty of time to shower and clean up before dinner." Colby nods. "Alright baby, I'll see y'all up at my house." I say before kissing Colby softly. "See you later, Teeter." I say winking at her as I head for the door of the bunkhouse. "See ya later," Teeter says as I exit the front door, and she goes into the bathroom to get ready. I smirk seeing Kayce, Jimmy, Ryan, and Rip still meandering around the arena just laughing and having a good time. I ran over to my truck and hopped in and started the ignition, before sending a text to Rip asking him to let the guys know I went home to get cleaned up for dinner and drove the short distance home. When I arrived at my house, I turned the truck off and hopped out, scurrying inside to make sure that dinner was close to being complete. I took the lid off of the crockpot and smiled. "You've outdone yourself again," I say to myself and close the lid on the crockpot. "Minnie?" I call out as I place food in her bowl and add some fresh water. Minnie comes running in from her place in the living room and immediately starts to eat her food as I smile. I go upstairs and go straight into my bathroom to start the shower, getting it nice and hot before I get in. I grab a pair of shorts and a tank top to put on after my shower and place them neatly on my bathroom counter. I strip off my clothes and take my hair down before stepping into the steamy shower. All of my muscles relaxed under the hot water as I washed away all the dust and dirt off my body from my day out riding and showing off in the arena. I used my favorite smelling body wash and soaked my hair before shampooing my hair. I started singing my favorite song 'Wait in the Truck' while I scrubbed the shampoo into my scalp before waiting a couple of minutes before rinsing and adding conditioner to my hair. I heard my phone ding from the counter and I rinsed myself off before rinsing my hair out one final time and turning the water off, stepping out into the steamy bathroom. I wrap a towel around my body and one in my hair, before unlocking my phone to see a text from Rip. 'Hey my love, just letting you know everyone's showered and about to start heading over to you.' I smiled and took a selfie in my towel in the mirror and sent it to him adding 'Okay Daddy I'll be ready in a minute getting dressed now, xoxo <3 p.s. Please don't make 'em dress up, it's not dinner at the lodge we eat in comfort here, sir ;)' to the message and send it to Rip. I brush my hair and my teeth before getting dressed in my shorts and tank top. I knew I'd be in for it sending Rip that risque picture but I'm sure he would find it useful at some point later. My phone went off again and I saw that Rip replied to my picture and message, 'I can't wait to get you outta that towel, darlin' ;) p.s. They're in t-shirts, they're fine ' I laughed and put my hair up into a bun out of my way. I threw my dirty clothes into the laundry basket in the bathroom and hung up my towels. I took one last look in the mirror and confirmed I was satisfied with my appearance, before leaving the bathroom with my phone in hand. I walk downstairs and make myself a glass of sweet tea and I sit on the couch and turn Hulu on the TV before deciding on watching Masterchef from the beginning. About 10 minutes later, there was a soft knock on the door before it opened. "Baby?" Ryan called out, looking in the kitchen. "Come in, I'm in the living room," I say getting up from the couch. Ryan walks over to me, wrapping me in a hug as Rip, Colby, Jimmy, Kayce, and Teeter walk in behind him. "It smells fuckin' great in here!" Teeter says inhaling. "Thank you, Make yourselves comfortable." I say with a smile. "What're you watchin'?" Rip asked me pointing at the TV. "Masterchef," I answered matter-of-factly. "I don't think I've ever seen it." Rip says, sitting at the table. "Shit, you walked in at the perfect time then I just restarted the series, we can all watch it together." I say, walking over to the kitchen. "Come on y'all make yourself some food and meet me in the living room." I announce as I stretch to grab bowls from the cabinet. Everyone gathers in the kitchen behind me as I fill my bowl with pot roast and go back to the couch. They all fixed their bowls and made their way over to the couch as I restarted the episode from the beginning. "Anybody want a drink, while I'm here?" Kayce asked before he left the kitchen. "If you wouldn't mind," Rip said to him politely. "Sure, what