☆ twenty-seven ☆

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september 9th, 2019

There was a twelve-day gap until the next race so Alina and Charles went on a spontaneous little holiday to Paris. The two were sitting in their hotel room, the TV on as they were cuddling up to each other in their bed.

"Mon amour?" Charles asked as Alina looked up at him.

"Yeah?" she asked.

"Move in with me?" he asked as Alina sat up and looked at him.

"Come again?" she asked.

"Come and live with me," he said, also sitting up, "in Monaco. I hate being away from you and being able to say that I can go home to my girlfriend would be better than winning any race."

"You want me to move in with you?" Alina asked, a wide grin growing on her face.

"Yeah, I do," he said as Alina beamed.

"I'd love to!" she said happily as she wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. Charles couldn't help the wide smile growing on his face as he hugged the blonde just as tight.

september 18th, 2019

Their week long holiday ended quicker than either of them wanted and while Charles had to fly to Singapore, Alina had to fly back to America to start press for her new movie, Tall Girl.

"Be safe okay?" Charles said as they arrived at the airport.

"I'll be safe," she said as she hugged him tightly, "you be safe as well okay?"

"I will," he said as Alina nodded. "I'll see you in December, okay?"

"Okay," Alina said as she smiled. "I love you."

"I love you too Lisie," he said kissing her, "as much as I don't want you to, you need to go catch your flight."

"I will," she said, "I'll see you soon." She gave him one last kiss before wheeling her suitcase to her flight.

september 28th, 2019

A few weeks later found Alina sitting next to her co-star, Ava Mitchell, as they were promoting Tall Girl. The blonde was feeling very uncomfortable, they others weren't including her and when she tried to talk, they either were uninterested or talked over her.

"Congratulations on your new movie!" The interviewer, Alice, was saying as Alina smiled at her. "What was your favourite part of shooting it?"

"It had to be when we kept messing up our lines," Griffin said as Ava and Luke Eisner laughed.

"It was so funny when Luke kept saying the wrong words," Ava said chuckling as Luke and Griffin laughed.

"Or when Ava tripped over the steps," Luke said as they laughed again.

"How about you Alina?" Alice asked, "what was your favourite part of shooting?"

"Er," Alina said thinking, "probably when my brother and Charles came to surprise me on set once. There was a break between races and they just came over."

"Aw, that's sweet," Alice said as Alina smiled.

"Not for us," Ava joked, "we couldn't get her away from them." Alina's smile faltered slightly as she gave a fake chuckle.

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