☆ twenty-two ☆

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july 14th, 2019

The Silverstone race was over and Alina was sitting in her hotel room with Carola Martinez (Sergio's wife), Isabel Hernaez (Carlos' girlfriend) and Heidi Berger (Daniel's girlfriend).

Alina was dressed in a beautiful, holographic custom-made Gucci dress that went around her neck, leaving her back exposed as there was a very high slit and was scrunched in the middle.

"Oh, we need to get going," Heidi said, checking her phone. Alina checked her phone and her eyes went wide.

"Oh shit," she said, "let's go."

She put on her black heels, grabbed her phone, grabbed her bag which she put her hotel key card, a small bottle of perfume and her lipstick. She walked out of the hotel room with the other girls following her and they made their way to the lobby. They got into the lift as Alina was staying on the seventh floor and when they arrived on ground floor, they were met with the drivers who were all dressed in suits. When Charles looked at Alina, his eyes went wide as she walked to him, a smile on her pretty face.

"Baise moi tu es belle," he said as Alina smiled. (Fuck me you are beautiful)

"Plus tard, si vous vous comportez," Alina replied, a sly smile on her face as Charles eyes widened before he grinned. (Later, if you behave).

"Stop being disgusting," Max said laughing as Alina  turned to him before her smile dropped. With Max was his girlfriend, Dilara Sanlik, who despised Alina. The blonde happily returned the favour.

"Fuck off," Alina laughed as she held onto Charles' hand.

"Oh Alina, that's an interesting dress," Dilara said, looking the blonde up and down with a forced smile.

"Thanks," Anna  said, "it's Gucci."

"I didn't know they did dresses like that," Dilara said as Alina shrugged.

"They don't," she said smirking lightly, "it's custom made. Cost me half a million dollars, but that's nothing." Dilara's face dropped. "And your dress is just as nice. I'm sure that was the best thing Walmart could produce."

All the drivers, including Max, snorted with laughter before they turned it into a cough.

"Who's ready to go?" Alina asked, smiling.

"Come on mon amour," Charles said, gently tugging on Alina's hand as they walked out towards his car. Before they could get into the car, Charles bent down and kissed Alina.

"God I love you Lina," he said as she giggled.

"I love you too," she said smiling. Charles pecked her on the lips before he opened Alina's car door for her.

"Thank you my love," she said, getting into the car. Once Alina was in the car, Charles shut the door, went around the car and got into the drivers side. He stared the car engine, reversed out the car park and began the drive towards London city center.

Two and a half hours later found Alina sitting in between Charles and Lando and opposite Dilara as they had finished their dinner.

"Hey Alina," Heidi said from next to Max as they were all sipping their drinks.

"Yeah?" the blonde asked, putting down her glass of wine.

"Are you excited for your new album to be released?"

"I am yeah," Alina said smiling, "it's been an interesting ride."

"Is that because of your friend who died?" Dilara asked and the whole table went silent. Alina looked at Dilara as if she couldn't believe her ears.

"I'm sorry what was that?" Alina asked, faking a smile.

"You said making your album has been an interesting ride," Dilara said, "is that because your friend Cameron died in his sleep not long ago? I think it was just over a week ago."

Alina felt the adrenaline kick in as she felt her heart in her throat. Charles had his hand on her thigh as she looked at the brunette opposite her. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

"As a matter of fact, yes," Alina said, trying to keep her cool. "I wrote a song about him."

"Dilara," Max said in a low tone. "Stop."

"And didn't you see him the day before?" Dilara asked. Alina felt her eyes water slightly. "And you didn't know that was the last time you'd see him again."

"And if you carry on talking about Cam this is will be the last time anyone sees you," Alina said, her warm blue eyes a steely cold.

"Do you know who I am?" Dilara said, her tone high as Alina stared at her.

"And do you know who the fuck I am?" Alina asked, her tone cold and harsh. Dilara opened her mouth to respond, but then shut it. "Exactly."

She grabbed her bag from the floor, pushed her chair out and stood up.

"Excuse me," she said, her voice shaking before she walked away, her heels clicking as she walked out the building. The blonde sniffed as she wiped her tears away as sat on the outside bench and took a shaky breath. She heard footsteps and looked away, wiping her years as Charles sat next to her.

"You don't need to hide," he said, "I've seen you cry before."

"I know but that was at George O'Malley, this is different," she said, chuckling as she held his hand.

"Do you want to go home?" Charles asked as Alina  nodded.

"I'm sorry if I ruined your night," she said as they stood up.

"You didn't," he said as she looked up at him. "Do you want to get in the car? I'll tell the others we're leaving." Alina nodded, took the car keys and made her way to Charles' car while the older boy went into the restaurant.

A/N: I have no hate against Dilara Sanlik or anything, it's just for the story.

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