would you like?" Kayce asked. "A beer would be fine, Thanks." Rip replies sitting back comfortably on the couch. "Gotcha," Kayce says, grabbing a beer from the refrigerator after refilling his glass of sweet tea and walking back to the living room. "Here you go," Kayce says, handing Rip his beer before sitting beside me on the couch. Everyone was sitting down on the couch peacefully eating and watching Masterchef. "This is probably the best pot roast I've ever had," Kayce boasts in between bites of food. "Thank you," I say happily while eating my bowl of food. We finish dinner off in silence and I get up and go into the kitchen to put my bowl in the dishwasher. Soon after I finished, everyone else finished their food and put them in the dishwasher. "Rip, would you Shoot Lloyd a message and tell him to come to get food for him, Jake, and Ethan?" I asked from the kitchen. "They went out for dinner," Rip answered quickly. "Ah, I see well at least we'll have leftovers for lunch for a couple of days." I say with a giggle as I walk back into the living room. "Leftovers are always better the second day," Teeter said with a smile. "Damn straight," I agreed with a giggle. "Well now since we're all here and done eating, I wanted to ask how y'all would feel moving in here with me, I have 6 bedrooms including my own so I have plenty of room?" I asked sitting cross-legged on the couch so I could face everyone. Kayce smirked and put his arm on the back of the couch. "I'm in," Kayce agrees. "Are you sure about this sweetheart?" Rip asks me, leaning closer to me. "I'm very sure. I want to be with you all, and I'm sure it's a lot more comfortable than the bunkhouse, but ultimately it's up to each of you." I say fidgeting nervously with my hands. Colby leaned over and took my hands in his, "You don't need to be nervous, baby. I'd love to move in here with you," Colby says reassuring me. Everyone looks at each other before nodding in agreement. "We'd love to move in here with you, darlin'," Ryan answered for everyone. As a round of 'Dittos' and 'Me toos' erupted from everyone. "Yay! Go get y'all's shit!" I squeal excitedly "Luckily, I haven't unpacked my shit yet!" Teeter cheered as she and Jimmy stood to their feet quickly. "Jimmy baby can you bring the gator back with you so I don't have to keep taking my truck down there?" I ask sweetly. "Of course, angel." Jimmy replies, walking over and placing a sweet kiss on my forehead. "Thank you, baby," I smile. Kayce leaned over and whispered to me. "Can you give me a ride baby, my shit will take too long?" I smiled and stood to my feet. "Of course! Lemme grab my flip-flops and I'll help all of y'all! Hop in my truck y'all." I say to everyone as I put on my flip-flops from the closet in the hallway. "Alright, y'all get in the truck!" Rip orders everyone. "Shotgun," Jimmy hollers. "Like hell, get in the back," Rip says to Jimmy, causing me to laugh. Colby Ryan and Teeter jumped into the bed of the truck, while Rip and Kayce jumped in the cab of the truck. I ran to the porch, shut the door behind me, ran over to the truck, jumped in, and started the truck. "Y'all ready?" I asked Kayce and Rip. "Yes, ma'am." Rip replied with a nod. "Hang on!" I holler out the window as I start driving back down to the bunkhouse before dropping them off and driving Kayce over to the lodge. "I'll be right back," Kayce says, jumping out and running inside to get his stuff. About half an hour later, Kayce finished loading up his stuff into the back of his truck and he drove his truck up beside mine and waited with me over at the bunkhouse waiting for the others to finish loading their stuff into my truck bed. "They're almost done, baby," I say to Kayce from my truck. Kayce was glancing over at the bunkhouse as everyone started coming back with the last of their stuff. Jimmy puts his stuff in the truck and walks over to my passenger side window. "I'm gonna go get the gator and meet you up there, Angel." Jimmy said sweetly to me. "Okay, thank you." I say with a wink before Jimmy walks over to where the ATVs are parked. A few minutes later, Teeter, Colby, Ryan, and Rip finish putting their stuff in the truck bed and hop into the cab of my truck. "All set," Ryan says as they close their doors. I nodded and smiled as I turned my truck on and I started the drive back to the cabin, with Kayce following behind me in the truck. We arrived back at the cabin moments later and Jimmy was waiting