Chapter Three

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Somehow the seat I was in was surrounded by the band. Ashley and Andy were in front of me, Jake was next to me and Jinxx and CC were behind me. They have been loud and obnoxious for the past half an hour of the flight. They were also making fun of me and scaring the hell out of me while we were taking off. They literally only stopped when I started crying. I'm currently sitting on Jake's lap while he played with my hair. 

"Am I hurting you?" I asked him quietly. I didn't really want any of the other boys to join our conversation. They were irritating me. 

"No, you're light as a feather." He said quietly back. 

"That's good." I said closing my eyes. 

"You can fall asleep if you want to." He said to me again. I just nodded and put my head on his shoulder burying my face into his neck. I heard him chuckle and wrap his arms tightly around my waist. I put my feet on the empty seat next to us and placed my hands on my stomach. I fell asleep almost instantly. 


"Wake up Evelina we're here." One of the boys yelled pushing me more into Jake. I groaned and opened my eyes. I wasn't on Jake's lap anymore but on Ashley's. I raised an eyebrow and looked up at him.

"Jake's leg fell asleep and I was worried his complaining would wake you up. Did you know you mumble in your sleep? You say the most random things." He said smirking at me. 

"I've been told." I yawned stretching a bit. 

"Come on!!" The boys yelled pushing me a little again. I looked up and saw Andy bouncing up and down like a little kid wanting to go into a toy store. 

"Fiiiineee!!" I whined standing up groggily and stretching to my tippy toes to try and get my bag. 

"I already have your bag let's goo!!!" Andy whined jumping up and down again. I groaned and started walking off of the plane which has been empty for the past few minutes. 

I was walking rather slowly off of the plane and through the fancy tunnel thingy. While Andy just complained from behind me. 

"I just woke up, I'm cranky and jet lagged leave me alone and stop complaining!" I groaned walking over to the baggage claim. I waited for my suitcases to come but I decided that they were taking to slow and I laid down on the floor. I was on my stomach and buried my head in my arms face first on the ground. 

"Come on and get your bags we need to get to the hotel!!" Andy whined again kicking my foot. 

"I'm tired get my bags for me!" I yelled at him but it was muffled since my head was in my sweatshirt. 

"I don't know what they look like!!" He whined again kicking me some more. I got up probably looking like a zombie. I grabbed my bags which were luckily right in front of me.

"Sorry about him, we think he's so tired he's hyper." CC said coming up to my side.

"It's alright I guess, I just wish he wasn't so annoying." I said yawning again.

"I'll take those bags from you m'lady." Jinxx said taking my bags and putting them on the trolley thing. 

"Thanks Jinxx." I said yawning for what seemed like the millionth time. 

"We need to get to the hotel." One of the guys in charge said ushering us to the exit of the air port which I must say is all the way across the air port. I groaned and started trudging along. 

"Everyone stay together! That means you to Evelina keep up!" The guy in charge said again. I groaned but stayed walking the same pace. 

I walked this slowly for the next five minutes. Getting yelled at every five seconds to go faster. Of course I didn't listen, I was exhausted and I usually don't walk I ride my skate board. 

"Get on." Andy said from in front of me.

He was kneeling on one knee ready for me to get on his back. I got on and wrapped my arms loosely around his neck. He stood up and gripped my thighs with his hands which may I say are very large. My head was resting on his shoulder near his neck. 

"Thanks." I said quietly letting my lips hit his ear. 

"You were going to slow." He said simply. 

"It was still nice." I said my lips still hitting his ear while I spoke. 

"And you were still going to slow." He joked. I rolled my eyes even though he couldn't see them. 

Andy walked talking to everyone else while I was almost asleep on his back. I was loosely hanging onto him so he was doing most of the work. Ashley had started walking behind us after they noticed I was sort of falling off Andy's back. Ashley was worried I was going to fall off of Andy. 

"So how do you boys like Evelina?" One of the in charge guys asked. 

"She has a beautiful name." Andy said probably thinking I was asleep. 

"She's funny." I heard Jinxx say from somewhere around us. 

"We don't really know much about her." Jake said finally noticing the obvious. 

"Well she graduated High School with high honors and doesn't plan on going to college any time soon since she doesn't have enough money. She went through self harm in Middle School but someone helped her stop. He didn't really elaborate on who all I know is that it was a boy. She's really a very bright girl and has a personality to match. I talked to her Brother before she came, she has kind of a rocky past." John said. I heard his conversation with my brother over the phone. I don't really care that people talk about me and my past issues. They're bound to figure it out sooner or later. 

"There's a reason I did what I did so don't think I just did it to get attention." I said startling everyone. 

"Why did you do it." Andy said quietly turning his head slightly to me to make our conversation more quite.

"People didn't necessarily like me back then. They didn't like they way I dressed, what I liked, or who I am. I didn't really care until I started sitting alone at lunch. I got bullied, it wasn't to my face but I still heard it from other people. I started cutting myself, it was my outlet. I eventually got to High School and found friends that were into the same stuff as I was. I stopped cutting and I haven't since." I explained quietly. He just nodded and turned his attention back to walking and the other guys. 

We walked for another few minutes while I continued to doze off and almost fall off of Andy. He would flip out and yell for someone to catch me waking me up again. Still this is better than walking myself. 

Not So YoursTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang