Chapter One

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I was sitting in a confrance  room talking to Black Veil Brides and their tour managers and other important people. We were discussing my new job as their stage manager. I would be making sure everything is where it's supposed to be. Making sure all of the lights and sound is working. And making sure the boys were ready with their hair, make up, war paint, clothing, instruments and things of that nature. None of the band members were really paying attention to me. They were all of their phones and laughing, making jokes with one another. 

"We're glad to have you on the team." John Their tour manager said. I smiled and shook his hand.

"Glad to be on the team." I said. The band was dismissed and they ran out of the room. Everyone was packing up their stuff and I waved them goodbye and left the room.

"Just so you know you don't have to dress like that. Be yourself." John said smiling at me clearly noticing my uncomfortableness with my choice in business casual clothing. I got on my skate board and started skating around the place trying to find a bathroom.

When I finally found a bathroom in this confusing building I picked up my skate board and walked in. I took out my extra make up and liquid eye liner and thicker mascara. I don't really like the business casual look. I changed my outfit as well. I really hated not being myself.

"I'm going to take a piss!!" Someone yelled then walked into the bathroom. It was Andy from Black Veil Brides. He was on his phone and just casually walked in. He finally looked up and noticed me in here and looked around him. Probably looking for a urinal.

"You're in the ladies room Andy." I said patting his shoulder then started walking out.

Before I could make it to the door my hand was grabbed lightly holding me back. I spun around and looked at Andy who was looking back at me.

"So you're a fan?" He asked smirking at me. I rolled my eyes and pulled my hand away from his.

"I'm your stage manager." I told him walking out of the bathroom. 

I set my skate board on the floor and starting skating through the building again when someone rudely walked in front of me causing me to smash into them.

"Ashley! When was the last time I told you to watch out for rouge stage managers skating around buildings!?" CC Said jokingly. I laughed a him and stood up. 

"Nice to know one of you boys was paying attention at the meeting. You might want to tell Andy to not walk into the woman's bathroom the next time he has to go." I said slightly brushing myself off then finally looking at the boys.

Ashley was holding his balls on the ground with my skate board next to him. Jake and Jinxx were laughing at him while CC was mostly just paying attention to me. 

"It's hard to keep their attention, especially today I guess." CC said looking at them. Jinxx was helping Ashley up while Jake was still laughing at him. 

"It's all good." I said picking my skate board up off the ground. 

"Sorry about that..." Ashley managed to get out. He was still holding his man hood.

"Since I think my skate board hit your testicles I think I got you back." I said. He gave me a thumbs up and I laughed at him. 

"I've got to go I'll see you guys tomorrow on the plane." I said smiling at them. 

I skated off and eventually found my way out of the building. I skated to my car and put my stuff in the back. I got in and put in Black Veil Bride's new CD. I am a fan of their music so I'm really ecstatic that I got this job. I jammed out in my car until I pulled up to my apartment building. I went inside and flopped down on my couch. I fell asleep almost instantly, today was exhausting.

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