for us on the porch steps. As soon as I parked the truck, Jimmy ran over to start unloading the truck bed of stuff. I smiled and jumped out of the truck and walked to the bed of the truck. "Need help?" I offer. "Nope, get your cute little butt inside, before you catch a cold," Rip said with a chuckle. I laugh but throw my hands up in surrender. "Yes, sir." I giggle before running inside. I wait on the couch and scroll through TikTok while I wait for everyone to come inside with their stuff. Ryan and Rip walked in first with their stuff and sat it down at their feet. "Where should we put our stuff?" Ryan asks me. "Pick a room, whichever one you want, have at it." I giggle from the couch. "Okay Darlin'," Rip says with a chuckle as he and Ryan pick up their bags and go upstairs to search for a room. Kayce, Jimmy, Colby, and Teeter all walk in together lugging their stuff. "Go ahead and pick any room you'd like!" I say as they walk into the living room. After everyone is settled in with all their stuff in each of their rooms, we all gather around again in the living room, Minnie decided to make her appearance running over to me on the couch. "Hey baby," I say, picking her up and hugging her close. "Who's this?" Kayce says leaning over to pet Minnie's head. "This is Minnie," I say with a smile as she lays herself on my lap. They all smile at her cute self with her little bow in her hair. "She's super cute," Kayce says with a smile. "Thanks," I say with a smile before laying her on the couch beside me. "How does everyone feel?" I ask relaxing on the couch. "I'm overjoyed if I'm being honest," Jimmy confessed and everyone agreed with him. "I went from being completely alone to having a family in a matter of 2 days, it's unbelievable." Jimmy continued. "Ditto. I'm so fuckin' glad I came today," Teeter says. "I still don't know how this all happened but fuck it, I'm fuckin happy it did," Rip says taking a sip of his beer. "I am too, Daddy." I say biting my lip and looking at Kayce to my left and Rip, Ryan, Colby, Teeter, and Jimmy to my right. Kayce scooted himself closer to me and gave me a devious look. We all sat around enjoying each other's company and I looked over and saw Teeter and Colby cuddling as we all watched Masterchef together. "Who the fuck thought that putting beer and cheese soup together was a good idea?!" Rip says disgusted. "Yeah, That looks fuckin' disgusting." Jimmy agrees with Rip. "I don't care what I eat normally, but I'd eat a bowl of dirt before that shit," Kayce says grimacing, making us laugh at his reaction. "I swear y'all are the best reactors I've ever seen," I say laughing. We watch the rest of the episode before I start falling asleep on Kayce's shoulder. "You should probably get her to bed, Kayce. She's gonna get a kink in her neck sleeping like that." Rip whispered to Kayce. "Which room is hers?" Kayce whispered, picking me up bridal style. "First room to the left of the stairs, the door is normally open." Colby answered quietly. "Alright, goodnight y'all," Kayce says, walking up the stairs, carefully. Kayce gets to my room and lays me down. "Don't leave..." I whisper, holding onto him. "I'm here baby, just let me close the door." Kayce replies softly as I let him go and he walks over to close the door. I watch him walk to the other side of the bed as he takes his boots and socks off before taking off his jeans and t-shirt before he climbs into bed. "I didn't mean to fall asleep," I say softly. "That's okay baby, I don't mind carrying you to bed," Kayce says smiling as he brushed a strand of hair away from my face. I cuddle into Kayce's chest and sigh. "Go to sleep, honey. I'll be right here," Kayce says cuddling me.  "I feel so safe in a house full of my soulmates," I say looking up at Kayce. "You are safe, baby." Kayce says smiling at me.  I look up at him, "You were right, it was a very eventful day," I say, laying my head on his chest and wrapping my arm around his torso. "No kiddin' I didn't expect to have Two soulmates," Kayce says smirking and flexing his arm behind his head. "Mm... I felt that," I say, biting my lip with a smile. "Oh yeah, what did you feel?" Kayce says. "Those cowboy muscles you've got going on," I say, feeling up his arm muscles. "You like that don't you?" Kayce says playfully. "It doesn't hurt, that's for sure," I say, batting my eyelashes at him. "I'll be right back," I say, jumping up and going downstairs. Jimmy was in the kitchen in his pajamas getting some water when I peeked around the corner. "Hey Jimmy Baby, do you know where Teeter's room is?" I ask Jimmy with a sleepy smile. "Yeah of course, Angel, she's next to mine and Colby's room, I can take you there." Jimmy says, offering me his arm. "Thank you, sweetness," I say, wrapping my arm in his walking back up the stairs to 4 doors down from my bedroom. "This is it, angel. Good night, I'll see you in the morning," Jimmy says leaning in to kiss me softly. I smile and kiss him back, "Good night, my love," I say as he walks into his room and I knock softly on Teeter's door and wait for her to answer. The door opens up to Teeter, in a pair of panties and a tank top. "Hey," Teeter greets me with a smile. "Hey, I'm sorry to bother you," I say to Teeter. "You're not bothering me, what's up?" Teeter replies curiously. "Would you mind coming down to my room?" I ask Teeter. "Sure," she says walking out into the hallway with me, still in her tank top and panties. I smile and turn to head back down the hallway to my room. I open the door for Teeter to walk in and I follow behind her, closing the door behind me. I walked over to the bed and sat down patting the spot beside me and Kayce."I don't think you've been introduced officially yet," I say to Teeter. "Teeter, this hunky cowboy is Kayce, Kayce this is our soulmate, Teeter," I say to them formally introducing them. Kayce and Teeter smile at each other before Kayce grabs her hand and softly kisses it. "Nice to meet you, Teeter." Kayce says sweetly as Teeter smiles. "Nice to meet you, Kayce," Teeter says politely with a blush on her cheeks. I giggled as I watched their interaction. "How are y'all feeling'?" Kayce asked us. "I feel like I've just been invited to Homecoming by 6 of the most popular people and crowned homecoming queen," I say dramatically, making Teeter laugh. "Pretty fuckin' sure I never made it to have a college homecoming," Teeter says lying on her side on the bed. "Me either," Kayce chuckles. "I'm kidding, but I'm the happiest I've ever been, I know I'm safe and now I won't be alone ever again." I say seriously this time, smiling at them both. Kayce smiled and quickly rolled over to scoop me into a bear hug. "Never again," Kayce says, squeezing me, making me laugh. Teeter smiles and joins in the bear hug. "We'd all kill to keep you safe, baby," Teeter says, hugging Kayce and me. "I love this." I say smiling. "I can't wait to see what our future holds, and ooh Teeter, I saw you and Daddy over there on the couch, huh, he's a great cuddler right?" I say giggling. "Hey, Daddy is right here, ya know." Kayce scoffed playfully. "All of y'all are daddy to me," I said, biting my lip as Teeter raised her eyebrow in confusion. "I have a daddy kink, I call my men Daddy during sex normally but I guess I use it more than just in the bedroom," I say giggling making Kayce blush and bite his lip. "You fucked Rip? How was that?!" Teeter asked curiously with a soft laugh. "No, just Colby, I haven't had time for an actual one-on-one conversation with him yet he's been a busy man lately." I said honestly.  "Hmm that should be fun, well how was Colby?" Teeter asks with a smirk. I give Teeter a devious look. "Girl, he was the best I've ever been with so far in my life." I say fanning my face with my hand. Kayce chuckles and bites his lip. "That's only 'cause y'all haven't been with me yet," Kayce boasts proudly. "Oh yeah, Cowboy?" Teeter asks with a smirk. Kayce bites his lip. "That's right," Kayce says, flexing his arms behind his head and giving us a mischievous grin. " Well, how about we give it a try." I say with a smirk. "Yeah, prove it to us, cowboy," Teeter says smiling. Kayce smiles and pulls Teeter over to him quickly making her squeal softly. "Oh, I'll prove it to ya," Kayce says hovering over Teeter's body. "Lay back baby," Kayce says softly to me and I immediately lay beside Teeter looking up at Kayce, as he leans down to kiss my lips first then kisses Teeter. I smile and bite my lip. Kayce kissed down Teeter's neck and chest before looking up at us. "Whatcha watchin' me for? Get busy," Kayce chuckles and bites his lip looking at us. "C'mere..." Teeter says, taking my hand in hers. I smile and lean over to her, and kiss her softly. "That's my girls..." Kayce says kissing down Teeter's torso. "You like to watch, don't cha," Teeter says kissing me. "I like watching you two that's for sure," Kayce says biting his lip and pulling down Teeter's panties. "Mm..." Teeter says biting my lip. I move closer to Teeter and kiss her deeply as Kayce gently parts her legs to gain access. "You okay?" I asked her softly, stroking her cheek. "Yeah, baby, I'm perfect," Teeter replies bringing my lips back to hers,  deepening the kiss as Kacey dipped his head between Teeter's legs as he devoured her. "Fuck," Teeter moans into my lips. Teeter placed her hands on the bottom of my shirt and started to push it up. I lift my arms so she can fully remove my shirt, and I smile. "You two are so beautiful," Kayce says softly kissing Teeter's inner thighs. "Thank you," I said bashfully. Kayce moves to hover over Teeter, positioning his knee between her thighs. "Kiss me, Daddy," I say softly. Kayce smiles and leans over to me from his position and kisses me passionately. Teeter smiles and rubs down Kayce's chest and torso before sliding down Kayce's underwear. "Mmm," Kayce moans, breaking our kiss. "You ready, baby?" Kayce says into Teeter's ear. "I'm more than ready, cowboy," Teeter says to Kayce before kissing him. Kayce grips Teeter's thighs lifting her hips, bringing her closer to him before he gently slides into her. "Oh my God," Teeter moaned, wrapping her legs around Kayce's hips. I bite my lip, watching the two become one at this particular moment. "Come to Daddy," Kayce says to me through his thrusts. I smile as I lean up and kiss Kayce deeply. "This is so fuckin' hot, goddamn, my two beautiful women," Kayce says moaning into our kiss as he thrust himself deeply into Teeter. "Fuck, You are definitely proving who Daddy is right now," Teeter moans as he continued to thrust into her deeply but passionately. "Oh fuck, I'm coming!" Teeter moaned. "Come for daddy, baby..." Kayce says, thrusting faster into her. "Oh my fuck, Daddy," Teeter screams as she releases her orgasm and Kayce pulls out and kisses her. "How was it?" I ask her, smiling as I bite my lip. "It was fuckin' great!" Teeter says with a smile. "You still got another round in you, Daddy?" I ask Kayce with a wink. "Always," Kayce says, moving over to hover over me. "Make love to me Daddy," I whisper to Kayce, looking up into his eyes filled with desire. "I love you both, so much," Kayce says softly before filling me with his growth. "Oh, Baby," Kayce moans, before kissing me passionately. Whew, this man was perfectly molding into me, every single inch of him was thrust ever so carefully into me but yet so passionate, making me know exactly how he feels about us. "I love you, Kayce," I moan as I release my orgasm all over him. "I love you both too, Teeter and Caroline," Kayce moans finishing soon after me. "I love you both too," Teeter says laying beside me, smiling. I smile as Kayce slips out of me kissing me before getting up and walking into the bathroom. "Thank you," Teeter said to me softly. "What for babe?" I ask facing her on the bed. "Thank you for including me," Teeter continued. "I know you haven't had any time with them yet but thank you for choosing me in here tonight, I needed that and it helped start to heal me inside." Teeter says patting her heart. "I want you to be able to have a relationship with each of them, they're all gonna help heal us both and we are gonna heal their hearts." I say sweetly. Teeter wraps me in a hug, "I meant it, I love you I feel it," Teeter says while hugging me. "Baby I know I feel it too, I love you too," I say kissing her sweetly. "I'm gonna go to bed if you don't mind. I've had a long day," Teeter says yawning softly. "Go on babe I'll see you in the morning." I say with a smile. Teeter smiled and walked out of my room before shutting the door and hurried down the hallway back to her room. I smiled and laid back in my bed thinking of the past 3 days and how blessed I was to have each one of them. Kayce walks back in a few minutes later and lays beside me on the bed. "You're the best, you know that?" Kayce says softly from beside me. "I take it you could hear from the bathroom?" I say giggling. "I did, you're the purest soul I have ever met and I couldn't be more grateful that you are mine," Kayce says to me sweetly cuddling us together. "Thank you, baby, I love you," I say laying my head on his chest. "I love you too," Kayce replies closing his eyes. I laid on Kayce's chest listening to his strong, steady heartbeat, and fell asleep.

From Ranchhands To Soulmates (A Yellowstone Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now